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    Sonya* reacted to TAMAN in mdPanel - Material Design IPS Theme [ support topic ]   
    Yes and yes but this requires template edits and i do not provide support for that as it breaks theme updating.
    I  provide support for small customizations and mainly css modification only 🙂
  2. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Jirinex in NOFOLLOW Changes   
    Totally agree! We have advertisers which they do not want a nofollow link and there's not an easy way to change that, especially for not admin users.
  3. Like
    Sonya* reacted to CheersnGears in News Sitemap (Support Topic)   
    You need to get accepted into Google News Publishing first.  I HIGHLY recommend researching everything you need to do to get accepted before you submit your site to them.  Probably a good idea to read this forum first.  https://support.google.com/news/publisher-center/threads?hl=en&thread_filter=(category:inclusion_advice)
  4. Like
    Sonya* reacted to GTServices in NOFOLLOW Changes   
    I agree, the NOFOLLOW on everything will still work but it doesn't help Google better understand and process links on my site as well as sites pointing to my site. Eventually, Google will make the proposed changes a requirement or drop it altogether.
    Google makes changes gradually. 
    Plus, it doesn't hurt to give admins some control over this. Currently, it's either NOFOLLOW or nothing. (Just make the current option a dropdown.)
    Let us decide.
  5. Thanks
    Sonya* got a reaction from InvisionHQ in Members Age   
    Same here. The field is displayed twice on the profile page. In the About <User> block and then in the block where custom profile fields are organized, e. g. Personal Information. There is just a wrong selector in the plugin. There are two blocks with different data-location attribute:

    Can you please update this, so that the field is displayed in only one block? Thank you!
  6. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to TAMAN in mdPanel - Material Design IPS Theme [ support topic ]   
    I was sad now I'm happy 😃
    Thank you for checking it out!
  7. Like
    Sonya* reacted to GTServices in NOFOLLOW Changes   
    In new version, you may want to consider adding the new NOFOLLOW options. 
    Leave it up to the admins to decide how to use NOFOLLOW.
      You can read more about here... Evolving “nofollow” – new ways to identify the nature of links Qualify your outbound links to Google
  8. Like
    Sonya* reacted to TAMAN in mdPanel - Material Design IPS Theme [ support topic ]   
    Probably yes as Im using the same methods to save cookies 😄 i will check it out later 
  9. Sad
    Sonya* reacted to Cyboman in Members Age   
    It's showing up after quite a time, probably due to a background task.
    But if you use different profile categories (=profile fields sorted into categories), the "age" shows in each section in the member profiles. If you have more than one profile field categories, you will see it multiple times on the members profiles pages.
  10. Like
    Sonya* reacted to riko in Permission by group club settings   
    I would love to see more, by group preferably, permission settings for clubs. I would like to be more in control of which group can do what in clubs.
    - Can view content in clubs Y/N
    - Upload images in clubs Y/N
    and the like.
    This I feel is currently missing, given all the other great permission setting I can use elsewhere in the forum software.

    Cheers and have a great 2020!
  11. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Adriano Faria in Downloads - Two Buttons once Purchased.   
    There are files that are entitled to be used in one install only. This button gives the opportunity to the user Buy another copy of the file. 
    I don’t remember any setting to remove that button. 
  12. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Dexter_X in Hide User Names from Guests (Support Topic)   
    I like the idea. However I would like to exclude user groups (and not only members) in the settings. Like excluding experts (not per user basis, but per group), who would like to see their full names to get more publicity. Or applying the setting only to paid user groups, like VIP users paying for their privacy 😉 
  13. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from Mark H in 'tasks' on -TESTINSTALL installation   
  14. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to Mark in 'tasks' on -TESTINSTALL installation   
    Just to note on the test gateways one: some providers (off the top of my head, I think Stripe is the only one) don't use that constant but give you different keys for test/live environments.
    Those two (emails and gateways) are the big ones, but there are probably quite a few others. For example, every now and again we get people who have managed to block themselves in our Spam Defense service by registering several accounts on a test site. Really you should avoid using any live data (like real people's emails) and disable all integrations with external sites/services on a test install.
  15. Like
    Sonya* reacted to loquat in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    We use a mail server running mailinabox to send email notifications. Just wondering if you can integrate with plain old SMTP bounce messages too?
  16. Like
    Sonya* reacted to loquat in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    That sounds very good. If you can build this handler into the plugin, that will be tremendously helpful. The admin can just configure regex filters to fish out the bounce logs.
    Emails are a great way to keep members engaged. So we send lots of them to the point where using SendGrid / SES does not make economic sense (huge bills) .
    So... if your plugin can work with SMTP and IMAP, I would definitely subscribe.
  17. Thanks
    Sonya* got a reaction from SJ77 in Gift Cards per PM or for another member   
    I would like to have an option to send a gift card per PM or for an other member. Some of our users would buy a gift card for other users on our site. But they cannot see the email of the user. In this case it would be nice, if they just could select a member name and the gift card is sent per PM or email to the selected user. At the moment they have to ask for email.
  18. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from Noble~ in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
  19. Sad
    Sonya* reacted to TAMAN in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    a custom output is not possible unforuntly.
    but you can already output a pages database feed block in footer.
  20. Like
    Sonya* reacted to bfarber in Q&A and Best Answer Schema from Google -- for forums   
    Yeah, I mean the reality is Google will just get the info from a different site if you don't supply it. Your strategy isn't going to help your site overall.
    I, for one, will say that while I browse the snippets Google shows like anyone else, I almost always also click into the site if the information seems relevant. The short snippet in a search result is rarely enough to answer whatever it is I'm searching for.
  21. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from crmarks in Photo Competition (Support Topic)   
    There is a small "bug" in the sidebar widget on customized theme. We use the same color for widget title background and links in our theme. In YOUR widget the title of the widget is clickable, it is a link to photo competition. And due to our theme color settings we cannot see the title of the widget.
    It is also very unusual to have the title of the widget to be a link at the same time. I would like consistency and would delete a link from the title, removing it at the same time to the body of the widget.
  22. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Fast Lane! in Q&A and Best Answer Schema from Google -- for forums   
    I'll state the obvious. We can complain (Google doesn't care) and get less visibility or jump on board.  If you don't rank on the rich snippets then you are even farther down the page with less clicks. I'm pragmatic.
    You will note that the URL is in plan site below the snippets which are only partial info.  It's not that bad. 
  23. Like
    Sonya* reacted to shahed in Pages in Clubs?   
    I have a really old suggestion about this. I mean it shouldn't be any different with how we handle adding Forums, Files, Gallery, etc to clubs. When you Open a Forum section within a club, it's not like create a whole new forum setup. or gallery or files sections for that matter. It's act like create a new "Category" from those app in clubs.
    For Pages, thinking about giving all those insane Pages app features like template management, fields ... to the hand of normal users... it's really disturbing. I think the best option is to Assign one Page's Database as a dedicated criteria, for Whole Club things. like when a user want to create an Article section for a club, it's simply create a new "Category" from that dedicated Page's Database. with this, all ACP functions remain in the hands of admin, while normal users can just create a category with settings like "Name" and "Description" and possibly, "FURL Slug"? more? I don't know just an idea.
  24. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to bfarber in Q&A and Best Answer Schema from Google -- for forums   
    Thanks for pointing that out, I've raised this internally for discussion.
  25. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to TheJackal84 in Club Categories ( Support Topic )   
    Will be fixed today I am updating as we speak
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