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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. In this case you would select "Per Amount" and then you can upgrade 1 day for every $1 for example. Not currently. It's something I've wanted to add for a while but it may be still a few versions away.
  2. I've noted it but can't give an estimate of when the next version will be. I'm currently focused on the Donations and Points apps.
  3. IPS and 3rd party apps is something I am looking into right now. I can't 100% promise it will be included in the next update as I've already got several new features done. But I will try my best to include it.
  4. In that case, I would probably recommend using the default sidebar widget for specific topics and this one if you want to pull the latest polls from a forum.
  5. For videos or video categories? I don't believe IPS natively supports embeds for categories like that. But I can add a more nice looking embed for videos. Can you clarify the second point? You may need to use the Youtube API to automatically grab everything. If you check the media sites area, you'll see the location to set this up. Let me know if you need help setting this up. Are you having any issues with other popups on your site? Because I'm not seeing any issues with the quick add on my test board. Missing lang string noted and will be fixed in the next update due soon. Only if the video format follows HTML5 standards. If you have an example video for me to test, I can do that. I've got 1 more bug left before releasing this next update that fixes this. So not much longer. Yep, see above. Will be fixed soon.
  6. As in how many teams each member can select? If so, no it will only support 1 team selection per member. That display can be selected from the plugin settings.
  7. No other reports yet but have logged a bug report for the next version. Do you have ftp access to your ipb files? If so, might be able to provide a patch in the meantime. When you edit your form, what have you filled in for the "Log Message" field? If it's empty, it will record empty logs like that.
  8. There are no known issues with IPB 4.3.x. As for IPB 4.4.x, as soon as it's released. I'll be checking over all my apps and plugins and making sure they are compatible.
  9. 1. All langauge text should be covered in langauge files. 2. No integration with Commerce. 3. Only fixed fields. 4. No. 5. Can you clarify? Usually I would save these suggestions for future versions but there's been no sales in the ips marketplace so far and there just doesn't seem to be any real demand for this plugin. So probably not something that will receive new features.
  10. Stripe will be added in the future BUT can't guarantee the exact features I will support just yet.
  11. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the next update, just trying to add a few of the more popular feature requests. I don't mind putting together a patch if you wanted this fixed in the meantime? Noted. Should be able to include in the next update easily.
  12. Not at home right now to attach, can you PM me to remind me and will reply when I get back with the attachment?
  13. Noted in a bug report. If you've got ftp access, PM me and I can pass along an edit for you to patch this.
  14. Noted, should be able to include next release.
  15. Just double checking this was all sorted? If you've got any suggestions to make it clearer for others, let me know.
  16. Logged this as a bug. Working on a new bug fixing update for the Videos app so shouldn't be very long. Otherwise can put together a patch if you've got ftp and want to try it out...
  17. No changes from your version. So don't technically need to update. 😉
  18. I'm not sure I understand, if the "enable status bar" setting is enabled. It should constantly show the status bar in the widget to all users then. Is that what you mean? This should actually be quite easy to include via the "Paypal Override Code" setting. Just enter any custom html you have for Stripe or BuyMeACoffee and it will display that code rather then the Paypal form.
  19. I've noted this for a future version. To be honest, it probably won't be very soon as v2 added quite a few new features. But I should be able to include this in the medium term.
  20. Can you PM me to remind me and will pass it along as soon as I can?
  21. New update released that fixes a few critical errors. Recommend upgrading as soon as possible.
  22. Will check the video as soon as I can.
  23. Reported for next version. Do you have ftp for your ipb files? If so, can give you a temp patch in the meantime.
  24. All members of that members group or all members of selected groups? My only concern would be the resources required and internal host mail limits for this.
  25. Thank for reporting, noted and will be patched next update. Noted, working on new version now so should be able to include this.
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