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  1. Since we announced IP.Nexus back in May, the interest shown has been phenomenal. We have held two limited pre-sales of IP.Nexus providing participants with a beta version of the product to provide feedback and testing beyond our internal QA team. The ideas presented by the participants of these pre-sales has been invaluable. By using Nexus in real-world situations, users have provided some great ideas both for putting the finishing touches on 1.0 and for future versions. I wanted to go over some of the bigger things we've improved on since my original development entries so you can see how the feature-set has progressed thanks to these pre-sales. Improved Tax Classes and Shipping Methods For users selling physical items, we have improved and expanded on the tax class and shipping method functionality and interface. It is now easy to set up multiple tax classes with rates dependant on the location of your customers, and flexible shipping methods which are also location-dependant and taxable. See these short videos for an short overview: Upsell Lots of stores offer addon products and services for a product. When a user adds an item to the cart, this is a perfect opportunity to present such addons to customers to upsell. We've added this to IP.Nexus. This is an example of what you might see now when you add an item to your cart which has addon services: Improved IP.Downloads Integration IP.Nexus integrates with IP.Downloads in a way that allows you (or even your users) to add files to IP.Downloads and specify them as being paid. While this works great if you're selling single files, some users wanted a way to sell items through the IP.Nexus Store, but still be able to take advantage of the great IP.Downloads file handling features like secure non-web-accessible files and version handling. We've tightened up the integration between IP.Downloads to provide an additional option when uploading a file: the option to associate a download with an IP.Nexus package. To the administrator, what this means is, if you're setting up a package in IP.Nexus which you'd like to add a download to, you would then go to IP.Downloads and add the file there. You can use a category no users can access to make the process a bit more seamless, but if a user who hasn't purchased the package stumbles across the file in IP.Downloads, they'll simply be redirected to the Store if they try to download. To the user, when they purchase an item in IP.Nexus which has a file associated with it, they will then see a "Download" button when they view that package in the client area: Clicking that link will begin the download immediately - the integration is completely seamless to the user. You can of course, have downloads which are associated with more than one package, and packages that are associated with more than one download (multiple download buttons will show). IP.Nexus Release Schedule As we have received so much great feedback from our pre-sale beta testers, we have been implementing many of their ideas and fixing issues they have discovered. This does mean that the first supported release of IP.Nexus has been delayed as we add new requests and then must test those new additions. However, we believe that taking this extra time to mature and expand the product's feature set will benefit everyone in the long run. As IP.Nexus deals with commerce on your community we of course want it to be as stable as possible for its first release. We are anticipating a final, supported release of IP.Nexus sometime in October at the current time. We may do another pre-sale between now and then for those who cannot wait to try IP.Nexus so keep an eye on our Blog or subscribe to our Blog for updates. Thank you all for your interest!
  2. In previous blog entries, we've talked about various things the user can do: generate and pay invoices, purchase packages, have custom packages, purchase advertisements, file support requests, etc. IP.Nexus features a centralised customer page from which you can view all the data the user has made. This is what it looks like: The buttons you see along the top allow you to send the user an Email, view the customer's history (which shows a chronological log of actions made to the user account, even if items have been deleted, discussed in more detail here) or go to the IP.Board edit member page. Wherever a member name is mentioned in the Nexus part of the Admin CP, it will link to this customer page. You can also access this customer page from the IP.Board edit member page via a link in the "Actions" dropdown menu. You can also search for a customer in the Nexus Admin CP. Details This box shows the customer's account details. You can edit these by pressing the edit button. Alternate Contacts This box shows all alternate contacts on the account and which purchases they are associated with. You can remove an alternate contact or manually add contacts. For more information on alternate contacts, see this blog entry. Notes This box contains miscellaneous notes made by staff members on the account. Staff members can (where they have permission) add, edit and delete notes. Purchases This box contains all purchases the customer has made. This will include items from the store, custom packages, IP.Downloads files, advertisements and any purchases made through third party applications. The icon on the left indicates the type of purchase (mouse over will provide a text description). You can see when the item was purchased, and when it expires, and you can edit, cancel or transfer the purchases. Purchases which have expired are highlighted amber, and purchases which have been cancelled are highlighted red. If a purchase is associated with another purchase, it will display in a tree format. For more information on managing purchases, see this blog entry. Invoices This box shows all invoices that have been generated on the customer's account. You can click on the invoice title to be taken to detailed information about the invoice, and can generate a new invoice by clicking the "Add Invoice" button. For more information on managing and generating invoices, see this blog entry. Support Requests This box shows all support requests created under the customer's account. You can visit the support request by clicking on the title. The icon on the left uses the same icons as topics on the forums to indicate if you have read the support request and if you have posted a reply to it. You can log a support request on behalf of the customer by clicking the "Log Support Request" button. For more information on support requests, see this blog entry. Referrals This box lists all members which have been referred by the customer (and only shows if there are any). It also lists how much commission the member has earned from each, and the total commission earned. For more information on referrals, see this blog entry.
