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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Interesting POV. Hope you’re right, even not having used it or needed it so far.
  2. I never used an external storage and if it is really what it looks like (local storage only {uploads folder}), I’m curious: will this be discontinued for Cloud users too or only for self-hosted? I don’t see IPS hosting files from so many clients (+85%). That’s a genuine question.
  3. I read it somewhere but I can’t find it now. I got this stuck at every new topic post/DB record comment: I have to manually run them several times during the day. I use cron (PHP 8.3).
  4. I only discover yesterday (after a couple of months using IPS5) where the CODE option is. I found it funny. It made no sense to me to hide it there. 👀
  5. Nope, it wasn’t there. I guess the rating system still exists. It was removed from Forums apparently. Anyway, not a big deal for my apps as I can write my own rating system. Also, not for me; a client has an interesting use of it and we’ll be impacted.
  6. Yes, that’s why there was a way to disable it.
  7. For you? I really don’t care but don’t try to speak for others. No, thank you.
  8. I am asking because I see a lot of "ratings" in templates and files but no option in the forums to enable it. {{if $topic->container()->allow_rating}} {template="rating" group="global" location="front" app="core" params="'large', $topic->rating_hits ? ( $topic->rating_total / $topic->rating_hits ) : 0"} {{endif}} etc.
  9. Forums settings = ACP -> Community -> Forums -> Settings.
  10. Unless it has changed on IPS5, it’s a Forums app settings.
  11. Just to confirm: we’ll also have to pay for the months we lapsed to renew, right? Not sure, but somehow I remember having read this somewhere.
  12. I'm re-uploading the screenshots and will update this topic if it happens again.
  13. It started on Beta4... if I edit a file, the category thumb is gone. On Beta5, they vanished. The only thing I did differently than usual, was to run the tool to rebuild support topics. That's what I got now: The image files exist and they are there on file view. Example: URL: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/category/24-free-applications/
  14. If you change the “action” description, the ID will remain the same, so the confusion will take place the same way, as I would have used X and now it is Y. Just saying…
  15. Could you show the reason directly instead of the response ID in the Spam Defense logs? Thank you.
  16. Sure. I meant, the word “require” would prevent me from upgrading the board.
  17. I was able to upgrade my online board from 4.7.18 to B4 and there were some tables MyISAM. I converted later but got no notice or something.
  18. https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/91-email-address-confirmation/
  19. Switch to English. Probably something in your translation is broken.