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    Morrigan got a reaction from kmk in Filter by Pages   
    I mean basically. Are you looking for filtering in databases? Because each one shows up separately:

  2. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Joel R in Reporting members without content?   
    I think there are plenty of other things than links. Inappropriate avatars, signatures, profile headers etc. There is more than one reason that you may want to report a user but not specifically their content.
    By all means a member account IS a content item in itself and contains content that is not posted anywhere else in the suite but utilized all over the suite.
  3. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from Milton Sojo in Can't see group activity at the bottom   
  4. Like
    Morrigan reacted to SEO Guru in Images   
    OK I can see the issue with regards to the images. It's the mobile browser since Huawei parted ways with Google.... the chrome android browser hasn't been updated for awhile as its restricted in Google play. I've only tested all this on my mobile instead of laptop, otherwise I would of managed to post images sooner. 
    Tested on another browser and it's lightening fast for posting images.
    The software so far is very impressive, more so than when I had vbulletin and mybb. Glad I'm using IPB! 
  5. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from DamonT in What is the Content View Behavior default option?   
    I think this one but you can change it in "Profiles" in the ACP:

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    Morrigan got a reaction from SC36DC in Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.   
    You enabled re-write URLS and that's what caused this?
    If you remove the htaccess and turn it off does it work again?
  8. Like
    Morrigan reacted to ahc in UI experience : greatly reduce navigation on the site   
    I don't know... Facebook is one of the most used websites in the world and is also one of the most cluttered websites in the world when it comes to links and features which are added to almost weekly it seems, yet people seem to manage just fine.
    I think you can have a lot of things if you do so in a way that doesn't make it frustrating trying to find something.
  9. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Mercury5 in Changed domain name now white pages black text   
    Clear your site cache.
    Support > Something isn’t working correctly
  10. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Meddysong in How do i download plugins?   
    Your post made me laugh pretty hard:
    While I appreciate that you disagree with how the marketplace has changed IPS isn't going anywhere and just to spite you I think my goal this year will be to buy 1-2 more IPS licenses for my hobby projects.
  11. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from uA_Y_C_A in IPS'S Reacting Emojis   
    I think they were designed by @Rikki maybe he could give you the base.
  12. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Real Mythotical in How do i download plugins?   
    Your post made me laugh pretty hard:
    While I appreciate that you disagree with how the marketplace has changed IPS isn't going anywhere and just to spite you I think my goal this year will be to buy 1-2 more IPS licenses for my hobby projects.
  13. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from jair101 in Translating the community without translating the ACP ?   
    That's totally fair. I was just curious, I figure some people prefer that they have their stuff in their native language so translating everything is better for them overall.
    Your reasoning is equally as fair.
    Biggest thing is to avoid anything that says "ACP" in it. that will eliminate 20 pages for you to translate.
  14. Thanks
    Morrigan reacted to jair101 in Translating the community without translating the ACP ?   
    As you are English native it is understandable to have these questions, probably the reason IPS decided to "simplify" it by merging everything together. But for all users with translated communities the effect on this is huge. The main reasons are:
    1. Much less effort in translating. Translating the software takes a lot of time and is mindbogglingly boring. Like really. Trust me. As most communities have only 1 or 2 people with ACP access and usually technically apt people have also reasonable English, it is not necessary to have the English in the backend as well. So reason number 1 - having the strings separate saves you a lot from translating strings that no end user will ever see. 
    2. Not sure how it is for other languages, but for mine, it is much easier to communicate technical terms in English. Sure, we do have localization on windows, android, all major pieces of software, but it is much easier for me to keep it in English as I have learned what this button does and what this label actually means in English. This brings two benefits:
    - first I know what IPS is talking about when they say for example "Admin control panel notifications are improved", if I have "admin control panel" and "notifications" in my language, it is more difficult for me to realize what they are saying. 
    - I can easily communicate back to them using the same terms. If I have ACP translated, I will have to translate back when asking for support and the back translation won't always be accurate. For example "notifications" can be translated in my language and when I translate it back it might be "news" or something like that. If I raise a support ticket "My news are not working", you can see there will be tons of confusion and my example is extremely simple. 
    Really, even with simple and mundane buttons like copy/paste/cancel, you might have issues once they are localized. Even if I had a free professional ACP translation provided to me for free, I would still prefer to keep it in English. 
    Hope this clarifies it. 
  15. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Jurgis in 500 error when change PHP version   
    500 errors are server side errors. What does your error log say?
  16. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from DanInMS in Archiving - How to know the progress?   
    I don't know if there is a status thing for it but NO they do not have their own section. They are just made accessible but no longer active basically.
  17. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Aramaech in WidgetBot IO not functioning   
    It probably is cloudflare but I wouldn't know for sure. It could also be just one of those "days" with widgetbot.io. They tend to have some issues sometimes.
    Did you verify that you can see the code and its not altered in the source code?
