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  • [Beta 9.1] A couple of issues with Theme Editor Settings

    1) When adding/editing a setting in the developer center the node selector field for the Category shows an unparsed name themeeditor_cat_XX. Clicking on the field to open the dropdown shows the correct name inside, though.


    2) Create a new theme setting with the following options:

    • Name: Test Setting
    • Setting Key: test_setting
    • Category: choose any (I used Content for this test)
    • Type: Checkbox (but it doesn't matter, it happens with all)


    After clicking save an exception is thrown and the setting is saved to the database but it is not included in the themeeditor.json file.

    I can edit it afterward, but the name & description fields are empty. The only way to make the form work correctly is to add 2 language strings (name + description) in the application's lang.php file before clicking the save button.


    UnderflowException thrown with message "lang_not_exists__themeeditor_var_test_setting"
    #6 UnderflowException in \system\Lang\Lang.php:845
    #5 IPS\Lang:get in \system\Application\Application.php:4172
    #4 IPS\Application:buildThemeEditorSettings in \applications\core\modules\admin\developer\themeeditor.php:401
    #3 IPS\core\modules\admin\developer\themeeditor:settingForm in \system\Dispatcher\Controller.php:128
    #2 IPS\Dispatcher\Controller:execute in \system\Developer\Controller.php:92
    #1 IPS\Developer\Controller:execute in \system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php:169
    #0 IPS\Dispatcher:run in \admin\index.php:15

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    Issue #2 happens also when adding a new category, not only new settings.

    Esther E.


    17 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    Issue #2 happens also when adding a new category, not only new settings.

    Yes, got that. Thanks. 



    Changed Status to Fixed

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