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    Morrigan reacted to GTAPoliceMods in Appreciation thread for removing admin session IDs from URIs   
    Thank you so much for removing admin session IDs from URIs.
    This change brings tears to my eyes.
  2. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Rikki in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    We have no problem with choices - that's why we have thousands of choices in the AdminCP. But every choice, no matter how small it may seem, has a cost in terms of development time, future maintenance, documentation, UI complexity and so on. And that's not even counting the problems with the feature that we've already outlined, specifically that they aren't the same for all users and therefore cannot be relied upon in the way you want them to be.
  3. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Makoto in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Well the question was answered relatively quickly however the mod is broken for me causing page load issues. I thought it was it interfering with two other applications I have but even after disabling those 2 mods (Characters and Members shop) it still throws the following error when it tries to send to discord and prevents the other two mods from doing their job. THESE MODS WORK FINE WITHOUT Brilliant Discord which means the problem lies with your mod. Your mod doesn't work AT ALL and provides the following error.
    ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN) (0) #0 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::autoloader('IPS\\brilliantdi...') #1 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/init.php(886) : eval()'d code(18): spl_autoload_call('IPS\\brilliantdi...') #2 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/system/Content/Comment.php(245): IPS\Content\brilliantdiscord_hook_commentNotifications->postCreate() #3 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php(128): IPS\Content\_Comment::create(Object(IPS\forums\Topic), '\n<p>\n\tTTest\n</p...', false, NULL, NULL, Object(IPS\Member), NULL, NULL, NULL) #4 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/init.php(886) : eval()'d code(43): IPS\forums\Topic\_Post::create(Object(IPS\forums\Topic), '\n<p>\n\tTTest\n</p...', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) #5 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/system/Content/Item.php(4660): IPS\forums\Topic\cms_hook_Post::create(Object(IPS\forums\Topic), '\n<p>\n\tTTest\n</p...', false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) #6 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/system/Content/Item.php(4471): IPS\Content\_Item->processCommentForm(Array) #7 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(133): IPS\Content\_Item->commentForm() #8 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->manage() #9 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #10 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #11 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute() #12 /PATHTOPUBLICHTML/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #13 {main}  
  4. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from SoftwareFactory in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    No worries, thanks for the quick update!
  5. Like
    Morrigan reacted to opentype in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    If I were in your shoes, I would just hire a developer to update that existing plugin as a custom plugin outside the Marketplace. “Problem solved.” 😉
    Probably takes less time than writing the above posts which are unlikely to change IPS staff’s mind.
  6. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Matt in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    It's just meaningless clutter.

    The question comes up now and again, but it really doesn't get a lot of traction from fellow Invision Community owners. You can share the post permalink via the three dot menu, or by the post time link.

    We're keen to keep visual noise to a minimum and let the post content be the focus.
  7. Like
    Morrigan reacted to opentype in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    So write an article and explain it to them. 😉 I can easily link  one post and another from this topic. Other than the “that’s how we always did it”, there really is no advantage in having me retrieve post numbers and then having every user manually trying to navigate to those numbers. 
  8. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from JoshTX in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Put the bots role beneath all Discord assigned roles. It cannot assign roles that are higher in the order than it (for example an admin or moderator role).
    Best way to do it is "assignable roles" then "bot" then any discord specific roles. @JoshTX
    @SoftwareFactory Whats the eta on the 4.5 compatible version. At the moment it seems like only login issues since you must have the login enabled in order to use the mod. I'm DYING to have my discord notifications back.
  9. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Put the bots role beneath all Discord assigned roles. It cannot assign roles that are higher in the order than it (for example an admin or moderator role).
    Best way to do it is "assignable roles" then "bot" then any discord specific roles. @JoshTX
    @SoftwareFactory Whats the eta on the 4.5 compatible version. At the moment it seems like only login issues since you must have the login enabled in order to use the mod. I'm DYING to have my discord notifications back.
  10. Thanks
    Morrigan reacted to Lindy in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    Good to see you around, Tiger. That is very... passionate feedback on the URL reset fee. Although it's been addressed before, I'm happy to do so again. 
    Firstly, prior to limiting the resets, it was very easy to "license hop" - that is, swap URLs around, obtain support, upgrades, etc., swap them around and repeat, etc. So, while not necessarily the original intended purpose, it does help keep the honest... honest in the same sort of way that a deadbolt keeps the undetermined at bay--obviously, the determined/committed can kick the door in. 
    Secondly, in many cases, there actually are costs incurred with fresh installations by way of support. Frequent URL resets are a byproduct of tossing ideas around, deleting, reinstalling, configuring and deleting. Quite often, there are numerous support requests involved and unfortunately, often the same questions/concerns over and over again on each reinstall. The spirit of tech support provided is based on a single installation and not so much to support 'tinkering' and perpetual reinstallation support. The fee, when applied, helps (in a small way) offset some of that overhead.
    I would hope a number of customers here would attest to the fact that we will generally just update the URL for you if you contact us - especially if you're just changing the URL on an existing installation. In cases such as those described above, the fee may apply. 
    I'm sorry you consider it a barrier, but I can assure you, we're not funding private yachts from license reset fees. 🙂 Even with license reset fees, we frankly still typically tend to have a net loss when it comes to many of those (not all, but many) that kind of toss ideas out to see what sticks. You've been around a long time (for which we're appreciative!) - you're a power user (who still sees us as a 'forum provider') and you won't likely require much support throughout your tinkering journey. That's not usually the case here. 
    Just drop us a note if you find you need to change the URL on file. We're generally able to help if that's all you need. 
    Thanks for the feedback. 
  11. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from Josiah Wallingford in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    You can also put the bot role below the roles you don't want to sync.
  12. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from bfarber in Download Member List - Include Custom Fields   
    You choose the data you download, that includes custom fields:

  13. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Chippy365 in How about a built-in duplicate user detector?   
    As an administrator of a fairly rowdy old school community I can tell you that such a tool would not help as much as you think.
    1. IP Addresses can be avoided by going through a VPN (Or simply using their mobile phone network).
    2. Cookies can be deleted and under GDPR users have to accept cookies being placed on their computer which gives the game away a little.

