Everything posted by Randy Calvert
ibf_core database error
Randy Calvert replied to ntrivilino@alice.it's post in a topic in Classic self-hosted technical helpI’m unfortunately not a good database person. I generally can manage my own stuff, but I don’t work with other’s servers since I don’t want to risk unintended issues from not understanding their specific setup. You might try hitting up the third party resource directory. There are several great folks there who might be able to help.
Twitter moved domain to x.com - Embeds no longer work
To be fair… Facebook would do that too if they could get away with it! 🤪
ibf_core database error
Randy Calvert replied to ntrivilino@alice.it's post in a topic in Classic self-hosted technical helpYes, but if you are having this issue with all of the data in the tables, it sounds like a bigger underlying issue. I might suggest backing up the entire database, removing it, upgrading the server, and then reimporting the export. Otherwise I might suggest hiring a DB expert to perform your DB server upgrade.
IPS Online Users Inflated vs GA
I just looked at my site right now… of the 90 guests, 45 of them are Google spiders. 18 of them are Microsoft. Again… antidotal, but not unusual for me. For many sites, bots represent more traffic than human traffic. Generally across the internet bots represent about 50 percent of ALL traffic online. https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldwide/security/press_release/bots-now-make-nearly-half-all-internet-traffic-globally
Error 2C171/1 when trying to download first file attached in a support ticket.
The "report" feature is a great way of privately reaching out as well. 🙂
IPS Online Users Inflated vs GA
Google Analytics does not include bots (such as Google itself) or entities that do not download Javascript. IPB is not reliant on downloading of javascript to track activity, so they do see/show them. The GA view will most likely be a more accurate view of real "humans".
Content I Started question
Because it’s still a reply to content you started. The match is simply any activity that happened in something you started.
1 critical issue
Agreed with terabyte… many hosting providers don’t like phpinfo files as it displays info about the server config. In reality, it is nothing super secret, but some operate with a “security by obscurity” model. It’s super likely your host is doing this. If that is literally only happening with this one file, I would reach out to the host for it to be skipped as it is intended to be there and is properly secured. (Just accessing the page via a browser does not display the standard phpinfo output.)
Twitter moved domain to x.com - Embeds no longer work
Yeah… X/twitter’s reliability lately is woefully inadequate and inconsistent.
Questions about Invision Community Classic
Per the self-hosted page, each renewal extends your current license by 1 year. So your initial purchase is $499 today. During that year, you have access to any updates that are made. IPS generally does monthly releases that fixes bugs and adds new features. One year from now, your renewal cost would be $199 and include additional updates, support, etc for another year.
Support for Better Text Editor- Lexical (Open Source)
Not to discount your request, but this is likely highly unlikely to happen. Changing editors much less building the capability to support multiple editors is a HUGE undertaking and touches nearly every part of the suite. It was nearly 6 months of development effort so far to replace ckeditor 4 and is not fully done yet. So just dropping in another random editor just because it might be cool to have two most likely is not in the cards anytime soon. If this is important for you, it might be better to engage a 3rd party resource developer.
ibf_core database error
Randy Calvert replied to ntrivilino@alice.it's post in a topic in Classic self-hosted technical helpThere is a BIG difference between deleting and truncating a table. A deleted table no longer exists. Truncating means emptying it without removing the table structure. Think of it as throwing everything in a house away instead of burning the entire house down.
Pasted text background color using themes
As noted… I would highly suggest waiting for IPB 5. 😉
Message ID header problems
If that’s what they are telling you… you need a new mail provider. They obviously don’t understand internet standards. Read the Wikipedia article shared by Sonya above. This is NOT an IPB issue. (Hint… if it was, it would be impacting ALL users that send via phpmail.)
Sudden error ex1881
It looks like your database is crashed. You will need to contact your hosting provider for assistance as that would be a server issue of so.
traffic and registrations down 🫤
In my own investigation for my own site… this was due to bad registrations not happening. Fewer bots/automated accounts were completing registration than before. My number of posts/pageviews and other indicators of activity were just fine and increasing as expected.
"ugc" attribute for outbound links. What do you think about it?
Did you mean to post this in the feedback forum instead of the technical problems forum? While I agree this can't hurt to add, I don't think it would be observed as a bug. 🙂
Pasted text background color using themes
When playing around with the Alpha version, I did not have issues copying text from dark mode version and having it show incorrectly in light mode. 😉 As I noted elsewhere... the new dark mode is very nice and cleans up some old technical debt.
Unable to upgrade automatically.
What version of PHP are you using? When I've seen this happen, it's been because the instance was using PHP 8.2. You would need to switch to PHP 8.1 if that is the case.
"File not found" error.
A similar post to this was posted at: In that case, it was an issue where IPB could not connect to the mySQL server. You might want to look at the connection info in the conf_global.php file and make sure the database user/password is correct and that that database user is assigned to the correct database.
Some problems when upgrading since IPB 3.4 to IPB 4.7
That would do it! 😄 Glad you got to the bottom of the problem.
Some problems when upgrading since IPB 3.4 to IPB 4.7
Given the IPB software only can pass the request to phpmail, you’ll need to manually troubleshoot the server then. Again, if you don’t want to do that… use smtp.
Some problems when upgrading since IPB 3.4 to IPB 4.7
Have you tried sending mail via SMTP instead of phpMail? It's very possible you have not setup things like SPF/DKIM for your server's IP address and that your email is blocking the mail. IPS obviously cannot fix those kinds of issues. So it might be easier to try using SMTP to send email.
Adding Links in footer area?
This would require editing the global template in the theme. There is not a setting that would let you add links in the footer across all themes.
User online list seems to have stuck
If he has the site opened in another tab or on another device this sort of thing could happen. My tabs refresh on my phone and can trigger this as well.