  3. IP.Board 3.1 has a great advertisement system. Administrators can specify code to appear in certain locations around the community to display banner ads. With IP.Nexus, it seemed logical to expand this to allow members of a community to purchase advertisement space. In order to do this, when you install IP.Nexus, the advertisement system in IP.Nexus will override the system in IP.Board. Even if you're not planning on selling advertisement space, the system in IP.Nexus allows you to set up multiple advertisements (for rotation), automatic expiry, per-ad permissions and other features. Setting up your own Advertisements The Admin CP has a page which lists all advertisements currently running on your community. These could be ones created yourself, or ones purchased by a user. Here you can add your own advertisements. You can specify either raw HTML code, or an image URL and link URL. The latter is required for click tracking. You can also specify which groups cannot see the advertisement and if it should expire after a certain number of clicks or impressions. The table indicates how many clicks and impressions each ad has received. When it has reached its limit, it will expire and become inactive. You can manually edit the current number of clicks or impressions the advertisement has by editing it. Advertisement Packages In order for a user to be able to purchase advertisement space, you will have need to created at least one advertisement package. These define the terms such as where the ad will show, who it should not show to and how many clicks/impressions it will last. You can manage your packages in the Admin CP. Purchasing Advertisements A user can purchase advertisements in their User CP. They can select a package, provide the URL for the target link, and either upload or provide a URL to an image. For security reasons, and to allow click tracking, users cannot provide raw HTML. Once a user has purchased an advertisement, it must be approved by an administrator. An Admin CP dashboard notification appears if there are pending advertisements, and unapproved advertisements will be highlighted on the listing page. To approve an advertisement, you would just click the cross indicating it is not currently active. When a user selects his purchase in the client area, a page will display the status (approved, pending approval, expired) and the current clicks/impressions of the advertisement. How advertisements are displayed IP.Nexus will display whatever ad is appropriate for each location. If there are no advertisements set up for a location, none will show, and if multiple are set up, one of the appropriate advertisements will be selected at random to show. This is calculated on each page load, however, advertisements are cached based on the appropriate location, so advertisements are not pulled on every page load to save resources. Each time an advertisement is used, it's impression count is increased. When an advertisement is clicked on, it's click count is increased. IP.Nexus will automatically disable an advertisement after it has reached it's allocated number of impressions or clicks.
  4. In an application like IP.Nexus, it is important to have verbose logging features. Frequently you may wish to look over a the past actions of a customer to assist them, to check for suspicious activity or just for your own records. In IP.Nexus, every action taken on a customer account is logged and can be viewed from the customer's information page. IP.Nexus features a customer page in the Admin CP (which will be discussed more in a future blog entry). From here, you can access their history page. This is what it looks like: Please note that the interface shown in this screenshot is not finalised and subject to change. The log can be sorted so that newer actions show first, or older. You can also filter the log by event type, so for example, if you just wanted to see the transactions made for the account, you could uncheck all the boxes apart from transactions. As soon as you check or uncheck a box, the results list is immediately updated to reflect this (no page refresh). The actions logged are: Account Changes - if a member changes their name, address, telephone number, EMail address or password (or a member of staff does) the action is logged along with the previous values. If the change was made by a member of staff, which staff member is logged. A purchases is made (i.e. a package is added to the customer's account). The information for a package (such as the custom fields information) is edited. If the change was made by a member of staff, which staff member is logged. A member of staff (and who) cancels, reactivates or deletes a purchase from the customer account. A purchase is transferred to or from the account, the account it was transferred to or from is also logged along with the member of staff performing the transfer. A member of staff (and who) changes the purchase to a different package (this is done when a package is deleted from the Admin CP). A purchase expires. An invoice is generated. Whether the invoice was generated by the member (store purchase), the system (renewal invoice) or a member of staff (and who) is also logged. A member of staff (and who) resends, changes the status of or deletes an invoice. A coupon or account credit is used against an invoice. An invoice expires. The system automatically processes an invoice because the total to pay is zero. The customer makes a transaction. It is also logged if the transaction was automatically approved, held for review, or failed. A member of staff (and who) approves or denies a transaction. A support request is filed. If filed by a support member, it will be noted who, and if the support request was filed because of a received Email, this will also be noted. A staff member (and who) adds, edits or deletes a note on the customer's account. A staff member (and who) sends the customer an Email, and the content of that Email. The member requests a credit payout. A member of staff (and who) dismisses a credit payout request.
  5. Updated 25th June: Due to popular demand, we have added support for POP3 account polling as well as Email Piping As mentioned in a previous blog entry, IP.Nexus supports Incoming Emails to be parsed as support requests. Technical Requirements In order for Incoming Emails to function, you will either need to configure your server to pipe Emails to a script, or a mail account which supports POP3. Customers using our hosting service who are paying $5 for IP.Content and IP.Nexus will be happy to know their accounts support piping. We strongly recommend piping over POP3 and customers not using our hosting service should check with their provider if either service is offered. If piping is not available, most EMail accounts (including GMail) support POP3. If using POP3 over piping, it is strongly recommended that you use a CRON job to poll the account. Check with your hosting provider if you are able to set up CRON jobs. How it works For Email piping: The user sends an Email to a special Email address which you have configured on your server to be piped to a script in IP.Board.Your server hands the Email to that script.If the Email is a reply, the script will detect this from the subject line and add the content of the Email as a reply. If it is a new request, the script will look for support departments with the Email address the Email was sent to and create a new request in that department. For POP3 polling:The user sends an Email to a special Email address which you have configured on your server to be piped to a script in IP.Board.IP.Board periodically checks (by default every 30 minutes, but this can be configured) if there are any new messages on your server.If a message is found, it is pulled back to a script in IP.Board.If the Email is a reply, the script will detect this from the subject line and add the content of the Email as a reply. If it is a new request, the script will look for support departments with the Email address the Email was sent to and create a new request in that department. If the user does not have an account, IP.Nexus will still create the support request and they will receive replies by Email. If the user then decides to create an account, IP.Nexus will recognise that they already have support requests and assign them to the new account so they can view them in the client area. Attachments are parsed as per the normal IP.Board attachment settings so you can Email images, zip files, etc. but any file types IP.Board wouldn't normally allow you to upload will be ignored. They will be displayed in the support request, and treated as normal attachments, just as if they had been uploaded in the client area. Information for Developers This is actually a feature of IP.Board 3.1, we just haven't previously announced it since there was no application until now. You can however, add incoming email support to your own application, and we have written a developer article here which explains how to do it: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/documentation/index.html/_/hidden-staff-only/incomingemailsphp-r371
