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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. Not tested yet but there shouldn't be any problems with this particular plugin.
  2. Not tested yet but there shouldn't be any problems with this particular plugin.
  3. I've recently added rss import support to another app of mine, so copying that across to the News app. Shouldn't be a problem. I can't give an estimate yet, as I'm still in the middle of a few mod upgrades.
  4. I'll need either a copy of the theme or login details for an account that can access this theme? Should just be able to adapt the hooks in the Messages app to also support this theme as well.
  5. Thank you, my apologies. Disabling the sort options was intended but obviously it's causing issues because the sort by is checked against the sort options array. My tested was done via the date the video was added, so never noticed the sort not being applied. Logged this as a bug report and will be fixed next release.
  6. Yep should be good to upgrade as is. But there are a few new minor bugs reported that exist in both 4.2 and 4.3 that will be fixed in an upcoming version.
  7. There shouldn't be any major issues with the upgrade. But I will still be coming out with an update in the coming weeks that confirms this and also includes some new features I've been working on.
  8. I've only done preliminary testing but yes you should be okay to upgrade. I am coming out with Forms v1.3 soon as well, which will confirm compatibility and add a few new features.
  9. Can you point me to the code your talking about? The default sort for the "trending" tab should be. $table->sortBy = 'video_trending_views'; $table->sortDirection = 'desc';
  10. If you click the "Manage Blocks" on the left hand side of your screen. You'll be able to remove any Donations widgets from the Donations homepage.
  11. Provided IPB 4.3 doesn't force my hand, I might have this included in a release I'm working on now.
  12. Thank you. ? If you can just remind me in a few days, it shouldn't be much longer. Yeah it seems there is still ways to get a feed through that method. Will see how that goes and if I need to, I can just expand the import code to support the Youtube API itself.
  13. Michael.J


    The "set as default app" when viewing your applications in the acp is the correct method. But that won't change the link the "Forums" tab uses in the front end. In that case, I would recommend adding a new "Home" tab that just links to your forums homepage. Let me know if you need further help doing that.
  14. Yeah that will force a goal open and will see about making that clearer in the descriptions for that field.
  15. Through the form/field relationship but not through fields themselves if I understand you correctly. i.e. Selecting a dropdown option in one field then hides/show other custom fields. This is in planning though and will be added into a future build.
  16. v3.3.1 will fix several bugs from the new version except for the furl issue you had. Still working on that and shouldn't be too far behind.
  17. Videos v3.3 has been released and is the first of my major apps to receive new feature updates this year. I added several of the most popular requested suggestions including: Per category custom field support. Quick add video support. Video.JS support for uploaded videos. Improved front end design new trending, followed, discover and featured tabs .Including pagination and sorting. RSS import support for videos. IP.Board 4.3.x compatibility update. If you have any suggestions for future versions, please let me know.
  18. New update for Collections app. Change log below.
  19. Both suggestions noted. I'm in the middle of a few updates now but the Messages app won't be too far behind.
  20. Your post/topic settings, status update settings and a screenshot of how it looks like when posted please.
  21. Could you PM me acp login details to troubleshoot this further? If you are using cronjobs, that should rule out low board activity not trigger the tasks on time.
  22. The alert itself should be checking if it's enabled regardless of whether it's a normal or social media signup. There's no chance your getting the internal email that IPB4 sends itself for new signups? Can you send me a screenshot of your settings and will try and reproduce when I get a chance to look into IPB 4.3 in more detail. Not currently and would need bit of an overhaul of the app to send out alerts in that way. I'd like to see quite a bit of interest from users before making a big change like that.
  23. What is the exact error their getting? If you enable https on your site, the Donations apps own links will then change to utilize ssl support. I need a bit more info for this one as nothing comes to mind... Are you running your tasks via a cron job or by forum activity? Is your task logs saying the Donations task ran at all? See acp > system tab > advanced configuration > view tasks.
  24. Michael.J


    If you open your acp > theme editor > portal > front > browse > topicRow Find and change all instances of ipsType_medium to ipsType_large Save. That will use larger text for the post text. How about making the "# Views" text a link? I believe the typical approach by IPB4 itself is to link to the last unread comment. I should get around to updating or confirming compatibility for all my apps and plugins within a few weeks time.
  25. I didn't get around to adding that this version but it should be added in the very next release. Just to confirm was this the email notification of personal messages or the email welcome alert itself? The later really shouldn't of been changed this release.
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