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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. It should be in the same folder as your conf_global.php. Once you place it, you may need to clear your browser cache or launch a new private browsing session.
  2. If you can’t login to the ACP, you can use recovery mode to temporarily disable all your third party resources, etc. Once you are able to login, you can do any updates needed and then turn them back on.
  3. While the IPS marketplace is still gone, you can still install third party modifications. Invisioneer.org is where lots of authors are using… some though might be using their own website. So your resource author should be able to help you if they are still around.
  4. After the move, did you rebuild your system cache from the ACP’s support area?
  5. Are those users all behind the same IP address? Based on the code pasted above, this looks to be happening when a single IP triggers more than one error within a 5 min period. So if a user just manually mashes a validate button over and over this could be a problem. Maybe building in a check to restrict how many times it can be manually checked? If you have a ton of users all share a proxy IP, that obviously would not work.
  6. Don’t forget to keep me around!
  7. How often is the desktop client checking the license. If it’s checking more than once in 5 minutes, you might consider having it only do it hourly or daily.
  8. Are you running mySQL 8 or mySQL 5? If you are running mySQL 8, see the following post from Matt and see if that plugin makes any difference.
  9. It sounds like IPB can’t connect to your MySQL server. You might want to reach out to your host to troubleshoot why.
  10. If you are logging into multiple accounts, you must log out of that impersonated user before logging into another account. Meaning if Admin1 logs into Member1, before logging into Member2… you must logout (choose switch back to Admin1 from the front end). If you don’t, my experience is you are logged out of the front end entirely.
  11. Have you actually viewed the page source to see if the code appears? If the code is not appearing, I would use the option in the ACP support area to clear your system cache. If the source code appears but the banner does not, it’s a problem you have to address with the code provider.
  12. Agreed that being able to eventually combine files would be helpful. V5 has SIGNIFICANTLY less JS and CSS overall. It’s using much more native browser functionality. So it’s absolutely a step in the right direction IPS has said already that the changes for v5.0.0 is not the end of the road. It’s the start of the journey that lets them start moving in a direction that lets them support the software another 10 years. Lots more improvements to still come in subsequent releases.
  13. You can have a light and dark mode on the same instance through the use of themes. You can let users pick which version they want and even set a default version for users that are not logged in. If the only difference is just going to be light vs dark mode, you don’t need two separate installations.
  14. But … but… but… but… what do you mean I can’t put a 10MB image and a 25MB video on my homepage!
  15. That is not coming from the IPB software. Either something on your server is blocking this or you have a WAF that is blocking the request. If you are using cloudflare, you might need to try disabling it. (If it works, you need to see what rule is triggering it and disable the rule or tune it to ignore profile pages.)
  16. The IPB software does not return 403 error codes. So something else is causing it. I would personally start by disabling cloudflare and testing. It’s possible their WAF is blocking the request as a false positive.
  17. 403 errors are “forbidden” errors. It sounds like either a firewall (like Cloudflare) or something on your server (like mod_security) is blocking the request.
  18. Let’s start with what are you wanting to learn? Installing the software? Configuring the software? Customizing the software?
  19. I would not expect a lot of changes with the 4.x series as IPB 5 is so close. It already has a TON of performance improvements such as a ton of removed JS, optimized CSS, etc. In a nutshell, keep an eye out for version 5. You’ll like it. 🙂
  20. Glad you got it squared away!!
  21. It’s not officially supported above 8.1. So 8.2 and 8.3 are out for official support. For the second issue, if it’s a blank white page, you would look in the PHP error logs of your server. Apache is not the one throwing the error. Or you could obviously change PHP to display error output but that’s something unique to your server config and would require working with your hosting provider.
  22. That is not a feature currently. If they really want to delete that much, in most cases they are wanting to delete their entire account. You can make an ask for the team to consider such a function in the feedback forum. You can also engage a third party resource author (see the provider directory) to create the functionality for you on a custom basis. However personally I’m not sure the real value of such a feature. Someone who has contributed that much content is in the vast majority of cases is not looking to mass remove stuff unless they’re trying to completely quit the site.
  23. You might want to check if you have SPF and DKIMM setup. Some mail servers will automatically reject mail from servers without any these configured. (It’s something that you would work with your host to setup if it’s not already done.)
  24. Most of this thread is about needing more buttons to do things... edit source code, play with styles/headers, fix messed up code, etc. I can say with a very high level of confidence these sorts of things are not needed by "common users". The things being talked about here are things power users want/need. The vast majority of actual end users will never need more than the default styling options. A site admin or major site content producer might need more however... and I think it's a fair ask for those users to make the request for needing more power in helping them publish. Those actual end users are happy with the buttons there and don't need more!
  25. Yes, you can do this. Download a full set of files from the client area. Upload them to your site (make sure to overwrite everything). Once the upload completes, visit domain.com/admin/upgrade to kick off the upgrader. I would recommend making a full backup before you begin just as a safety precaution!