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Posts posted by teraßyte

  1. 3 hours ago, Matt said:

    We're aware of the delay that affects Safari desktop, Chromium browsers seem fine. We are working on this. It looks to be a rendering issue with Safari as the content loads, but it just takes an age to style it.

    Nope. Chrome in Windows here (v133). I see a delay of 6+ seconds opening the Emoji & Icons menu.

  2. This is the default conf_global for a fresh 4.7 install:

    $INFO = array (
      'sql_host' => 'localhost',
      'sql_database' => '12345678',
      'sql_user' => '12345678',
      'sql_pass' => '12345678@',
      'sql_tbl_prefix' => '12345678',
      'sql_utf8mb4' => true,
      'board_start' => 12345678,
      'installed' => true,
      'base_url' => 'https://12345678.com/',
      'guest_group' => 2,
      'member_group' => 3,
      'admin_group' => 4,

    I used your same values for the entries so you can compare.

  3. This is the code I use in one of my apps, I've adjusted it to use the values you posted above:

    	 * Additional CSS files to load
    	 * @return array<string|Url>
    	public function css(): array
    		$cssFiles = [];
    		# Only add to the frontend, and for a specific app
    		if ( \IPS\Dispatcher::checkLocation( 'front', 'galleryai' ) )
    			$cssFiles[] = \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'custom.css', 'galleryai', 'front' );
    		return $cssFiles;

    This will only add the CSS file inside the galleryai app pages. If you want it inside another application, for example, gallery, you must change the IF check to:

    if ( \IPS\Dispatcher::checkLocation( 'front', 'gallery' ) )

    And so on.

    You can also further specify a module and controller value in the checkLocation() call.

  4. ·

    Edited by teraßyte

    When a file is moved to S3, the local copy is deleted from the /uploads folder on your server at the end of the move. If you still have files there, they were not in the file storage you moved to S3.

    As for files still pointing to /uploads, those links were most likely manually copied/pasted into the editor/posts. Their URLs won't automatically update to the new location. You'd need to manually edit the posts or run a custom script to fix the links.

  5. ·

    Edited by teraßyte

    Oddly enough, there is no way to disable it. The helpful button will always show as long a you're logged in, the post is not archived, and you're not the author. 🤷‍♂️


    Try adding this custom CSS to hide the button:

    li.ipsEntry__controls__helpful {
        display: none;