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Adriano Faria

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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. What's New in Version 1.1.6 Fix Clubs block using Carousel style.
  2. What's New in Version 1.1.0 Enhancement: Counter reset when the user clicks on the MARK SITE READ link Plugin converted to an application due to an IPS request. Instructions: Simply install the application and it will take care of everything: Will copy the settings Will uninstall the plugin
  3. A suggestion, if I may. To enhance communication and avoid situations like that, it would be helpful to create a topic in Developer Connection every time a new version will break something. For example: At least to me, it isn't clear that will break all apps without extensions.json. It may be to others, but it isn't to me. That would help the 3rd-party dev community to update their resources during the beta stage. Thank you.
  4. Adriano Faria


    @Giray, not sure this will help: You can probably ask questions in the support topic: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470120-member-segmentation-support-topic/
  5. I think it would be better if all the 3 buttons have the same size.
  6. Profile buttons seems weird too;
  7. I’ll refrain from continuing this conversation. 👍
  8. Yes, there is. Check if an app hasn’t the extension and then create it on a upgrade step. Videos (and a lot of other apps) added their extensions in 4.0 or 4.1. Seems a bit logical to me.
  9. I guess you added this later. Ok, why didn’t you add this to a step upgrade to .12? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. @Michael.J, take a look: That's why people can't add videos, etc. Basically, your app hasn't the data / extensions.json file because you added them before IPS 4.4. You will have to delete at least one of your extensions and add it back in order for the app works again. This will create the data / extensions.json.
  11. Yes, this one should have as it was updated last time on March 13. I was expecting the extensions.json to be built when you export the app; it seems to be done only when you add/remove an extension. Is that right?
  12. In all apps? Removed from all apps?
  13. Something weird there. I just had the same issue with an app. Someone reported: I went to check and everything is ok but it kept claiming the Editor Location extension. So I went to check it in the extensions.json and it doesn't even exists: So I removed the extension and recreated it with the same content and now the .json is there: And I got no error in the app. It was working, according to the user, up to 4.7.10. Leaving it here just in case you want to check it out.
  14. I'll think about it when I have to update to IPS 5. 👍
  15. That's because 512Kb is the default value for that column in the categories table. You would need a hook to add this (and other fields) in the club feature form:
  16. Welcome to the club. You’re not the only one who spends a lot of time on this and got things spread out. The only safe way to not have it shared is basically keeps it with you only.
  17. Probably it was removed somehow from the applications / appKey / data / extensions.json
  18. @Marc Stridgen, I see some mentions to \IPS\Content\Views in \IPS\Content\Controller::manage(), specifically when using Cache/Redis. \IPS\Content\Views is deprecated; shouldn't be there, AFAIK. Not sure it's related though.
  19. That will increase only 1 view in the topic ID 95. So it's a start to know that there aren't several records for the same topic in the table. Here I pressed F5 a few times in same topic: So it will increase in 5 the number of views.
  20. Make sure you haven't a browser extension to reload the page. Every time it reloads, it adds one record in the core_view_updates table.
  21. It seems to be something related to Videos app only. Just tested a couple of apps in 4.7.12 (with the new view stuff) and works just fine:
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