  6. IP.Nexus allows account holders to create alternate contacts who can submit support requests on your behalf. On my account I have a package called "Basic Widget". I can create an alternate contact assigned to this package, and we will then both be able to submit support requests related to it, and view requests each other have submitted. This is the alternate contacts page: You can add a contact by pressing the button at the bottom, which will allow you to select which packages to assign them to. And of course can remove contacts by pressing the button in the list: When the alternate contact logs in and visits their client area, they will see, and can reply to, existing support requests, or create new requests associated with the package assigned to them: When viewing a support request in the Admin CP, support staff can identify who is the main account holder, and who is the alternate contact:
  7. In our previous blog entry, we showed the front end for submitting support requests. In this entry, we'll show how staff members deal with support requests from the Admin CP. This is what the support listing in the Admin CP looks like: Staff members can select which departments and statuses to show using the filters at the bottom. Of course, only the departments they are allowed to access are shown. Support requests are sorted by the date of the last reply, ignoring any replies made by the same member (so if a member replies to their support request with more information, they remain in the same position in the queue). If there are any requests you are tracking or are assigned to you, buttons will appear at the top to allow you to view these requests, regardless of your current filter settings. Support requests you are tracking or are assigned to you are marked in the list with an icon. You can set the status on multiple requests at a time by selecting the checkbox for each one and using the dropdown menu at the bottom. For example, if you see duplicate tickets or spam. This is what the request screen looks like: The box at the top indicates the properties of the request. When you mouse over any of these, they will change to a dropdown menu allowing you to change them. After selecting an option, it will immediately be saved. The box below this indicates the package associated to the request. If the request is in a department which requires an associated package and there isn't one, or it isn't the correct type, an warning will be shown: When you change any of the attributes, such as department, the status of this will be updated via AJAX. If the associated package has custom fields or subpackages, clicking on the package name will reveal this information: You can change the associated package by clicking the link which will show a list of all the user's packages - the currently associated package will be highlighted: You can reply to a request using the box at the bottom. At the same time as replying, you can edit any of the attributes. You can also select a stock action, which will automatically fill in the reply and select the appropriate attribute values for you. You can then customise these or send the reply. You can add a hidden note to a request by pressing the button at the top, which will display a popup for you to type your note: The note will be displayed inline in the request: Notes only show to staff members in the Admin CP - the customer will not see them. You can control who is notified of replies to the support request using the "Notifications" tab at the bottom. This is handy if the customer requests another person to be CCd on replies.
  8. In our previous blog entry, we discussed the management of the support desk. In this blog entry, we'll be showing the front-end to creating support requests from the client area. Members can view all of their support requests in the client area: Members can submit a support request by clicking the "New Request" button. The member can select a department, and if the selected department requires an associated package, they will be prompted to select one. IP.Nexus automatically works out which departments are available to a member based on their active packages and your department settings. Members can of course upload attachments to support requests. This is what a support request looks like: Members can reply to a support request right from the page, or, if enabled, set the status from the dropdown menu.
  9. One feature we're really excited about in IP.Nexus is the Support Desk. Many administrators selling products on their site will need to offer support services to members. In this blog entry, we'll go through some of the settings available allowing you to control the Support Desk. Please note, the design of some areas shown in the screenshots shown are not finalised and subject to change. Departments IP.Nexus supports any number of departments. Each department can be: Private - members cannot submit support requests directly (for example, an "advanced support" department). Public - any member can submit support requests (for example, a "sales" department). Package associated - members who have purchased selected products can support requests (for example a "general support" department). Staff You can control which staff can access which departments. For example, you could have your customer service staff only see the sales and customer service departments, and your technicians only see the support departments. You can define a member or an entire group's access. If a member is in a group which one access level, and they also have their own access level, their own will override the groups. Statuses IP.Nexus allows you to customise the statuses for support requests. A set of standard statuses are in by default, but you can customise, remove or add your own. There are a number of settings allowing you to control the behaviour of a status, which you can see in this screenshot: Stock Actions One thing we really like about the Support Desk in IP.Nexus is something we call Stock Actions. Many Support Desks feature stock replies or canned responses. We find when we do technical support, than often a stock reply comes with an action. For example, if a support request needs to be escalated to Tier 2 support, we will give a stock reply, change the department to "Tier 2", change the status to "Open", and release control. Stock Actions in IP.Nexus allow this process to be automated. They can give a reply, and at the same time, set the status, department and assigned staff member on the support request. Incoming Emails IP.Nexus not only allows a member to reply through the client area, they can Email a new request or a reply to a request and IP.Nexus will process it. We will discuss a little more about the requirements for this feature and how it works in a future blog entry. You may have noticed in the earlier screenshot showing the department settings that each department can have an incoming Email address. For example, you could set IP.Nexus so Emails to "sales@example.com" go to your sales department, while EMails to "support@example.com" go to your support department. IP.Nexus also allows you to define rules to filter incoming Emails. For example, if you are receiving spam from a certain address, you could instruct IP.Nexus to discard that Email.
  10. In several of our previous blog entry about IP.Nexus, we've mentioned "credits". Credit, is simply money which is stored on the account. When IP.Nexus "pays" a users (commission for a referral purchase, for example) it adds credit to their account. The administrator can of course award credit manually from the customer page in the Admin CP. A user which has credit on their account can use it against purchases. On the checkout screen, they will see a link like this: Clicking that will deduct the user's credit amount from the balance to pay. If the amount of credit is greater than the balance, IP.Nexus will recognise that payment has been received and display the thank you page (or redirect the user to the download page for IP.Downloads purchases). In addition to using credit for purchases, if the administrator allows, users can request that their credit be paid to them. In the client area, users will see an "Account Credit" section from which they can request a payout. The user will then be alerted on the Admin CP dashboard that there is a pending payout request. They can view all payout requests in the Admin CP. Clicking the Pay option will allow admins to complete the payout request. For PayPal, this will take the admin straight to PayPal and the request will automatically be removed upon completion.
