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Everything posted by Morrigan

  1. When I start a poll that’s exactly the result I’m looking for. I’ve never wanted/needed the statistic that you are looking for/wanting and I feel it’s skewed anyways. If I run a poll and about ice cream and ask about the three traditional flavors and ask what’s your favorite, I’m looking for the overall favorite. Just because a few people have 2 favorites doesn’t mean that chocolate isn’t the overall winner of being the favorite. Sure, in your example chocolate still “wins” but the percentage makes a difference. You can’t put two 100% totals in a pie (or a 50 and 100). That’s two separate pies which essentially is two separate questions: Do you like chocolate (yes) Do you like Vanilla (yes) Those separate questions would be the vote you are looking for as you’re asking them if they simply like it and want a single percentage for each option. I can sort of understand the “why” of what you’re trying to get but again, it’s not really feasible and I think would overall confuse people. “Why is this 150% instead of 100%?”
  2. That’s my point. That’s a survey, not a poll. Polls are best of X. Surveys take into account amount of voters and what they choose even if there is more than one.
  3. I don’t see how that would work. It sounds like if one person votes for option 1 and 2 that it would show 100% on both when really it’s a fifty percent for both options as they chose both equally. A multi-answer poll is intended to allow users to choose more then one option for a majority but with a few possibilities being their choice. The way you are asking for it to be done would be more that each answer is its own 100% vote? Which isn’t how a poll would/should work. Each answer is weighted based on the number of votes it has received.
  4. I disabled elasticsearch ages ago (over a year ago I think?), not because its not useful but because I hadn't upgraded it and the version I was running wasn't compatible that I knew of as of like 4.0 of IPS. I just tried to upgrade to the latest beta and I'm failing at an error that is associated with elasticsearch. Help? My entire site is now down.
  5. It reads like things were supposed to be more emphasized so I would stop to emphasize it more in my head. NGL I prayed you did it on accident as it was extremely annoying to read. In a way it felt like reading a bad poem in iambic pentameter.
  6. Yes and it works. That's all I cared about. What @Marc Stridgen said its probably the best info.
  7. Most likely the images are missing on the other end of the URL so when you save it the images are attempted to be redownloaded/cached but they aren’t there so they are converted to URLs. Can you confirm the images still exist by clicking the URL?
  8. Simple question: Does IPS work with MySql8?
  9. Last I checked when you open the menu it marks all as read... And counting.....
  10. If you have pages you could try adding a custom block with an empty div in it.
  11. It works for people that like those colors. I don't wear the colors provided there unless there is a witty and hilarious joke on it or has a horror character on it (like my wonderful Crystal Lake Running team tank top) and even then I tend toward the more feminine colors. I don't mind repping IPS its just not the color palette of my choice to put on myself. I was just joking around so the comment was all in good fun. @Jordan Miller
  12. I see lulz on my post but no retribution. Women deserve to be represented too. Just saying.
  13. It will depend on your theme but I believe you are talking about the header behind the logo and the user bar: #ipsLayout_header header That will be the element you need to edit. You would add a background and a height. And then setup a responsive thing to not have it there for smaller devices.
  14. Having guest posting or not, depending on your approval setup this particular means of going through posts is daunting and detrimental. There is quite a few ways to accumulate approval queue posts: Guest posting that requires approval. User posting that requires approvals (for new members or members currently under surveillance) Forums that require approval before users post in it (the Sales forum on IPS used to use this feature). Topics that require approval before people can post in it, this is a special moderator feature for volatile subjects. Posts in Databases, gallery, calendar, new clubs etc. Each of these items can end up in the approval queue and can add up over time. While I don't have 50+ on average it doesn't change the fact that the queue is a bad admin experience from a UI perspective, time consuming and overall meh. Sure. Flag a person as a spammer and be done with it but that doesn't resolve the issue overall on extremely popular sites. Additionally, using other methods (going directly to forums, databases etc with pending items, doesn't make for a good experience either. This should be an all in one easy place for us to view what is pending and be able to approve, delete or hide any necessary pending approval content. I'd dare say it would be nice to have filters like: All pending items from X user All pending items from X IP But I digress. This has been a pending suggestion for almost 2 years so at this point I'm sure its being ignored but it is a much needed change.
  15. @Dazz My issue is specific to feed blocks. Custom blocks seem to be working just fine.
  16. Can I get an update? Apologize but gmail isn't loading I'll assume political reasons. 48 hours is a long time from IPS with no response.
  17. Morrigan


    The footer appears at the bottom of the content. If the content ends early then the footer is directly below that. You will only see that on non-content filled pages or super high resolutions.
  18. @Greek76 Does it happen here when you are in Chrome or Edge? Or in other apps on your existing website?
  19. @BankFodder There is a default moderator tool to require post approval in a topic: This will take your controversial topic into approval mode which means members posts will not appear until a staff member has personally approved them.
  20. Yes. Updated my password just in case it was out of date. That one in particular is 3 blocks within a block so it may be easier to look at recent-news block which should be a carousel but if you want to look at the specifically screenshotted ones: Outer block: {block="requests-station"} Inner blocks: {block="find-an-rpg"} {block="writing-partner-search"} {block="find-a-character-home"} For reference if you want to choose the easier one: What it should look like: What it does look like: I put both sets of blocks on a test page for you: https://rpginitiative.com/test/ So that you can view it in the IPS Support Theme which is my uncustomized theme. Things will disappear as there is a lot of CSS that goes into both but I determined it doesn't have the code because on the front end in Developer Tools they just don't exists. Thanks @Jim M
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