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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. This plugin has been updated with the following change log.
  2. This was updated with the following change log.
  3. Are you getting some kind of error or just not seeing the feature? Edit: I think your talking about the acp member form? If so, that's not currently supported but have added a note to add it into the very next version.
  4. Do you have ftp access to your files or are you cloud hosted? I've actually got some previously used code to add "thumbnail" support to the existing rebuild feature. Which should make it into the next version but can provide a patch sooner if you can modify your files.
  5. In what location in the News app? All locations should utilize what ever IPB4 sets up. Which generally detects where a user is from and then displays the relevant format to them.
  6. IPB or Videos update? Any errors or screenshots to better describe the upload issue?
  7. Yep. Basic club support was added as part of the Videos update for IPB 4.2. So make sure your using v3.2.0 or later and you should see the "Videos" tab in the clubs section.
  8. 2.4.9 = IPB 4.1.x 2.5.0 = IPB 4.2.x Let me know if you had any more questions.
  9. Replying to your PM now.
  10. The main problem is that a lot of the app was built around unique items for each member, changing that will require some work. Does the "items database" feature offer any work around for you here? It might be able to store all the computer parts for example and then members can just add any part to their list? I can setup a demo if you would like to better illustrate this?
  11. Could you please take a screenshot of what the email setting itself looks like? Have you made any changes there?
  12. This is currently a confirmed bug. I'm working through mod updates now and should have a fix for this soon.
  13. Could you PM me an overview of your forms fields and what kind of formula you needed?
  14. Simple enough, I've noted this and it will be included in the next update.
  15. PM Sent.
  16. The first one would probably be the one that I could provide a solution for. You could have two text input fields called field 1 and 2. A member would enter and submit 5 and 5 in the respective fields and the form could combine those values to display 10. i.e. a basic math operation between the values of the fields submitted.
  17. Points are currently stored in the "member_points" field in the "core_members" database table. Assuming IPS don't add or change the field prefix there, should be keeping it the same for a while.
  18. As in displaying the team selection in the edit member form in the acp? Or did you mean a separate page for listing teams and their fans?
  19. A math operation between multiple fields you've already got setup or a completely new type of custom to handle this? I'd need a copy of this app to check over and see what the issue was. It might be possible to patch any issue on my end and just include the fix in the next version rather then the need to commission any custom work.
  20. Not without a new version unfortunately. If you could PM me reminding about this first thing next week, I'll see about putting together an update for you to upload in the acp.
  21. Can you post a screenshot of your Points settings so I can confirm exactly your setup and will do some further testing.
  22. I've sent a PM with instructions to manually upgrade and also see what might be wrong with Phar.
  23. If you open your themes css tab and search for the "ipsStepBar" css class. That controls the top two steps of the donate page and I assume are not customized in the theme. Let me know if you need further help. At this stage, only through the "donate_changes" database itself. But edit/delete functions aren't difficult and will note for a future release.
  24. First obvious thing to rule out is that your definitely uploading the form.tar file and not the zip you downloaded? Secondly the error code seems to suggest an issue with the PHP Phar extension. Can you check with your host that it's enabled and working? Worse case if your host doesn't support Phar, I can always give you instructions to manually upgrade an app via ftp. I assume by the above that your not hosted by IPS and have ftp access to your files? If so, I can give you an error to patch the above bug until the next version is out.
  25. I've confirmed this as a bug. If you have ftp access to your files, I might be able to provide a temporary patch you can try out.
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