  11. IP.Nexus is designed to give administrators the tools to monetize their community. Not only is this about selling products and services (or accepting donations) but promoting your site as well. Many customers have asked us about a referral system. Until IP.Nexus, there would have been little incentive for members to use such a system. With IP.Nexus, not only can members refer their friends using banners you create, but they can receive commission on products and services that members they refer purchase through IP.Nexus. You can enable referrals and configure the commission percentage in the Admin CP. You can also set up the banners that members can use. If you don't set any up (or in addition to any that you do), a simple text link will be available. Banners can be uploaded images, or you can supply an image URL. In the Client Area, members can view all the banners you've set up and the HTML and BBCode to display them. If somebody then clicks a banner posted on a website by one of your members and registers on your community, IP.Nexus will create a link between the two members. If that member then proceeds to make any purchases, and you have defined a commission percentage, IP.Nexus will award commission to the referring member in the form of account credit (we will discuss account credit in a future blog entry). The customer page in IP.Nexus indicates who a members was referred by and any members they have referred. In addition, you can see how much commission a members has earned through referrals:
  12. IP.Nexus is designed to give administrators the tools to monetize their community. Not only is this about selling products and services (or accepting donations) but promoting your site as well. Many customers have asked us about a referral system. Until IP.Nexus, there would have been little incentive for members to use such a system. With IP.Nexus, not only can members refer their friends using banners you create, but they can receive commission on products and services that members they refer purchase through IP.Nexus. You can enable referrals and configure the commission percentage in the Admin CP. You can also set up the banners that members can use. If you don't set any up (or in addition to any that you do), a simple text link will be available. Banners can be uploaded images, or you can supply an image URL. In the Client Area, members can view all the banners you've set up and the HTML and BBCode to display them. If somebody then clicks a banner posted on a website by one of your members and registers on your community, IP.Nexus will create a link between the two members. If that member then proceeds to make any purchases, and you have defined a commission percentage, IP.Nexus will award commission to the referring member in the form of account credit (we will discuss account credit in a future blog entry). The customer page in IP.Nexus indicates who a members was referred by and any members they have referred. In addition, you can see how much commission a members has earned through referrals: View full blog entry
  13. Not only can IP.Nexus be used to sell specific items on your community. IP.Nexus can accept open donations targetted to any number of goals. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised and subject to change. A donation goal can be open-ended, that is, it has no target. For example, a personal community could accept donations towards the cost of maintaining the site. A donation can also have a specific target amount if you are asking donations towards a specific total. Donation goals can be managed in the Admin CP. When creating a goal you specify a name, description and if desired, a target. You can create as many goals as you like. Users can then donate towards goals in the User CP. As you can see, all goals are listed and a progress bar is shown for goals that have specified targets. To donate, a user simply enters in the amount they wish to donate and they are taken straight to the payment screen. After payment, the user is shown a thanks page where they will see the progress meter again:
  14. Not only can IP.Nexus be used to sell specific items on your community. IP.Nexus can accept open donations targetted to any number of goals. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised and subject to change. A donation goal can be open-ended, that is, it has no target. For example, a personal community could accept donations towards the cost of maintaining the site. A donation can also have a specific target amount if you are asking donations towards a specific total. Donation goals can be managed in the Admin CP. When creating a goal you specify a name, description and if desired, a target. You can create as many goals as you like. Users can then donate towards goals in the User CP. As you can see, all goals are listed and a progress bar is shown for goals that have specified targets. To donate, a user simply enters in the amount they wish to donate and they are taken straight to the payment screen. After payment, the user is shown a thanks page where they will see the progress meter again: View full blog entry
  15. There are many areas of IP.Nexus which the user needs to be able to manage: past orders, active purchase, support requests, etc. We decided, rather than trying to shoe-horn these features into the User CP, which was not really designed for such functions, to create a new "Client Area", specific to IP.Nexus. This is what it looks like: In this blog entry we'll be talking about the "Purchases" and "Invoices" sections of this Client Area. Purchases The "Purchases" section (shown above) will list all active purchases on your account. Clicking the "View Info" button takes you to an overview page for the purchase: Here you can update any custom package fields if the field allows you to do so (fields can be set to not be editable after purchase if you desire). If the item has renewal terms and you are within the time you are allowed to renew the package, you can click "Renew Now" to renew. Doing this will take you straight to the payment screen, and once paid, the expiry date will be updated. If the package is part of a group which allows upgrading and downgrading, you can click the "Change Package" button to do so: Depending on your settings, upgrading may be free or they may be charged the difference, and if downgrading, they may be refunded the difference - exactly what will happen, along with the new renewal terms is shown for each selection. If the user must pay the difference to upgrade, they will be taken to the payment screen and once payment clears, the package will be changed. If the user is to be refunded the difference when downgrading, it will be applied as credit on their account (we will discuss account credit in a future update). Invoices This is what the Invoices screen looks like: As you can see, invoices are separated into tabs: Pending invoices are orders which the user has started but not finished or cancelled, or have been generated by the system (for example, when a package is due for renewal) or have been generated by an administrator. Paid invoices are past orders which the user finished successfully. Expired invoices are previously pending invoices which have now expired. The user can still pay expired invoices, but the service they relate to (for example if it is a renewal invoice) would have deactivated. Cancelled invoices have been cancelled by the user or an administrator. You can click on an invoice to view details: If the user can pay an invoice, they will see the "Pay Now" button which will take them to the checkout page (which we discussed previously in this blog entry). If the user has credit on their account, they will also see an "Apply Credit" button which will allow them to use their account credit against the invoice total. This concludes the Invoices and Purchases area of the Client Area. We will be discussing other areas of the client area in future blog entries. View full blog entry
  16. There are many areas of IP.Nexus which the user needs to be able to manage: past orders, active purchase, support requests, etc. We decided, rather than trying to shoe-horn these features into the User CP, which was not really designed for such functions, to create a new "Client Area", specific to IP.Nexus. This is what it looks like: In this blog entry we'll be talking about the "Purchases" and "Invoices" sections of this Client Area. Purchases The "Purchases" section (shown above) will list all active purchases on your account. Clicking the "View Info" button takes you to an overview page for the purchase: Here you can update any custom package fields if the field allows you to do so (fields can be set to not be editable after purchase if you desire). If the item has renewal terms and you are within the time you are allowed to renew the package, you can click "Renew Now" to renew. Doing this will take you straight to the payment screen, and once paid, the expiry date will be updated. If the package is part of a group which allows upgrading and downgrading, you can click the "Change Package" button to do so: Depending on your settings, upgrading may be free or they may be charged the difference, and if downgrading, they may be refunded the difference - exactly what will happen, along with the new renewal terms is shown for each selection. If the user must pay the difference to upgrade, they will be taken to the payment screen and once payment clears, the package will be changed. If the user is to be refunded the difference when downgrading, it will be applied as credit on their account (we will discuss account credit in a future update). Invoices This is what the Invoices screen looks like: As you can see, invoices are separated into tabs: Pending invoices are orders which the user has started but not finished or cancelled, or have been generated by the system (for example, when a package is due for renewal) or have been generated by an administrator. Paid invoices are past orders which the user finished successfully. Expired invoices are previously pending invoices which have now expired. The user can still pay expired invoices, but the service they relate to (for example if it is a renewal invoice) would have deactivated. Cancelled invoices have been cancelled by the user or an administrator. You can click on an invoice to view details: If the user can pay an invoice, they will see the "Pay Now" button which will take them to the checkout page (which we discussed previously in this blog entry). If the user has credit on their account, they will also see an "Apply Credit" button which will allow them to use their account credit against the invoice total. This concludes the Invoices and Purchases area of the Client Area. We will be discussing other areas of the client area in future blog entries.
