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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Upgrade to the latest and let me know if it insists.
  2. Even using the old version, this resource doesn’t create warnings; it changes the author for the generic moderator. Does it stop getting duplicated with it disabled?
  3. @Stuart Silvester, I tried to find the topic/post where I asked you about this but didn't find it so I'm creating a new topic. This shows as FIXED in 4.7.7 but is still a problem on That's how the app hook shows after the app install: /** * @mixin \IPS\core\Messenger\Message */ class messengerenh_hook_messageModel extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { use \IPS\Content\Reactable { try { \IPS\Content\Reactable::canReact as allowedToReact; } catch ( \Error | \RuntimeException $e ) { if( \defined( '\IPS\DEBUG_HOOKS' ) AND \IPS\DEBUG_HOOKS ) { \IPS\Log::log( $e, 'hook_exception' ); } if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return \call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, \func_get_args() ); } else { throw $e; } } } ... If I clean the code to: /** * @mixin \IPS\core\Messenger\Message */ class messengerenh_hook_messageModel extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { use \IPS\Content\Reactable { \IPS\Content\Reactable::canReact as allowedToReact; } ... it works as expected. Thank you.
  4. Nope, not looking. Just asking if this is the expected behavior.
  5. Let me try. Official app X. Template Y. Via plugin, I've made some changes to the template Y and these modifications aren't present when the user creates a block in Pages to display the template Y. Is this the expected behavior?
  6. I have a version from IPS 4.2 from this: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8859-staff-applications-system/ It used a dummy category. I don’t remember any issue related to sitemap. It won’t run in 4.7 obviously but you can take a look on its category model and public controller. Let me know if you want to take a look. If so, I’ll send a link via message.
  7. I did: So let me try again, in a simpler way. A background task is fired when the app is installed; last process on it, actually. As you might know, background tasks (queue) runs based on a task that runs at every minute or so, if you’re using Cron; if you’re not, it might take a few minutes. After start, it will copy the data from the plugin table to a new table created by the app. Depending on how many records you have, it can take more than one batch to go through all records and insert into new table. The whole process can take a few minutes, again, depending on your server configuration/number of records. So if you went immediately to Plugins page and manually uninstalled it, you deleted the data from real moderators of your warnings. All you had to do was: go to Dashboard (you would see the background task there); wait a couple of minutes or even ask in this topic before uninstall the plugin. Btw, I’ll release a new version to add a routine (existing in the plugin and forgotten in the app) to swap the generic moderators for the real one when uninstalling the app.
  8. If you’re talking about USER POSTS IN TOPIC and not WHO POSTED IN THE TOPIC, yes, it’s there. Use the right support topic if you need help.
  9. A background task runs after the app install to move data from the plugin to the app table. Plugin will be uninstalled after this process. No, you don’t need to set a moderator for each type. It will use the setting if it hasn’t. Worked fine to me. Can’t reproduce.
  10. What's New in Version 1.1.0 New feature: Add the ability to choose a generic moderator per warning reason. If a moderator isn't provided for a specific reason, the moderator from the app settings will be used Instructions: Plugin converted to an application due to an IPS request. Simply install the application and it will take care of everything: Will copy the plugin data to a proper application table Will copy the settings Will uninstall the plugin
  11. It’s a category permission (matrix). In your categories listing, click in the padlock and enable COMMENTS and REVIEWS for the groups you want.
  12. Yep, all fine now. 👍
  13. Someone from IPS reviewed the file today earlier and couldn’t find anything obvious that would allow this. I would concentrate your efforts in your server configuration/wordpress install.
  14. Yep, I didn't want to be the guy that points the finger, but I hope IPS is taking this in consideration.
  15. If the topic is already published, you can use this: You can manipulate the database but that's not recommended at all.
  16. I'm not getting popup notifications and emails. I have to open the PM all the time.
  17. It IS an workaround as I told you. It will use secondary groups to access but limitations is still (and will) use primary group. So if John Doe belongs to Group 1 but is accessing because he is in Group 15, file size, etc. is coming from Group 1. So basically all your groups will have to have values in the group fields. It’s like that your come back to what it always was.
  18. Are you having any issues with the app itself? Is there anything not working? Copied from a MS template: {{if !$file->isPaid() AND $file->ms_points AND $member->member_id != $file->submitter}} {$file->ms_points} {$pointsName}{{endif}} Anything different that's what is there, is customization, and not supported.
  19. What's New in Version 2.3.5 Fix the number of solved content Fix integration with 3rd party resources The tab will only show up in settings if you have any of the apps installed Removed integration with Member Away, as it already adds the away status in the user info panel
  20. What's New in Version 1.2.0 Fix: Fix: not setting post as hidden properly based on the app's configuration Instructions: Plugin converted to an application due to an IPS request. Simply install the application and it will take care of everything: Will copy the settings Will uninstall the plugin
  21. What's New in Version 1.1.0 Add a new setting to allow checking for secondary groups to use the application.
  22. What's New in Version 1.3.0 Add new moderator permission and setting to convert a topic (and its posts) to an event (with comments). New setting to allow the topic author to convert their topics into events. New setting to delete the topic after converting it to an event.
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