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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. Hey @TheJackal84, AM going to update to 4.4 this weekend, but noticed that I still can't drag personal sticky notes in 2.2.5 (a while back I raised this issue and you mentioned that global SN are draggable but personal SNs aren't). Has this been changed for the 4.4 version? Thanks!
  2. If memory serves me correctly, @Rikki made a free Dark Invision theme some time ago. Not sure if it's still being maintained though.
  3. Ok, so I just created a subcategory under a main category. Admin has all permissions for both the main category and subcategory. However, I (Admin) am unable to submit anything to the subcategory from the website - when I click the Add Video button, the subcategory is listed but it's ghosted out and I can't select it. I can select it in the following screen where you type in description and main details, but for some reason not on the initial screen.
  4. I second this. I already use Clubs to host academic reading and research groups, but pages would go a long way toward monetising Clubs for online courses. <gratuitous promo> @Adriano Faria is also working closely with some of us on an Invision LMS platform, which may be able to make even better use of Pages in Clubs.</gratuitous promo>
  5. One thing that comes to mind off the bat is something which many websites (let alone Clubs) lack - and that is a comprehensive About page. Personally, I find it annoying when I visit a site only to find that there is no page or section which clearly describes what the site is about or what it aims to do (what community it seeks to foster, what hobby/hobbies it focuses on, etc). I take the point that Pages is a formidable app with access and knowledge requirements above most average users, but perhaps a somewhat simpler interface is possible - as mentioned, something like Articles where pages can be added to a simple menu system. But apropos of my previous point, the ability to include widgets and feeds on these pages is something that would have a lot of potential for any Club. Clubs Enhancements has a "Home Page" option, and it's useful, but if you want to sex up your Club and make it more appealing something else is needed. Not to mention that the more relevant content a Club has in pages (and elsewhere), the greater its potential visibility to search engines.
  6. I'd love to have this too, as it would allow me to get out from underneath Collabs, the author of which seems to no longer care about anything concerned with the product.
  7. @Koper74 I agree - Clubs should be expanded to include Pages and everything else required to allow clubs to be "sub-sites" from the existing site if required. Right now, Clubs forums and blogs can;'t even be included in feed widgets, which is pretty lacking IMHO.
  8. Works great but there's a small formatting issue with full names in the default "Who's Online" widget:
  9. Not sure if this has already been pointed out (I thought maybe it had been, but perhaps IPS' terrible Search function won't help me find it), but in the Activity tab of the member Profile page there is a reference to an undefined language string, i.e., "X commented on Y's __defart_videos in Music".
  10. Hey Mike, I know this is the worst time of year to ask about this, but I was wondering if the fix has been written? I'm happy to try out a patch. (Sorry for not getting to this sooner - work has been crazy)
  11. I realise this isn't exactly what you're talking about, but I currently use Kevin Carwile's Rules application to redirect sign-ins to group-specific splash pages with customised feed blocks and information. This is good to know since, well, the vast, vast majority of servers and setups are PHP/mySQL. 🙂
  12. It's a language key I saw by clicking the Translate button, if that helps. I'm having technical difficulties and can't get into my adminCP right now so that's all I can tell you.
  13. I don't know - I haven't come across that key yet in practice; I just noticed this when I was editing a different key in Invites. The dasdasf etc. was the default value so I thought I'd bring it to your attention. So far it doesn't affect any operations. ALthough perhaps I should ask what this is meant to display so I could add something..?
  14. This is what I see under the Blogs tab: ("Spaces" is my rendering of Clubs) I have several Blogs and entries, so I assume they should be showing up somehow? The Entries field underneath this window is blank as well.
  15. Ok...so can you give me some direction as to how I would configure things so that new members automatically follow, say, a Site News & Information Blog since there are no Blog categories (yet??!)?
  16. Hey @Adriano Faria...thanks for another great app! Looks promising, except that no Blogs or Clubs show up in my drop-down menu. I'm also wondering why Blogs and Clubs are both included under the Blogs tab...? I also notice that the Follow options for the LMS are currently limited to Modules...shouldn't there be first and foremost the option to follow courses? Thanks!
  17. Everything works now....Adriano was right; I had neglected to set the proper View Topics access for guests. Thanks @Adriano Faria!
  18. Ok, so I'm using the most recent version (2.1.1) and when I create a password-protected topic which a guest tries to access (on a different IP), I get a "Sorry, we couldn't process your request" EX0 error with the following in the System Log: OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /XXX/public_html/init.php(460) : eval()'d code(14): IPS\_Content::loadAndCheckPerms('374') #1 /XXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\hook1743->manage() #2 /XXX/public_html/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /XXX/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #4 /XXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute() #5 /XXX/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main} This also happens when I log into a test account and try to access the same topic. In fact, now I'm getting a lot of these errors for various pages, 99% of them existing before I installed the Password Protected Topic plugin. And when I disable the PPT plugin, the topic is still there but I get an entirely different error when I try to access it (2s136V, no permission). I'm sure the error codes don't help (Invision once said that even they don't have an in-house manual for them!), but thought I'd include them anyway.
  19. Please and thank you...far less useful to me if this option is missing. 🙏🙂
  20. Hi @TAMAN, I was just about to update from 1.0.6 when I read this: Does this mean we can no longer specify individual pages the Slider displays on? I hope this isn't gone, since this is the reason I bought it in the first place!
  21. So just to be sure before I purchase this...this update allows you to create multiple widgets with different content for different pages and not just "re-use" the same widget on different pages?
  22. Hi...this looks really interesting! But I wanted to know if it's possible to create more than one upcoming events widget, as in different widgets for different pages?
  23. Ahh, found one very small detail: my slider comes up fine, but the Manage Slider wheel in the top-right corner has an undefined language string (fcontent_manageslider). Thanks again for a great app!
  24. @onlyME thanks for the quick reply. Everything's fine - I had configured everything correctly, but I think I had to completely reload the page or clear the cache in order for the widget's Add option to appear. Everything's working now. Thanks! 🙏
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