  17. In a previous blog entry we covered the ordering process for both the end user and administrator, but of course administrators can generate invoices manually. In this blog entry we're going to be demonstrating the how administrators can manage and generate invoices for users. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised subject to change. Managing Invoices There are two ways you can view invoices, and we imagine most administrators will either use one or the other depending on the size of community. Firstly, you can view all invoices in a list with the most recent invoices first. We imagine this will be useful to smaller communities. You can also view the invoices for a particular customer from the customer page. We imagine this will be more practical for larger communities. The customer page can be accessed either from a link in the normal "Edit member" Admin CP page or the Customer search page in the IP.Nexus section of the Admin CP. We'll be discussing all of the features of the customer page in a future blog entry. This is what the invoice details screen looks like: As you can see, it lists each item in the invoice and any transactions related to the invoice. It also shows information on the status, and if the invoice has been paid it will indicate the date that it was paid, and any additional information that may be necessary: Generating an Invoice You can of course generate an invoice manually for a customer. You do this from the customer page by clicking the "Add Invoice" button that is there. You will see a screen like this: You can add an item by clicking the "Add Item" button. This will bring up a dropdown menu with the different types of item you can add: You can add a normal package by selecting the package from the packages you have created: You can create a custom package: You can add a miscellaneous charge (for example, a shipping cost or discount): And if you have IP.Downloads integration enabled, you can add a paid IP.Downloads file: (Note that if you have lots of files you will see a search box to enter a filename rather than a dropdown of all paid files). You can also add a renewal for any of the user's existing purchases by clicking the "Add Renewal" button: After adding each item, you'll be taken back to the first screen: From here you can edit the quantity of any item (the price will be updated automatically by AJAX and taking into account any bulk discounts you have set up) or remove an item. Once you're done, clicking the "Save" button at the top will generate the invoice. If you selected the invoice to be pending, the user will receive an Email notifying them an invoice has been generated, and if you selected the invoice to be paid, the packages will be added to the user's account straight away.
  18. In a previous blog entry we covered the ordering process for both the end user and administrator, but of course administrators can generate invoices manually. In this blog entry we're going to be demonstrating the how administrators can manage and generate invoices for users. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised subject to change. Managing Invoices There are two ways you can view invoices, and we imagine most administrators will either use one or the other depending on the size of community. Firstly, you can view all invoices in a list with the most recent invoices first. We imagine this will be useful to smaller communities. You can also view the invoices for a particular customer from the customer page. We imagine this will be more practical for larger communities. The customer page can be accessed either from a link in the normal "Edit member" Admin CP page or the Customer search page in the IP.Nexus section of the Admin CP. We'll be discussing all of the features of the customer page in a future blog entry. This is what the invoice details screen looks like: As you can see, it lists each item in the invoice and any transactions related to the invoice. It also shows information on the status, and if the invoice has been paid it will indicate the date that it was paid, and any additional information that may be necessary: Generating an Invoice You can of course generate an invoice manually for a customer. You do this from the customer page by clicking the "Add Invoice" button that is there. You will see a screen like this: You can add an item by clicking the "Add Item" button. This will bring up a dropdown menu with the different types of item you can add: You can add a normal package by selecting the package from the packages you have created: You can create a custom package: You can add a miscellaneous charge (for example, a shipping cost or discount): And if you have IP.Downloads integration enabled, you can add a paid IP.Downloads file: (Note that if you have lots of files you will see a search box to enter a filename rather than a dropdown of all paid files). You can also add a renewal for any of the user's existing purchases by clicking the "Add Renewal" button: After adding each item, you'll be taken back to the first screen: From here you can edit the quantity of any item (the price will be updated automatically by AJAX and taking into account any bulk discounts you have set up) or remove an item. Once you're done, clicking the "Save" button at the top will generate the invoice. If you selected the invoice to be pending, the user will receive an Email notifying them an invoice has been generated, and if you selected the invoice to be paid, the packages will be added to the user's account straight away. View full blog entry
  19. In our last IP.Nexus Dev Update, we demonstrated the storefront and checkout process for the end user. In this blog entry, we're going to show you some of the Admin features for processing orders. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised and subject to change. There are two stages to processing an order: Approving the transaction IP.Nexus can automatically process transactions that the payment gateway reports as successful. Some users may wish to set all transactions to be manually approved for extra security, and in some cases, transactions may also need to be manually approved if the payment gateway reports a problem. Shipping the items If a user has purchased physical items which needs to be shipped, a shipping order will be generated to let you know what items need to be shipped and who to ship them to. If a user makes an order with multiple items using different shipping methods, multiple shipping orders may be generated. Some orders of course may require both of these steps and some will require neither, depending on your configuration and what the user purchases. On the Admin CP Dashboard you will see a notification if there are any pending transactions or shipping orders: This uses the IP.Board Admin CP Dashboard Notification Center which was added in 3.1. Approving Transactions You can view all transactions that are awaiting your approval on a page in the Admin CP: From here you can approve a transaction by "View" link or mark it as paid or failed by clicking the appropriate icon. The transaction details screen looks like this: You can see details about the transaction, the invoice it corresponds to and the reason it is pending approval. After a transaction has been marked complete, the details pane will show a message indicating who did so: Once a transaction has been approved, the invoice it is associated with will be marked paid and any purchases the user has paid for will be activated. If the order includes any physical items, a shipping order will be generated at this time. Shipping Orders You can view all shipping orders that are awaiting your approval on a page in the Admin CP: You can view a shipping order by clicking on the link. The details screen looks like this: As you can see, the shipping address and items to be shipped are listed. Once you have shipped the items, you can click the button in the top right to mark the order as shipped. This will send a notification to the user that the items have been shipped and archive the shipping order.
