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Everything posted by Day_

  1. I've just ran an invert tool in Pixelmator on the Mac and it's actually saved me a bunch of CSS overwrites. Uploaded the file if it's any use for anyone looking to take the challenge on.
  2. Nice one, will take a look at doing this, pretty much done now apart from this and embedded content. Although saying that I thought I was almost done several times then something else pops up I've missed.
  3. Sat down this morning, 9am UK time and thought I'm doing a night mode, it's happening. It's now almost 8pm and I'm 98% there. Although I must confess I took a 2hr afternoon nap. It all comes down to this editor toolbar, the image sprite has all kinds of shading on the icons so it's not a simple whack a white layer on the top. 😫 Also I need to figure out how to darken the lazy loading backgrounds whilst loading in as it's bright white, and taking a few screenshots just now I'll probably change the follow button and that's it. Possible but like I said earlier, a real ball ache.
  4. True, but it’s a ball ache creating a dark theme, the editor in particular. I must have started one at least 5 times and gave up as there’s so many areas and pages fearing that by time I finished 5.0 would be released. How many customers don’t feel comfortable using web inspect and creating a custom.css file so end up using the default theme with a logo uploaded? Fair few I would imagine. IPS are really missing a trick not bundling in a Night Mode in the package and using it as a selling point, would it take those that created the templates that long to create one? A day or two maybe, being generous allowing for coffee and toilet breaks. Twitter has by far the best night mode on any site, the dark blue would be a nice alternative to the default IPS white and blue theme.
  5. You're simply the best, better than all the rest, better than anything, anything I ever installed. I'm stuck on your software, I hang on every version you release. Tear us apart. Baby, I would rather be offline.
  6. Yes. I've been doing this for years both online and socially. 😆
  7. I would love to see it work the same way as mobile/tablet, simple link with "Showing topics from all forums", nice, clean, perfect.
  8. Can't just be my forum where members are hitting enter several times to enlarge the editor, which leaves empty paragraphs at the end of posts. It's now officially taken over as my major annoyance with this software, previous being all links should take you to first unread post grrrrr. Anyway, IPS Dev Gods, is there not a way the system can automatically detect and remove these on post submit? Or even reintroduce a editor resize tab in the bottom corner. Please, pretty please.
  9. It's really nothing special to look at like myself, but it's https://dcfcfans.uk . We've been online 9 years yesterday. I've not looked but would imagine our backlink profile is strong through natural sharing, never went in for all those link exchange things. When visiting though please disable your ad blockers unlike Lindy
  10. Mines tripled in the last year, I think Fred is flirting with me. Around 1.3m posts.
  11. I have been using both his plugins now since they were made available. For this month I have 2 ads in between posts with a 65.99% active view viewable, I also have the other plugin with 2 ads between topics with 39.35% active view. Compare that to the header which is just using a custom key in the index, forum display and topic templates, no plugins 47.44%.
  12. Wow wow wow, you're a superstar, works a treat!! Many many thanks, if this could be included in the next plugin update to save template edits that would be super awesome.
  13. @newbie LAC I've seen the thread with you talk through the code to exclude if on a certain page Is it possible to add a setting to this plugin so only ads after X posts are shown if it is in X forum? would be a nice addition to your other plugin ads after x topics. I'm using both this and your ads after x topics plugin, to keep Google happy I'm trying to remove all ads from one board so I can make it private. If I add {{if ( \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'forums' AND isset( \IPS\Request::i()->id ) AND ! in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->id, array( 9 ) ) ) }} {{endif}} Around the custom ad key for the header ads in forumDisplay and into your nbAdsAfterXTopics template it works fine, ads show in all but this one board. But if I add it in to the topic template and nbAdsAfterXPosts it removes ads from posts within all boards.
  14. Something strange is happening, I changed the custom location name, and the one after 8th post showed up but not after the first. I disabled the plugin and they both appeared, enabled the plugin again and they both stayed. I'm not touching it anymore!
  15. Tried that just now as I had to download and reinstall again to take those screenshots
  16. Doesn't seem to be working anymore on 4.1.3, was fine on 4.1.0
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