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    SoloInter reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    It's not something we're considering. Our cloud platform is a mixture of many technologies and micro services from AWS and other service providers. They wouldn't really fit on a docker image.
  2. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Matt in Alpha preview site now open   
    For the past month or so, we've been working with a small number of alpha testers to get some initial feedback and to fine-tune some of the new features.
    We are now ready for more feedback, so today, we take the next step in testing!
    We've opened up a new Invision Community 5 preview site for everyone to use, find bugs and offer feedback. The new preview site has a feedback area and a bug report area, so please use those areas on the preview site, rather than post your thoughts here.
    👉 https://preview.invisionalpha5.com/
    There are two themes currently available. The first is the more 'classic' look that you will find instantly familiar. The second theme has the newer views enabled, such as the sidebar and feed mode for forums. You are welcome to switch between the two, and you can also change the layout options via your account settings. All this information is contained in the welcome topic over there.
    Have fun, and please let us know what you think!
  3. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Ehren in Can we have a less than 1 kB SVG for the profile/club default pattern instead of an 181 kB PNG?   
    The fallback image is now customizable in v5 and the entire image cell can be removed with CSS if no user-uploaded image exists.
  4. Agree
    SoloInter got a reaction from konon in Can we have a less than 1 kB SVG for the profile/club default pattern instead of an 181 kB PNG?   
    You might as well go even further and ask for it to be a plain color background by default with always the possibility of adding an image.
  5. Agree
    SoloInter reacted to Achievement In Motion in Invision Pricing   
    But you do abandon us by leaving out features that could help our community? Some features such as live threads? The LMS system? Not every business can go and spend the monthly fees you require due to the nature of the business but I’m sure I can speak for a lot of us, we could too also benefit from the features you’re gatekeeping. With marketplace gone it’s harder for us to find new developer resources to enhance our community to at the least get similar features for our own individual communities or even finding updates for the extensions we already have. It’s sad really. Even with the new terms you charge us slightly more for renewal but no added value just removing features some of us need, updating from time to time and gatekeeping useful features. 
  6. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Ehren in Templates question in IC5   
    Attributes for "logged in" and "member group ID" are already available by default in v5 on the <html> element:
    data-ips-member='1234' data-ips-member-group='4' Editing templates just to change "padding" to "padding-half" is a poor decision in terms of maintenance. Using CSS to overwrite those areas is much more future-proof. Version 5 has more helpful selectors in the code, so you'll be able to target elements much easier compared to v4.
  7. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Jim M in Polyfill security risk   
    Google is sending it out to all it's customers who use Maps and other examples due to their examples included it. If you're using the integration which comes with the software, we do not implement it.
  8. Thanks
    SoloInter reacted to Ehren in Invision Community 5: Page Builder   
    Your presumption is correct! 🤝 Topic feeds will display the "share/embed" image if one exists. For the moment, a placeholder is shown for topics which don't have an image in the first post, but we can revisit that in the future if needed 🙂  Two example screenshots below using Grid and Wallpaper:


  9. Thanks
    SoloInter reacted to Ehren in Can we have a less than 1 kB SVG for the profile/club default pattern instead of an 181 kB PNG?   
    This is on my todo list, and has been for a while. Consider it fixed for version 5.
  10. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Charles in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    We will soon let those on the alpha testing group share their test sites for more feedback. Not much longer now - it's all coming together - which (hopefully) those in the alpha group can confirm 😄 
  11. Like
    SoloInter reacted to beats23 in Invision Pricing   
    Anyone with links to these big old communities running IPS can PM me the website links. I want to check them out, as I may learn a thing or two from them.
  12. Agree
    SoloInter reacted to Randy Calvert in Improving Multilingual Capabilities   
    This is not something likely to occur. It’s not something talked about previously and IPS does not have teams of non-English speakers on staff to translate. 

