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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. If you're going to compare versions, you are better off having multiple installations. Remember... Google frequenly changes how it measures stuff. Sometimes even daily. Saying "nothing changed" ignores the fact that Google can and does change.
  2. The one thing I’ve learned over the years is that Google is not always right and many times breaks or does not even follow its own guidance.
  3. This would not change anything. It would mean IPS would automatically have it disabled for any cloud customer that had been moved over. It does not magically fix any past feature compatibility issues. IPS is moving to CF for security, not for the rocketloader feature.
  4. That and I assume the savings vs AWS would be HUGE. As someone who has paid a few AWS bills before, I know how it can be a left arm, right leg, kidney, and first born. Most likely able to hire a few more people with the savings alone. 🤣
  5. My cloud site has been down for almost 2 hours. I opened a support ticket an hour ago, but support says they cannot help because my site is pointed to IPS via CNAME instead of the root domain being parked at IPS nameservers. This setup was confirmed by @Marc and @Charles as being just fine. It has been fine for more than a year when it was first onboarded last October. Now I’m being told it’s unacceptable while I’m out of the country in the middle of the ocean on a cruise. I’m expected to rearchitect my dns setup with literally zero notice. I have been a huge supporter of IPS historically and have been a customer for literally decades but the way this situation is being handled is causing me to rethink my relationship. I’m being asked to provide a ticket ID number for when this was done, but your support system does not give that to customers. A ticket ID is not shown in the email and there is no web portal for us to access to see this. How am I as a user supposed to help find the case? I’m beyond frustrated at this point and severely disappointed in how this is being handled. I don’t think I’m asking for much for my site to be kept online when I’m spending 230 bucks a month for a premium service.
  6. There was a third party resource that added this functionality. It’s never been a part of the base software. IPS can’t advise on things done outside of the software. You would need to find a third party developer to see if they are going to offer this for v5.
  7. That would then mean supporting it. Given those languages are not spoken by support, that would make things much more difficult here on the forums and for when support cases have to be escalated. It would also mean significantly more work for all of the documentation, product guides, etc. The cost vs reward benefit typically does not work out.
  8. In general you should not be storing files that big in MySQL. But I have not seen this change from 4 to 5 and honestly don’t expect it to change. It would be better to use a storage bucket for files of those size.
  9. You have to give the admins permission to access moderator functions. Admins don’t automatically have the ability to moderate. Being an admin by default means you have access to the AdminCP, not the ModCP. You can add the admin group or individual users as moderators using the steps in the link above.
  10. Just for that, they're going to skip version 7 and make it name it "Beta Snow Leopard". 😄
  11. There can be UP TO a 15 minute delay. This is because users that are not logged in will be served cached content directly from the CDN. It reduces work on the server and improves performance, especially for search engines (who crawl the site as a guest). When you are logged in as a user, content is "real-time" by serving content as no-cache and no-store.
  12. Don't use SMTP... it can slow down performance when you have very large topics as a result of notifications, and there are situations like this. There are a few third party plugins that leverages the APIs to send mail through SES using the API. For example, @Jon Erickson has one that I've personally used that is fantastic and has worked great... https://store.deschutesdesigngroup.com/buy/0182a1f0-48ea-4438-9b40-293441be9f85 @stoo2000 also has one as well. I've not personally used it, but including a link for you. https://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/file/9-mail-bouncer/
  13. It looks like IPS is using Backblaze as well... I just looked at my cloud install and all of the storage is now on a non-S3 bucket.
  14. How are you going to handle users toggling dark mode? For example brown on black will be virtually impossible to read. Blues on black will also be difficult.
  15. It’s situations like this that actually makes companies communicate LESS. When you expect every decision to be made before talking about something, it takes much longer to get out as you can’t really start sharing till the end. In this case, Invision is sharing info as they have it. They are giving customers longer runways to plan for big changes so there is less problems long term. But at the same time that means not everything can be perfectly and fully articulated because not everything has been decided yet. To say it’s a failure of organization is patently wrong. It would be IF they actually released the product without decisions being made. Instead you are being given info as it’s decided and have had a much fuller insight into what has been happening throughout the entire development process.
