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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by sixsigma

  1. Thanks for the response, Jim, 

    Clicking on the "Fix it" button provides the following text for me "Your database is currently configured to use single-byte UTF-8 Encoding. Some non-common symbols (such as historical scripts, music symbols and Emoji) require 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding. If you want users to be able to post these symbols, your database needs to be converted." 

    When I use the link it says 

    Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
     The database could not be converted. Contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance.
    Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

    Any suggestions on how should I proceed now?

  2. Hi Stuart,

    I found the instructions within the Admin CP that mention the following:

    "Your database is currently configured to use single-byte UTF-8 encoding. Some uncommon symbols (such as historical scripts, music symbols, and Emoji) require 4-Byte UTF-8 encoding. To allow users to post these symbols, your database needs to be converted."

    Could you please advise on the best way to proceed with making this change?

  3. Hi everyone,

    I've been a dedicated user of Invision Community since 2011, and I've always appreciated how smoothly upgrades have gone in the past.

    However, the recent upgrade to version 4.7.18 has put me in a difficult situation. During the process, I received a message indicating that there are some problems with my database. The system suggests that while it is usually safe to fix these issues automatically, it may be preferable to run the necessary queries manually for larger communities. Unfortunately, the list of queries is extensive—when I copied them into a Word document, it spanned 70 pages.

    I attempted the automatic fix, but it failed. Running all these queries manually seems overwhelming and impractical.

    I'm reaching out to see if anyone here has experienced a similar issue or can provide guidance on how to resolve this efficiently. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Here is a sample of the changes asked for ( 2 pages out of 70)
    Could contain: Text, Page, Letter, Texture

  4. My login settings show only email address as Authentication Type (see image below)

    Could contain: Page, Text


    I am still getting an alert as follows - 

    Display name logins are enabled
    Allowing users to log in with a display name can represent a security weakness for your community because display names are public information and malicious users may attempt to login to multiple accounts with common passwords until they find an account for which the passwords work. It is recommended that you only allow users to log in with their email address.

    Am I missing something? 



  5. Please refer to the image below to see that we have given permission to guests to play, which is the way we want it to be. But, its not working. Is it unusual?

    Screenshot (21).png

  6. Thanks for the prompt response.

    Please note that we have already given access to all the groups including guests to access and play the quiz. Still, guests are not able to play the quiz, however, they are able to view the quiz. Moreover, few of the quizzes can not be played by members as well. 

  7. Hi Adriano,

    I have just started using Quizzes and its great. Thanks for this plugin.

    But I have a problem. I have created some quizzes, given permission to all including guests to play, however following issues are faced-

    1. Guests are not able to access any quiz at all (https://www.benchmarksixsigma.com/forum/quizzes/quiz/3-define/). 

    2. Members are not able to access few of the quizzes as they are automatically logged out when clicking on the quiz link (https://www.benchmarksixsigma.com/forum/quizzes/quiz/11-analyze/).  

    Please check the image also. 

    Can you help me with this?


    Problem with QUIZ.png

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