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Everything posted by Day_

  1. Weird, for me and the members that have reported it all say it's now fixed 🤨
  2. In your custom.css add #ipsEmbed {overflow: hidden;} This fixed the issue for me until they roll out a maintenance release
  3. Can you try again now? Had another issue with our Quantcast cookie message, was blocking Adsense as well as I'm guessing you.
  4. Just embedded a large tweet, then a post with the same tweet twice and it's still the same vertical scrollbar that let's you move the tweet 20px or so. Nowhere near as bad as it is in pages in the OP, but still a minor ugh.
  5. https://dcfcfans.uk/topic/39922-championship-2223-season/ https://dcfcfans.uk/topic/39915-haydon-roberts/?do=findComment&comment=2374598 These are only small tweets, but it will let you move them slightly with a scroll bar. It's only posts since 4.7
  6. We're also having an issue with scrollbars shown on embedded tweets, only in posts made after the upgrade to 4.7 Didn't disable lazy load or rebuild posts or anything on our site. Not sure if you want this in a new topic or something, don't want to hijack this topic but it's kinda the same issue.
  7. Hidden Posts When a post is hidden by a moderator, the member that created the post should still be able to see the hidden post (in pink) and reason why it was hidden. Notification When a post is hidden, the member should also receive a notification that their post has been hidden, linking to the post which will show the reason why. But why? 1) It eliminates the confusion, did I post that or not, I’m sure I did but where’s it gone? Now if the member repeat posts I have grounds to slap them with a warning to obey my authority. 2) I can’t expect moderators to engage privately with members over every hidden post, no member ever likes to be censored and would tie the moderators up in a back and forth but why not that or this type of conversation. Further Suggestion With the above, allow the option to keep the moderator anonymous to the member. Also an option to require a reason when hiding so the moderator cannot leave it blank. Great suggestion? I thought so too.
  8. Wasn't expecting support as such, more of a is it a known compatibility issue and have other clients had the same that's all. Which is why I said, not sure if this is posted in the right area.
  9. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but has anyone successfully activated the GDPR cookie consent from Adsense? When I added it, on every page load it would continue to ask members to consent even after they had already consented. Was basically unusable. Posted on the Adsense forum but 0 replies, wasn't sure if it's some kind of compatibility issue with this forum software or not?
  10. This is why you’re my favourite. Thank you Marc!
  11. Is this working as intended then, doesn’t make much sense if it is. I changed the “Top Posters” wording on my site as members kicked off saying quantity does not = quality, so went with most active. If it was top posters, surely it would be better going in order rather than member ID 🤔
  12. Sorted, should be good to go now. I look forward to you assisting me further 🙂
  13. Sure. https://dcfcfans.uk/topic/38855-the-administration-thread/#comments This is the topic in the first screenshot example One more where its all over the place. https://dcfcfans.uk/topic/37392-wayne-rooney/
  14. Shouldn't they be in order? 1439, 967, 862, 852 9, 7, 4, 4 Seems rather random if you ask me.
  15. Day_

    Topic Summary

    We have changed "Top posters in this topic" to "Most active in this topic" as that is more accurate. Quantity doesn't = quality. My suggestion would be Top posters in this topic should be the most reaction points within the topic.
  16. Would be nice if the column sizes could be adjusted so that profile pictures can be seen on the homepage and topic listing pages. Space could be taken from the board title/description and topic title sections. Tried to play around with the CSS but ended up butchering everything. Just adds that bit of extra colour, brightens things up.
  17. I think IPS could easily release an official night mode with a toggle without taking sales away from theme designers. Let's be honest it's long overdue and been requested by so many yet constantly dismissed/ignored. Theme designers in general offer something different, outside the box, not just a basic colour change which is all we're asking for by those that run fairly default themes. We're all up against social media, the big 3, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, one thing they all have in common is an available night mode. All of which I personally have, along with the iOS MacOS dark mode. It can be jarring to the eyes spending time on Twitter to then come on this forum. Come on IPS, it's time, let's get this done, you can't tell me that none of developers don't use night mode on other sites they visit and know the benefits. This request will never just stop, the more licences you sell, the more this will come up.
  18. So would you recommend that we place a banner for guests that says: Links work as they used to if you sign up and login, so sign up today!
  19. I have just updated, works as intended when logged in, but for guests it goes to the first page in the topic again.
  20. And inside this forum. We used to have it, then the search was given a makeover which moved these options in to a drop down menu that is not shown on mobile, a valuable feature for mobile users and one that's difficult to explain to why it's been removed, which was a long time ago now but still frustrating today.
  21. Just going to throw this in here, not sure if there are other referenced elsewhere in the software, but I'm not using the achievements on my forum, don't see the benefit. When issuing a warning is asks if you would like to deduct achievement points, which raised questions from my mods as to what they were. Not entirely sure why you would even want to deduct points if I'm honest, bit of a weird "punishment"
  22. Am I being dumb here, not seeing where that is? Ok, weirdly if I create a new profile field I can choose the formatting, but just not in the member titles which were converted across into member titles. Frustrating
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