Gallery uses a custom template compared to the global comments template: applications/gallery/dev/html/front/global/comment.phtml
There are some issues with it:
- This custom template has only 1 hook point compared to the 7 available in the original template from the core application: applications/core/dev/html/front/global/comment.phtml
- Hardcoded label to toggle the mini profile => Toggle mini profile
- Missing code to highlight the reply based on the user's group.
- Some IDs/aria controls seem different or missing parts.
There are also issues with the review template in the same folder: applications/gallery/dev/html/front/global/review.phtml
- This custom template has only 1 hook point. The default core template is the same, but it would help a lot if you could implement the same hook points as the comment template. Otherwise, we'll be unable to add the same template hooks for reviews.
- The template uses the old "manually crafted" review menu instead of using the new $review->menu() code. Without it, we cannot add new items to it through extensions.
- A cloud app call is missing. It affects only cloud customers and not self-hosted, though.
I'm unsure why the Gallery uses custom (worse) templates instead of the default ones like the Downloads application since the output is the same. 🤨
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