  20. In our last IP.Nexus Dev Update, we demonstrated the storefront and checkout process for the end user. In this blog entry, we're going to show you some of the Admin features for processing orders. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised and subject to change. There are two stages to processing an order: Approving the transaction IP.Nexus can automatically process transactions that the payment gateway reports as successful. Some users may wish to set all transactions to be manually approved for extra security, and in some cases, transactions may also need to be manually approved if the payment gateway reports a problem. Shipping the items If a user has purchased physical items which needs to be shipped, a shipping order will be generated to let you know what items need to be shipped and who to ship them to. If a user makes an order with multiple items using different shipping methods, multiple shipping orders may be generated. Some orders of course may require both of these steps and some will require neither, depending on your configuration and what the user purchases. On the Admin CP Dashboard you will see a notification if there are any pending transactions or shipping orders: This uses the IP.Board Admin CP Dashboard Notification Center which was added in 3.1. Approving Transactions You can view all transactions that are awaiting your approval on a page in the Admin CP: From here you can approve a transaction by "View" link or mark it as paid or failed by clicking the appropriate icon. The transaction details screen looks like this: You can see details about the transaction, the invoice it corresponds to and the reason it is pending approval. After a transaction has been marked complete, the details pane will show a message indicating who did so: Once a transaction has been approved, the invoice it is associated with will be marked paid and any purchases the user has paid for will be activated. If the order includes any physical items, a shipping order will be generated at this time. Shipping Orders You can view all shipping orders that are awaiting your approval on a page in the Admin CP: You can view a shipping order by clicking on the link. The details screen looks like this: As you can see, the shipping address and items to be shipped are listed. Once you have shipped the items, you can click the button in the top right to mark the order as shipped. This will send a notification to the user that the items have been shipped and archive the shipping order. View full blog entry
  21. In our previous blog entry, we covered how to create packages in IP.Nexus. This blog entry will cover the storefront and ordering process for the products that you sell. The Store The front page of the store looks like this: The front page allows users to view products items (you can configure which products are featured in the Admin CP) or the most popular (i.e. most sold) products. Users can navigate the store using the category menu on the left. When you navigate into a category, it opens a tree with subcategories. The bar on the left shows the products currently in your shopping cart, including any tax and discount costs. As discussed in a previous blog entry, you can configure products to have custom fields or associations with other products. When adding these products, you will see a screen like this: Viewing Your Cart After adding an item, or by clicking the "Edit Cart" link the sidebar, you'll see a page like this: As you can see, you can edit quantities for products which do not require custom fields by entering a new number in the box (or remove all of that product by clicking the remove link). For products which have custom fields, each item is listed individually, so you can remove the one you want. Checkout Process The checkout process is only available to registered members. If a guest clicks "Checkout" on the store, IP.Nexus will remember their cart and direct them to the registration screen. After registration is complete, when the user logs in, IP.Nexus will redirect them to the checkout page. All steps of the checkout process have a cancel button that the user can use to cancel the purchase. Clicking checkout from the cart screen, the user will be asked to enter their shipping address: Of course, if the items the user is purchasing are not physical, or the user has already provided this information in a previous order, this step will be skipped. Next, the user will be asked to select their shipping method: The available shipping methods and shipping costs are calculated automatically based on what the user is purchasing. If the user purchases several items which have different available shipping options, more than one dropdown may be available. In this case, IP.Nexus will automatically work out the minimum number of shipping orders to create based on the selections. Again, if the items the user is purchasing are not physical, this step will be skipped. The next page will show the user the total cost with shipping included and allow them to enter any coupon codes they have or apply account credit. After selecting a payment method, the appropriate fields will automatically be shown: After submitting, the user will either be taken back to the payment page if payment failed, or be shown a success page. If you have configured IP.Nexus to hold all payments until you manually approve them, the success page will indicate this: And of course if the user chooses to pay by a manual method (such as a check) they will be shown information how to pay:
  22. In our previous blog entry, we covered how to create packages in IP.Nexus. This blog entry will cover the storefront and ordering process for the products that you sell. The Store The front page of the store looks like this: The front page allows users to view products items (you can configure which products are featured in the Admin CP) or the most popular (i.e. most sold) products. Users can navigate the store using the category menu on the left. When you navigate into a category, it opens a tree with subcategories. The bar on the left shows the products currently in your shopping cart, including any tax and discount costs. As discussed in a previous blog entry, you can configure products to have custom fields or associations with other products. When adding these products, you will see a screen like this: Viewing Your Cart After adding an item, or by clicking the "Edit Cart" link the sidebar, you'll see a page like this: As you can see, you can edit quantities for products which do not require custom fields by entering a new number in the box (or remove all of that product by clicking the remove link). For products which have custom fields, each item is listed individually, so you can remove the one you want. Checkout Process The checkout process is only available to registered members. If a guest clicks "Checkout" on the store, IP.Nexus will remember their cart and direct them to the registration screen. After registration is complete, when the user logs in, IP.Nexus will redirect them to the checkout page. All steps of the checkout process have a cancel button that the user can use to cancel the purchase. Clicking checkout from the cart screen, the user will be asked to enter their shipping address: Of course, if the items the user is purchasing are not physical, or the user has already provided this information in a previous order, this step will be skipped. Next, the user will be asked to select their shipping method: The available shipping methods and shipping costs are calculated automatically based on what the user is purchasing. If the user purchases several items which have different available shipping options, more than one dropdown may be available. In this case, IP.Nexus will automatically work out the minimum number of shipping orders to create based on the selections. Again, if the items the user is purchasing are not physical, this step will be skipped. The next page will show the user the total cost with shipping included and allow them to enter any coupon codes they have or apply account credit. After selecting a payment method, the appropriate fields will automatically be shown: After submitting, the user will either be taken back to the payment page if payment failed, or be shown a success page. If you have configured IP.Nexus to hold all payments until you manually approve them, the success page will indicate this: And of course if the user chooses to pay by a manual method (such as a check) they will be shown information how to pay: View full blog entry
