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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. Just to rule it out, where can I find the patch files?
  2. No not currently but will note for a future version.
  3. It batches them into 25 topics at a time and the task runs every 30 mins assuming you've got board activity all the time or your running your tasks via cron. So it will take several days to work through 10,000 topics. If you need it, I can give instructions to temporarily increase that limit if your server can handle it.
  4. The Auto Welcome app has been updated with a new "Time Delay" feature, allowing welcome alerts to be sent after a specified period.
  5. If you open acp > theme editor > donate > front > widgets > donateGoals. Find and replace both instances of: <span style='width: with something like this <span style='background-color: #00a8c6; width: Save.
  6. If you've got no unapproved members in that table, it won't add a "put on hold" option. Add a new member that is validating and you should see the option appear for that member.
  7. I've noted this and might put a backup in place if the setting is empty.
  8. Possibly but will need to test further. I assume both of you were using cron jobs? What type of alerts are you currently sending? Do you have a status sender value setup?
  9. I assume it's the case but just wanted to confirm but this was just an upgrade from v3.3.2 and not a fresh install? (Just trying to track down at what stage extensions were lost) My best theory would be the browse didn't trigger the modal popup for that option. But there should be a backup page reload that shows the ok/cancel confirmation as well. Did that happen at all? Just a custom modification that groups the categories into "groups". So enter "test" in that value and those sidebar categories will only appear from a /videos/?group=test url.
  10. A donation will appear in a goal if assigned to it and regardless of the time range of the goal itself. So for example if you move across a June donation into a July goal with a 1st July start date, it will still show. In this case, I would suggest using the "donation reset" so that only donations made after 1st July appear and are counted. Can you screenshot which one your referring to please?
  11. Plugin settings or something else? If you check the screenshots on the product page, it's only add a "put validation on hold" menu item and filter for the table as well.
  12. That's a confirmed bug and will be fixed next release. In the meantime, if you disable redeem through the group permissions it will follow what you set. There's permissions for who can view points but not receive. I opted to utilize the existing account credit for simplicity sake rather then setting up an entire new payment option that reproduced account credits. It also allowed some moderation if needed for the actual redeeming as well. Let me know if there are any improvements that could be made to do what you want. You mentioned the risk of members stockpiling points, have you considered using the points reset feature as a means to combat that? That way active members build up points and redeem them before every reset but can't stockpile them. Or some kind of expiration date on new points? Or let me know if there's anything else you can think of to make it better.
  13. Not currently but I have saved this for a future version and will look at if this can be done.
  14. I had quite a few issues with that approach so recently changed it to add a sender to all personal messages sent out. I may have a work around in the future but unfortunately the only way to avoid filling up your inbox would be to send from another account.
  15. Can you try re-setting your image extensions in the acp videos settings section? Same as above. Double check there's image formats set in the acp and you can revisit the page and it's still there.
  16. Not currently but I've noted it for the next update.
  17. What is your local timezone and do you know what your servers local timezone? I'll have a think and see if some kind of patch can be put together in the meantime....
  18. Allow members to share deals/bargains using topics. Set a normal/msrp price, deal price and a link where to purchase. v1 Features: Displays deal bar at the top of the first topic with deal price and buy button. Select which forums can support deal topics. Select which forums require deal details be filled out. Select which member groups can view and add deal topics. Set a custom currency symbol.
  19. The Auto Welcome app has been updated so that the email alert follows any "Send me news and information" changes members make to their accounts.
  20. Yes. No major reported problems so far.
  21. The Videos app has been updated again with a dozen more bug fixes and minor feature additions. One of the bigger changes includes the ability to set custom parameters for the YouTube embed player.
  22. The problem with that is that it's been throwing out the alignment of videos that only have short titles. But I'm open to any suggestions to improve this. I've noted this and will take a look next update. I don't really have anything on hand to do this right now.
  23. Just to clarify then. I can provide a temporary patch to use the existing "start date" setting in the interim. But I don't have an eta when the next version will be released.
  24. Could I get acp details to troubleshoot further? It should be stopping the task from running again more then once a day. You might have luck setting the buffer time to just 1 hour but if you do want to keep that increased buffer, I'll need to investigate this further.
  25. No ETA but soon I promise.
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