  16. It’s the default behavior for any vanilla self hosted install and literally all cloud install.
  17. An IPS staff person can correct me if I'm wrong, but my read of this was not that everything had to be ONLY under uploads, but that it had to be in a single location. Today, you could have a different storage location for each of the following: Advertisements, Attachments, Badges, Club Custom Fields, Clubs Images, Custom Emoji, Icons & Logos, Image Proxy Cache, Login Method Icons, Profile Photos, Custom Profile Fields, Social Media Promotion Images, Ranks, Reactions, Referral Banners, Theme Resources, Forum Cards, Forum Icons, Customer-Uploaded Advertisements, Support Request Custom Fields, Purchase Fields, Customer Fields, Payment Gateways, Product Groups, Product Images, CMS Media, CMS Pages, CMS Records, Calendar, Event Cover Photos, Gallery Images Do we really need a custom storage location for login method icons or custom profile fields, etc? It SOUNDS like they're saying you'll define a single location for storage (be it the "uploads" folder or an S3 bucket or whatever). Everything would be stored in that location, whatever/wherever it might be. So you could continue to use a CDN, however you would not be able to have multiple subdomains for each of them. It would simply be cdn.domain.com/club_images and cdn.domain.com/attachments or whatever the taxonomy is going to be.
  18. What would be the value of this? It would seem to take away from a site's branding and would make for a potentially VERY messy user experience.... page one has snowflakes, click to page two and it has a yellow background with a white font, and on page three you move to something entirely different.
  19. Forgot these... doc_root is not needed by the software. IPB itself is not aware of error_log. The path does not matter to IPB, but you might want to be aware of where the various error log files are written for your server. IPB itself does not care about how you run PHP. I personally would run it as FPM instead of as a CGI/FastCGI, mod_php, or suPHP.
  20. It's not officially supported. The only web server supported is Apache. There are some functions that IPB will prompt you to disable if they're not already. The software will continue to work, but it's recommended you disable them to improve your security. If you really want to disable this, you should be able to. There might be areas that don't work properly without this. In searching this forum for fopen, most of the results have been around 3rd party resources. So definitely check any that you utilize. This is required. These are not needed. For the most part, run the compatibility checker to see what is required for the software to run.
  21. It's not under the Content tab, it's under the Group Settings tab once you have selected the group you want to give permission to.
  22. To be honest, it's not worth it for a month or so. It's a very manual process on both ends and I believe if you are not planning to host for a year, the import fee is around $500. The import was free when I moved my site as I signed up for a year. Essentially you would agree on a date with the staff to turn your current site offline and provide a full copy of your site files along with an export of your database. (This is done so you don't lose content from when you export and when your site is actually moved.) You would upload everything to a space provided by IPS. A member of the staff would import everything and make it available on a temporary URL. Once you are happy, you would confirm with IPS and point your DNS to them. When I did it, I turned my site off at midnight eastern and exported everything. Marc had everything imported for testing by 7am and I was done testing by 7:30. By 8:00, DNS pointing was complete and the site was live. To leave would be a similar process... you would need to turn your board offline. Afterwards, a member of the staff would then export a copy of your database. You would need an active self-hosted license to receive the board files, otherwise you would get just the database and the uploads/applications folder (everything but the codebase).
  23. Zapier does not really have anything to do with the editor. It's basically the same as it has always been. Its integration point is not via screen scraping but instead via API (through the Integrations section of the ACP).
  24. I saw this behavior on my primary cloud account and on my dev cloud instance. I was able to continue the upgrade and so far I have not seen any issues uploading files. So I ignored it and moved on. 🙂
  25. Have you cleared the system cache and your browser cache?