Reputation Activity
The Jimmo got a reaction from Daniel F in Devfuse Collections on v5I use Collections as the former Garage application on my community and with Michael no longer present for a little while, I have already forked his copy of version 4 due to bugs and other features I needed. With him not going to upgrade it for version 5, I have rewritten it for my own use. I plan to likely make this available in the near future as I finish up testing. I have a converter built to convert Collections to my Garage app as well.
You can contact me if you would like to be an early adopter.
The Jimmo got a reaction from AintNobody in Devfuse Collections on v5Got this ready for release right now:
Taking a few users who have existing data for DevFuse Collections that I can do a test migration with. You will get the migration app for free. Contact me for more.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Matt C. in Devfuse Collections on v5I use Collections as the former Garage application on my community and with Michael no longer present for a little while, I have already forked his copy of version 4 due to bugs and other features I needed. With him not going to upgrade it for version 5, I have rewritten it for my own use. I plan to likely make this available in the near future as I finish up testing. I have a converter built to convert Collections to my Garage app as well.
You can contact me if you would like to be an early adopter.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Eric BXL in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusSorry, believe there is a language barrier here. I am not understanding what you mean.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Amy Pond in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PROIt is. You can see the version compatibilities on the Marketplace listing under compatibility field.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Amy Pond in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PRONo worries. Just wanted to let you know so you don't have to wait on an author to confirm in the future 🙂
The Jimmo got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusThe current release should be compatible with 4.5. However, sometime soon I will be releasing an updated version with some new features/fixes.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Square Wheels in [JIMMO] Member ID in PostYes, there are intentions to update it. Hoping this coming weekend to move through this and a few other quick plugins I have.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Genestoy in [JIMMO] User Join Date in PostYes, there are intentions to update it. Hoping this coming weekend to move through this and a few other quick plugins I have.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Square Wheels in [JIMMO] User Join Date in PostYes, there are intentions to update it. Hoping this coming weekend to move through this and a few other quick plugins I have.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Sonya* in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PROAh, sorry if I misunderstood. Believe I understand what you’re saying now. MailChimp treats email addresses uniquely. We also use commands to add or update email addresses so MailChimp would attempt to update the record on your MailChimp list and if it doesn’t exist, it will add the record. Therefore, you shouldn’t have duplicates.
I use this for my own community and also allow my Facebook and Twitter followers to join manually to our mailing list. We don’t experience any duplicates from users who sign up first outside of our Invision Community then later on do.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Sonya* in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PROThis app will sync registered users only so this is not something offered via my app.
There’s nothing unique we pass to signify this. With that said, you can sync a profile field so you know they’re from your Invision Community. MailChimp also signifies in the profile in MailChimp that the user was added via their API, if that helps any.
We only sync registered users.
They will be changed to unsubscribed in your list as this is an unsubscribe action.
They will be re-subscribed.
The Jimmo got a reaction from DarkClaWz in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusNot a bother. Always welcome to submit ideas/suggestions!
The Jimmo got a reaction from ayman ha in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PROIt does not. MailChimp will help you determine which are invalid but this plugin does not delete users or manage invalid email addresses
The Jimmo got a reaction from ayman ha in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PROThis is for the PRO version of the MailChimp Sync plugin which enables you to sync custom profile fields on registration, email edit and via the ACP.
For more info go to: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/7484-jimmo-mailchimp-sync-pro/
Please post support, comments, suggestions, etc... here.
The Jimmo got a reaction from Magnus Lorvik in [JIMMO] Member ID in PostThank you for reporting this issue. We will work to get it resolved soon
The Jimmo got a reaction from Fifty50 in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PRORenewals will still be issued as the files are available for download, I always suggest asking questions before paying any renewal if you are unsure. Please PM me and we can get you hooked up with the new version seeing as you paid the renewal for the old.
The Jimmo got a reaction from uA_Y_C_A in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusNo update is required for 4.3.
The Jimmo got a reaction from DSystem in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusNo update is required for 4.3.
The Jimmo got a reaction from kindermix in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)
I don't think any of this is related at all to @Woodsman's great tutorial here in this topic... Why he posted here I have no clue and really makes me wonder about the validity of his other claims if he doesn't even know what is going on in this topic....
In order to download skins, you need to click the "Downloads" in the navigation. Then click the version you want in the right-hand column (I am assuming previous versions is what you're looking for), and then click the "Look and Feel" category (or just go here: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/category/137-look-and-feel/)
All of that is very intuitive, describes exactly what you're looking for .
The Jimmo got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusSorry, the November update was only pricing for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. You can inspect the version and release notes for information on changed items or fixed bugs.
The Jimmo reacted to GazzaGarratt in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusGreat to hear as I think when people see how many they are off the top 5, etc they will be encouraged to post a few more considering the default view is on week.
Also, thanks for the insight on the name change. Honestly didn't realise that! Many thanks for getting back to me.
The Jimmo got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in [JIMMO] Top Posters PlusIt is on the list. First is fixing my add-ons that have been broken by the upgrades.
This can be done already. It is just a language string and be edited in ACP -> Customization -> Languages.
The Jimmo got a reaction from crmarks in [JIMMO] User Join Date in PostNot yet. Should be soon once I get a second. Sorry!
The Jimmo got a reaction from Square Wheels in [JIMMO] User Join Date in PostNot yet. Should be soon once I get a second. Sorry!