    If it is something they include by default, it becomes something they must maintain. Given the lack of resources to do so, it’s unlikely to occur. 
  13. Agree
    SoloInter reacted to PanSevence in Invision Pricing   
    For me, the new prices are very attractive, however, I kindly request that self-hosting continues to be developed despite the low interest. 🙏
  14. Haha
    SoloInter reacted to Randy Calvert in Invision Pricing   
  15. Agree
    SoloInter got a reaction from Mike G. in Invision Pricing   
    If this helps you understand why IC is what it has become today, we purchased our license on 01/12/2006, here is my feedback.
    At the time the cloud did not exist. The only solution offered was self-hosting. Prices and services developed as technology advanced. The license was already "expensive" in my opinion but I was a high school student and had no income. Then paying a small sum every 6 months to benefit from updates, patches, support (always available, responsive and patient) was not very restrictive. And yet all of this was well within the reach of anyone with a modest income. 
    Over time, we even acquired licenses for other products that completed the Suite. 
    We tried to offer personalized clothing and t-shirts through the Commerce application and it worked very well. The only "problem" is that once the license for a functionality was acquired, we could no longer escape the renewal of the license concerning it. 
    The support service, answers to questions, troubleshooting is not far from the best I have had to deal with. I've been struggling with this for 20 years and believe me the bar is high.
    This proximity with their customers gives rise to exchanges of points of view, interesting discussions on technology, user experience, the need to keep, captivate, involve. All of this has allowed IC to shape a tool that best meets the majority of the needs of any community.
    The Page tool allows you to deploy a truly robust, efficient, professional, static or dynamic site while being supported by a lung that can be an IC forum.
    Clubs are just groups and their use can be adapted to many different scenarios.
    You can't grasp the incredible potential that these guys offer through their tool that they have been developing for a number of years, until you have used it and it will probably take you a few years before you succeed. to calibrate it to your community. We have been managing a French-speaking community of football club supporters for almost 20 years, as many years based on a single tool. This one. 
    If you are only looking for one forum and only one forum, I can understand the fact that they now offer a single price for all the features is actually a little hard to accept. 
    But one thing is certain in any case, it is the best forum/member management tool that exists today.
  16. Like
    SoloInter got a reaction from Matt in Invision Pricing   
    If this helps you understand why IC is what it has become today, we purchased our license on 01/12/2006, here is my feedback.
    At the time the cloud did not exist. The only solution offered was self-hosting. Prices and services developed as technology advanced. The license was already "expensive" in my opinion but I was a high school student and had no income. Then paying a small sum every 6 months to benefit from updates, patches, support (always available, responsive and patient) was not very restrictive. And yet all of this was well within the reach of anyone with a modest income. 
    Over time, we even acquired licenses for other products that completed the Suite. 
    We tried to offer personalized clothing and t-shirts through the Commerce application and it worked very well. The only "problem" is that once the license for a functionality was acquired, we could no longer escape the renewal of the license concerning it. 
    The support service, answers to questions, troubleshooting is not far from the best I have had to deal with. I've been struggling with this for 20 years and believe me the bar is high.
    This proximity with their customers gives rise to exchanges of points of view, interesting discussions on technology, user experience, the need to keep, captivate, involve. All of this has allowed IC to shape a tool that best meets the majority of the needs of any community.
    The Page tool allows you to deploy a truly robust, efficient, professional, static or dynamic site while being supported by a lung that can be an IC forum.
    Clubs are just groups and their use can be adapted to many different scenarios.
    You can't grasp the incredible potential that these guys offer through their tool that they have been developing for a number of years, until you have used it and it will probably take you a few years before you succeed. to calibrate it to your community. We have been managing a French-speaking community of football club supporters for almost 20 years, as many years based on a single tool. This one. 
    If you are only looking for one forum and only one forum, I can understand the fact that they now offer a single price for all the features is actually a little hard to accept. 
    But one thing is certain in any case, it is the best forum/member management tool that exists today.
  17. Haha
    SoloInter reacted to Jelly Belly™ in What will happen to statuses once they are deprecated?   
    back to facebook where they belong 😂
  18. Thanks
    SoloInter reacted to Ehren in Invision Community 5: Page Builder   
    Widget Designs are still being rolled out and will be available for many widgets once I’m done. They are not finished in Alpha 2. 
  19. Thanks
    SoloInter reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Only on cloud at the moment so we have a single stable hosting environment for the early rounds of testing. We also have access to databases, files and can easily mass deploy updates.
  20. Thanks
    SoloInter reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Exciting news!
    Alpha 2 has now been released, and it's now using our build system which means these installations are upgradable (hopefully 😬) and these are 'real' Invision Community 5 installations.

    I've sent out a bunch more alpha invites now that the initial round of testing has completed. 🎉
  21. Agree
    SoloInter reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Who wants another blog entry today? 😮 
  22. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Sly_Ripper in Inefficient Forum Listings   
    Additionally, when viewing a topic, all forums are loaded into memory:
    SELECT * FROM `forums_forums` LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id LEFT JOIN `core_members` ON core_members.member_id=forums_forums.last_poster_id WHERE (sub_can_post=0 OR min_posts_view<=22) AND (( FIND_IN_SET(3,perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET(4,perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('c1',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm1',perm_view) ) OR perm_view='*' ) ORDER BY position  
  23. Thanks
    SoloInter reacted to Sly_Ripper in Inefficient Forum Listings   
    Even with this enabled, the queries still pull ALL forums into memory ('club_id IS NULL' is needed). Can this be considered a bug now?
    SELECT * FROM `forums_forums` LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id LEFT JOIN `core_members` ON core_members.member_id=forums_forums.last_poster_id WHERE (sub_can_post=0 OR min_posts_view<=21) AND (( FIND_IN_SET(3,perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET(4,perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('c1',perm_view) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm1',perm_view) ) OR perm_view='*' ) ORDER BY position  
    All permissions are loaded:
    SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index` STRAIGHT_JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_forums.min_posts_view<=22 AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND (( FIND_IN_SET(3,perm_2) OR FIND_IN_SET(4,perm_2) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1',perm_2) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',perm_2) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',perm_2) OR FIND_IN_SET('c1',perm_2) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm1',perm_2) ) OR perm_2='*' )  
  24. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Gary in Invision Community 5: Page Builder   
    Huge update and an awesome touch to the video, Ehren. On ya mate! 🦘
  25. Like
    SoloInter reacted to Sly_Ripper in Inefficient Forum Listings   
    Clubs allow forums to be added by users and as I posted earlier, they are also loaded on forum index. If clubs were enabled here, I could slowdown the entire forum.
    See below
    We don’t allow the listing of the sub-forums due to the performance.
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