@Marc This is about the auto-complete field when you're creating a new PM.
The member search when you type a name loads banned accounts:
The member you see above is permanently banned. The problem is the code in applications/core/modules/front/system/ajax.php that doesn't skip banned members when loading the results:
* Find Member
* @return void
public function findMember()
$results = array();
$input = str_replace( array( '%', '_' ), array( '\%', '\_' ), mb_strtolower( \IPS\Request::i()->input ) );
$where = array( "name LIKE CONCAT(?, '%')" );
$binds = array( $input );
if ( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation === 'admin' OR ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_see_emails') AND \IPS\Request::i()->type == 'mod' ) )
$where[] = "email LIKE CONCAT(?, '%')";
$binds[] = $input;
if ( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation === 'admin' )
if ( \is_numeric( \IPS\Request::i()->input ) )
$where[] = "member_id=?";
$binds[] = \intval( \IPS\Request::i()->input );
/* Build the array item for this member after constructing a record */
/* The value should be just the name so that it's inserted into the input properly, but for display, we wrap it in the group *fix */
foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_members', array_merge( array( implode( ' OR ', $where ) ), $binds ), 'LENGTH(name) ASC', array( 0, 20 ) ) as $row )
The code should be updated to skip banned members unless you're an admin/moderator maybe? Admins could still need banned members to show up when doing something in ACP, etc.