  23. IP.Nexus allows to you to create packages with a variety of options and even create custom packages for your users. In this blog entry we wanted to go through some of the options available to you. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised subject to change. Package Groups IP.Nexus allows you to split your packages into package groups. You can have as many groups as you like, and groups can be children of other groups going as deep as you like. This is the main "Manage Package" screen in the Admin CP: You can click on a group to view the packages within that group: And click on a package to edit it: Physical Items You can set an item as physical or not. If an item is physical you can also specify the shipping methods available. Shipping options can be flat rate or based on the weight of items being shipped. When a user orders a physical item, a shipping order will be created which the Administrator can marked as filled. Shipping orders will be discussed in a future blog entry. If a user makes an order with multiple items, IP.Nexus will work out which items have the same shipping methods available and group them into as few shipping orders as possible. Associated Items You can specify that one package can (or must) be associated with another package. For example, if you are selling software and also have an addon product, you could specify that the addon must be associated with the main product. If a user purchases both the main product and the addon product at the same time, IP.Nexus will automatically work out that they are to be associated, and if the association is required, the user won't get an error message telling them they need to purchase the main product first. When a purchase is associated with another purchase, this will be indicated both on the customer page, and in any support requests the user creates. Discounts IP.Nexus includes two discount options for packages. We call these "bundle discounts" and "loyalty discounts". "Bundle discounts" allow you to specify a discount if the item is purchased with a different item. For example, here at IPS, if you purchase an IP.Blog license with an IP.Board license, you get a 5% discount on the total order - that would be possible within IP.Nexus. You can specify whether the discount can only be used alone or if it can be combined with other bundle discounts. If it can only be used alone, IP.Nexus will automatically calculate the best discount applicable according to what is in the user's cart. "Loyalty discounts" allow you to specify a discount if the user already owns a certain number of a certain item. For example, you could make it so that if the user already owns 2 of an item, they get the third cheaper - or if the user has purchased a special item (for example some kind of premium membership) they get a discount on all products. You can build up tiers so that if the user owns x items, they get y price, but if the user owns even more of the item, they get an even cheaper price - IP.Nexus will automatically work out the best discount. If you have a loyalty discount set up so, if for example, the user gets a cheaper price if they already own 2 items, and the user tries to purchase 3 of that item at the same time - IP.Nexus will still take the loyalty discount into account, and provide the discounted price for the third item. Upgrading Member Groups You can specify that a user be moved into a different user group (primary or secondary) or have an additional permission mask assigned to them when they purchase an item. You can also specify a renewal term for your license (the renewal price does not have to be the same as the base price) and have the user automatically demoted if they do not renew their item. Upgrades & Downgrades If in a product group you have different levels of a package, you can allow members to upgrade or downgrade between packages, which they can do themselves through their User CP. You can specify whether to allow upgrades or downgrades (you can allow both, neither or either of the two) but also, you can specify whether or not the user needs to pay the difference between the prices when upgrading. If this is set, when the user attempts to upgrade, they will need to pay the difference, and then be automatically upgraded. If this is not set, the user will be upgraded with no intervention. On the other side, you can also set it to issue users with a refund of the difference when they downgrade their product, this is given in the form of account credits. Custom Page You can provide custom content that the user will see when they select their purchased item in the User CP. This could be used to display download instructions, hidden content or anything else you like. In addition, you can also choose to display a "Submit Support Request" form on this page, and specify the support department it should be routed to. We'll discuss support requests in more detail in a future blog entry. Custom Package Fields You can specify "custom fields" that the user can (or must) fill out when purchasing an item. An example of how this might be used is if you're selling clothing and you need the user to select their size; or you're selling software and you want to force the user to provide the URL they will be installing the software on. Textbox and dropdown field types are supported, there are also two special field types: "username/password" and "ftp information" which allow you to ask for what we expect will be frequently requested information but without using 2 or 3 custom fields. If several of your items are going to have the same custom profile field (for example, if you're selling several different T-Shirts and they all need a custom profile field for "Size" - you only need to create it once and assign it to all fields. Removing Packages When you remove a package, you may also want to cancel the service for any members who have purchased that item, or even switch them to a different package. IP.Nexus allows you to remove a package from all members in the way you choose. Managing Purchases Once a user has purchased an item, you can edit the purchase to change the renewal terms for that member - this allows you to for example, create custom variations of a package for different users. You can also of course manually edit the custom fields, cancel a purchase (this will revert them to their original usergroup if applicable) and even transfer a purchased item to another member. Custom Packages Not only can you customise purchased items but you can create a custom package for an individual user through the Admin CP, specifying a package name, cost and renewal terms.