  18. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Davyc in "Kindness" plugin   
    I believe you need to measure the responses you are seeing on your forum; for example, are you seeing an increase in disrespectful responses in your content areas?  If you are, then use the tools you have, to rein in the offenders.  If not, then your idea becomes a moot point as it negates the need for such a tool. I understand where you are coming from, but if this is because of a few members not following the rules, why think of putting such a block to posting into place rather than just dealing with minority offenders?
    For example, let's assume you have this check box in place, and someone decides to ignore the 'kindness' aspect and post a really nasty response to someone else's comment or post.  What would you do? Warn the offender?  Ban him/her? Penalise them in some way?  Do you see the redundancy of this application? You would need to use the tools that are already at hand. Just look at what is currently available, report post, warning system, reactions, post moderation - and some I can't think of right now.
    You just need to remind people that they are guests on your site and should follow whatever rules or guidelines you put in place. If they don't want to play by your rules kick them out. 🙂
  19. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from My Sharona in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This is because there are a lot of opinion based threads here. I don't think "Like" is a good reaction when you want to agree or support what has been said in a thread but currently the only agreeable reaction. 
    Like is a broad (and at least for me) a very default way for people to respond/react to something that they simply think was a good read.
    In some cases I would like to actually agree with what the member is saying or support it with a +1. To me agreeing versus liking something will give me a better way to show my appreciation to a members post.
    An example a cute joke in the middle of an opinion thread would get a like or a 'haha' but something that brings up good points can get my 'agree'.
  20. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Davyc in "Kindness" plugin   
    Therein lies your problem. 'you think it would enhance your forum' - have you asked your members what they think of this solution towards politeness?  After all, asking on here is one thing and you have had your responses from a few who have taken the time to respond, but what about your members? They are the ones who are going to have to live with this if you are able to implement it.  I believe their feedback would be more valuable to you than any on here.
    As for this idea to stop people in their tracks and make them think before they post, it has the potential to stifle their desire to respond; emotions and passion are essential to good debate, these elements are what 'make people think' - this doesn't mean they have to be offensive, that's what your rules are there for, to remind them what is and isn't permissible. If anyone steps over the line, then you and your moderators are there to step in and do the job you're there for.  You have an inbuilt warning system, use that instead of penalising the many for the transgressions of the few.
    Personally, if this was implemented in the core and it was not optional, I would go elsewhere for my community software.  I would not impose this on my members, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, it's your site, your forum, you do as you think best, but this is definitely not for the core, ask a developer to make this plugin/app for you, but I really would ask your members first if they believe this to be a good idea.  Do a poll, so they don't even have to say what they think 🙂
  21. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Jordan Miller in "Kindness" plugin   
    This isn't the right forum for that. This is for suggestions and feedback for the core platform.
    You may think "clicking a heart" before posting will not be a hassle but in UX design you want to make everything the FEWEST clicks possible. Adding clicks is a hassle and is difficult and is not good UI.
    Client lounge or General Chit Chat is better for something like this.
  22. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from bosss in "Kindness" plugin   
    If you want a positive place you make it with how you handle things and people.
    Adding a barrier to posting IS a nuisance for all. People get annoyed having to accept a Terms of Service in the first place and now you want to make them accept it EVERY TIME THEY POST!? That's ludicrous and will only earn ire of "Why do I have to do this every time?" and "Is there a way to auto check this so I don't have to do it every time I post? Everything I say is kind," sort of complaints and asks from your members. You will also get people asking "Why do you need this?" and "Where did my post go?" because they posted and clicked away to go do something else and forgot the check box.
    If you want it, get it commissioned. There is no reason for this to be in core now or in the future.
  23. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Davyc in "Kindness" plugin   
    You make me wish my "F Yeah" reaction was here. Or "Agree" or any of my fun ones were here.
  24. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Davyc in "Kindness" plugin   
    I reckon you are looking to create a Utopian type site where all negativity is banned regardless of whether it's warranted or not.  It akin to "I like your point of view, as long as it's my view too".  Good debate is rarely polite or kind, the essence of rationalised negativity promotes thought and often refers people to re-evaluate their stance in whatever the debate is about.  If you remove that element, then you will just have a site full of sheep with no room for the occasional bad egg and everyone who has a different point of view will be barred from asserting their views. I doubt that I would appreciate being a member of such as site and this opinion would most likely see me being penalised as it could be viewed as being unkind 😉
    On the process of asking for such a plugin, this topic would be better placed in the Marketplace Customisation Requests forum.  This not something I believe would sit well in the core whether it was optional or not; there are more imaginative ideas for core features.
  25. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Davyc in "Kindness" plugin   
    If you want a positive place you make it with how you handle things and people.
    Adding a barrier to posting IS a nuisance for all. People get annoyed having to accept a Terms of Service in the first place and now you want to make them accept it EVERY TIME THEY POST!? That's ludicrous and will only earn ire of "Why do I have to do this every time?" and "Is there a way to auto check this so I don't have to do it every time I post? Everything I say is kind," sort of complaints and asks from your members. You will also get people asking "Why do you need this?" and "Where did my post go?" because they posted and clicked away to go do something else and forgot the check box.
    If you want it, get it commissioned. There is no reason for this to be in core now or in the future.
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