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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. The fields should actually be checking for this... It looks like it has since been fixed but can you check if the video type was perhaps changed after adding the video? If that's the case, I should be able to put in some further checks to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  2. When you edit that video, what does it say for the "video type" field? By looking at the browser source code, it looks like you've got a youtube url being loaded into a html5 "video" object. <video id="video535" width="100%" preload controls> <source src="https://youtu.be/nbNjxZ7HxTU" /> </video>
  3. No problem and I'm glad you got it fixed. This is a confirmed bug and will be fixed in the next update.
  4. If you open your acp > theme editor > donate > front > widgets > donateDonate. Find and remove <div id='elDonateBox' class='ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical ipsBox'> Find and remove (very last instance only) </div> Save. Let me know if that looks better.
  5. That's a little more complicated but is noted for a future major version.
  6. Yes that's correct. Each item is associated with a members account and unique. My understanding is you want to setup a "database" of items and then members can select they have that item. So it's probably not going to work as needed.
  7. No immediate or medium term plans. My priority would be Commerce integration first. But not ruling out this for the longer term.
  8. That's a pretty detailed demo compared to a fresh install but if you still wanted to see the admin area as well, let me know and can set one up.
  9. That's a confirmed bug and will be fixed next update. I've noted this and will see about including a setting to use the different message styles. Once I found a suitable fix in the auto welcome app, will be copied across to this app. Would something like this work? That's using IPB4 own internal horizontal form class and is a relative easy addition I can provide. Good idea, will include next update. When the form app creates a new topic upon form submission? Or a custom field as part of the form your creating?
  10. PM sent with something you can try.
  11. I've only been asked once about this but if there is enough interest in this, shouldn't be a problem adding a quick setting. Do you have ftp access to your IPB files? If so, I can give you a patch to add this now. I've been asked about this a few times now and I'll need to add this as an option.
  12. I agree. Logged this so included in next update.
  13. Not seeing any obvious issues in the latest IPB that might be causing this but thank you for the further information. If you or anyone is available for testing, particular with social media registrations. Please let me know. Otherwise this will be patched in the next update.
  14. Thanks, should have a reply up over the weekend.
  15. If you open your admin cp > theme editor > videos > front > view > view. Find and change: <div class='ipsSpacer_top ipsType_normal ipsType_richText' data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size='4 lines' data-ipsTruncate-type='hide'> Let me know if you need help applying it.
  16. It appears to be a locally based issue with their site as I haven't gotten any other similar reports of this problem.
  17. Can you try posting again to see if there was an issue with Youtube at the time? If your still able to reproduce this, can you send me a screenshot of your Video app settings so I can being to reproduce this? My first initial test didn't seem to have any problems with the Videos app generating the embed player or playing this video. Will have a reply up shortly to your PM. The last time I saw this particular issue, the video author field wasn't upgraded properly and so the app just saw every video as one posted by 0 = guest.
  18. Just replied to your PM. It's not a supported feature but I can provide a patch for the later if you have ftp access to your files? My best estimate would be early 2018. I just don't have the time this close to the holidays but the first 1-2 months of the year is extremely likely. Definitely take your point though and think a lot of it's quite fair. But I would say a few things in my defense. Firstly the whole IPB4 upgrade process took a lot more time then I expected, especially with IPB 4.1 and then 4.2 soon after requiring compatibility updates. My focus kinda has to be on bug fixes and continuous updates for IPB 4.x for the 40 odd plugins and apps I have before I start work on new points features. I needed to get that level of stability I had with the IPB 3 series before I could start on new features again. Secondly, this app was always about long term support and not making a jammed pack points app like previous apps. I choose the name "Basic Points" and priced it lower then most of my apps for this reason. That's why it will be updated when IPB 4.3 breaks something and why it will be updated when IPB 5 comes along. And not a boom and bust approach where an app was built and then abandoned. But I do admit there are a few key features like Commerce support and a few other things that have been suggested that are crucial and should be part of that long term support ASAP.
  19. Could you provide a copy of the attachment link that's being added to the topic? Feel free to PM me if a private forum.
  20. What do you have set for the "Validation method for new accounts" setting in IPB?
  21. PM Sent. Let me know if you have any issues with it.
  22. Do you have ftp access to your IPB files? If so, I should be able to provide instructions to modify this before the next version.
  23. Are you using the main global hook or widgets? The later is a lot better suited for placing the messages in different locations other then the forum. I would like to help install this if needed. If you can PM me your admin details and an example of a few locations you would like to see messages placed in, I can setup a few examples.
  24. Not really old versions but let me know if it does make a difference. I'd tend to avoid manually messing with the settings database but if your open to a little bit of testing, I can give you some queries to manually add a few auto welcome settings just to see how that goes. Other then that, I would probably need board access to troubleshoot this and monitor exactly what's happening in the install routine. I assume you haven't had any other issues with other apps that might add settings?
  25. Just replied to your PM. Going to need to troubleshoot this further as the gateway url should be open.
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