    The way we approach it is that all new user accounts have to be validated by email address and approved by an administrator. There is a little tool in the Mod CP (which should be more widely publicised) that can let you see if the IP address matches that of anyone else in your community. This is an indicator but of course, not conclusive.

    While I agree that it would be nice for IPB to notify you if a user has "links" to another user, they would also need to make it clear that it is not conclusive and is more for information than anything. It won't stop anyone who is even remotely technically aware and determined. It would simply be a tool to catch the low hanging fruit.
  14. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from sobrenome in Prune/mass move topics   
    This was never a core feature of IPS. This was always a mod/plugin. I think made my Adriano and someone else in the past.
  15. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Aiwa in How about a built-in duplicate user detector?   
    I understand why it could be helpful to you and a few other people but I reiterate the fact that "if someone wants to get around the rules they will find a way".
    I feel like this conversation is getting circular so instead of reiterating everything again I'll just politely leave the conversation with the last comment that I don't think something like this needs to be core. Its a niche need (primarily for gaming communities that have a ton of trolls) which isn't a common occurrence among the mass amounts of communities out there.
  16. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Aiwa in How about a built-in duplicate user detector?   
    The point is that some people will use a hammer for an electrical problem if they think that’s what they should do.
  17. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from george Reid in Unable to Change Name - Redirected Back to WordPress   
    Do you have a Wordpress login setup? Often if its setup to where its the main then it will redirect to it to supply name changes from the WP site.
  18. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from AlexJ in Make warnings public   
    Okay, so I want to put this out there as a "for instance". If you do something dumb do you want EVERYONE knowing about it or only the people that have deemed the disciplinary action?
    I akin public notification of administrative/moderator actions to something of right of knowledge the only people that NEED to know are the reported person and the moderators/administrators. Anyone else that wants to know is a nosy ass Karen that needs to get her nose out of my ass.
    To put it more plainly. Just because Karen reports me doesn't mean she needs to know if I was reprimanded or fired. Its none of Karens business.
    To me you need to setup a better expectation for your members to not be informed of something like that. Its not their business and unless it involves harassment (which is a different circumstance and requires a different approach administratively but still doesn't require public ANYTHING). You need to make a clearer line there IMHO.

    Edit: I realized another point against this. Public notification of staff actions is a fear tactic. Its a way to scare people into abiding. Certainly not the best way to grow a community.
  19. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Rhett in Make warnings public   
    Nope. Don't want. Don't think its necessary. Those people need to keep their noses out of other peoples business.
  20. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Davyc in Make warnings public   
    Okay, so I want to put this out there as a "for instance". If you do something dumb do you want EVERYONE knowing about it or only the people that have deemed the disciplinary action?
    I akin public notification of administrative/moderator actions to something of right of knowledge the only people that NEED to know are the reported person and the moderators/administrators. Anyone else that wants to know is a nosy ass Karen that needs to get her nose out of my ass.
    To put it more plainly. Just because Karen reports me doesn't mean she needs to know if I was reprimanded or fired. Its none of Karens business.
    To me you need to setup a better expectation for your members to not be informed of something like that. Its not their business and unless it involves harassment (which is a different circumstance and requires a different approach administratively but still doesn't require public ANYTHING). You need to make a clearer line there IMHO.

    Edit: I realized another point against this. Public notification of staff actions is a fear tactic. Its a way to scare people into abiding. Certainly not the best way to grow a community.
  21. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Make warnings public   
    Okay, so I want to put this out there as a "for instance". If you do something dumb do you want EVERYONE knowing about it or only the people that have deemed the disciplinary action?
    I akin public notification of administrative/moderator actions to something of right of knowledge the only people that NEED to know are the reported person and the moderators/administrators. Anyone else that wants to know is a nosy ass Karen that needs to get her nose out of my ass.
    To put it more plainly. Just because Karen reports me doesn't mean she needs to know if I was reprimanded or fired. Its none of Karens business.
    To me you need to setup a better expectation for your members to not be informed of something like that. Its not their business and unless it involves harassment (which is a different circumstance and requires a different approach administratively but still doesn't require public ANYTHING). You need to make a clearer line there IMHO.

    Edit: I realized another point against this. Public notification of staff actions is a fear tactic. Its a way to scare people into abiding. Certainly not the best way to grow a community.
  22. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Joel R in How do I show online users?   
    Its a block/widget. Open the sidebar manager using the arrow on the left. System > Members > Edit the block for who is online settings
  23. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Stuart Silvester in Ability to associate App/Plugin after the fact?   
    We'll look at the possibility of making  the onboarding process load again in the next beta. We've made a few fixes in this area so you should be able to find them in the next beta.

  24. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from ahc in When installing mobile app it should AUTO ADD your community   
    I want to add in @Rikki the app should assume it was installed from a site (because its unlikely that the person is going to rando install it from the app store) so the first time they download it it should give them a 1-3 page "Hey this is what you need to find the community that you want" little intro that people can skip if they want.
  25. Like
    Morrigan reacted to ahc in When installing mobile app it should AUTO ADD your community   
    I would LOVE this.  This was one of the downsides of Tapatalk; People were confused that they would have to sign up for the app and then have to find our community in a sea of other communities they didn't want/care about and assumed they had downloaded the wrong app initially.
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