  24. IP.Nexus allows to you to create packages with a variety of options and even create custom packages for your users. In this blog entry we wanted to go through some of the options available to you. Please note that the interface shown in the screenshots is not finalised subject to change. Package Groups IP.Nexus allows you to split your packages into package groups. You can have as many groups as you like, and groups can be children of other groups going as deep as you like. This is the main "Manage Package" screen in the Admin CP: You can click on a group to view the packages within that group: And click on a package to edit it: Physical Items You can set an item as physical or not. If an item is physical you can also specify the shipping methods available. Shipping options can be flat rate or based on the weight of items being shipped. When a user orders a physical item, a shipping order will be created which the Administrator can marked as filled. Shipping orders will be discussed in a future blog entry. If a user makes an order with multiple items, IP.Nexus will work out which items have the same shipping methods available and group them into as few shipping orders as possible. Associated Items You can specify that one package can (or must) be associated with another package. For example, if you are selling software and also have an addon product, you could specify that the addon must be associated with the main product. If a user purchases both the main product and the addon product at the same time, IP.Nexus will automatically work out that they are to be associated, and if the association is required, the user won't get an error message telling them they need to purchase the main product first. When a purchase is associated with another purchase, this will be indicated both on the customer page, and in any support requests the user creates. Discounts IP.Nexus includes two discount options for packages. We call these "bundle discounts" and "loyalty discounts". "Bundle discounts" allow you to specify a discount if the item is purchased with a different item. For example, here at IPS, if you purchase an IP.Blog license with an IP.Board license, you get a 5% discount on the total order - that would be possible within IP.Nexus. You can specify whether the discount can only be used alone or if it can be combined with other bundle discounts. If it can only be used alone, IP.Nexus will automatically calculate the best discount applicable according to what is in the user's cart. "Loyalty discounts" allow you to specify a discount if the user already owns a certain number of a certain item. For example, you could make it so that if the user already owns 2 of an item, they get the third cheaper - or if the user has purchased a special item (for example some kind of premium membership) they get a discount on all products. You can build up tiers so that if the user owns x items, they get y price, but if the user owns even more of the item, they get an even cheaper price - IP.Nexus will automatically work out the best discount. If you have a loyalty discount set up so, if for example, the user gets a cheaper price if they already own 2 items, and the user tries to purchase 3 of that item at the same time - IP.Nexus will still take the loyalty discount into account, and provide the discounted price for the third item. Upgrading Member Groups You can specify that a user be moved into a different user group (primary or secondary) or have an additional permission mask assigned to them when they purchase an item. You can also specify a renewal term for your license (the renewal price does not have to be the same as the base price) and have the user automatically demoted if they do not renew their item. Upgrades & Downgrades If in a product group you have different levels of a package, you can allow members to upgrade or downgrade between packages, which they can do themselves through their User CP. You can specify whether to allow upgrades or downgrades (you can allow both, neither or either of the two) but also, you can specify whether or not the user needs to pay the difference between the prices when upgrading. If this is set, when the user attempts to upgrade, they will need to pay the difference, and then be automatically upgraded. If this is not set, the user will be upgraded with no intervention. On the other side, you can also set it to issue users with a refund of the difference when they downgrade their product, this is given in the form of account credits. Custom Page You can provide custom content that the user will see when they select their purchased item in the User CP. This could be used to display download instructions, hidden content or anything else you like. In addition, you can also choose to display a "Submit Support Request" form on this page, and specify the support department it should be routed to. We'll discuss support requests in more detail in a future blog entry. Custom Package Fields You can specify "custom fields" that the user can (or must) fill out when purchasing an item. An example of how this might be used is if you're selling clothing and you need the user to select their size; or you're selling software and you want to force the user to provide the URL they will be installing the software on. Textbox and dropdown field types are supported, there are also two special field types: "username/password" and "ftp information" which allow you to ask for what we expect will be frequently requested information but without using 2 or 3 custom fields. If several of your items are going to have the same custom profile field (for example, if you're selling several different T-Shirts and they all need a custom profile field for "Size" - you only need to create it once and assign it to all fields. Removing Packages When you remove a package, you may also want to cancel the service for any members who have purchased that item, or even switch them to a different package. IP.Nexus allows you to remove a package from all members in the way you choose. Managing Purchases Once a user has purchased an item, you can edit the purchase to change the renewal terms for that member - this allows you to for example, create custom variations of a package for different users. You can also of course manually edit the custom fields, cancel a purchase (this will revert them to their original usergroup if applicable) and even transfer a purchased item to another member. Custom Packages Not only can you customise purchased items but you can create a custom package for an individual user through the Admin CP, specifying a package name, cost and renewal terms. View full blog entry
  25. I had previously blogged about the API in IP.Nexus allowing other applications to process payments using IP.Nexus. We have implemented this in IP.Downloads to bring paid file support. You can specify which groups can add paid files, and which groups (for example the admin group) can download paid files without paying. You can also specify how much commission to take from sales and what to give to the user who submitted the file when it is purchased. A member who has permission will be able to specify how much to charge for a file when submitting it. When viewing a paid file, instead of the "Download File" button, users will see a purchase button. When clicking this button, the user will be taken to the payment screen and payment will be taken. If payment is successful, the user will be taken straight back to the download page where they will now see the normal "Download File" button. The commission to be given to the member who submitted the file will be applied in the form of account credit, which, if allowed, he can request be paid out. This will be discussed in a future blog entry. As you can see, the IP.Nexus & IP.Downloads integration is very simple to set up and use but allows IP.Downloads to be used by those selling digital files without the need for a complete billing system.
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