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Two days is a long time in Invision Community: Beta 14 is out.

Craft Knitting GIF by Aardman Animations

We've only gone and released Beta 14 a mere 48 hours after releasing Beta 13!

This has some fixes for the achievements form, custom image setting fields and last post information. We wanted to get some extra testing done. It's almost like we're preparing for something soon. 🤔

Really wish you could fix the notifications bug before the final release. It's a pretty annoying one. 🙄

For a brief moment, I thought I had nuked my entire forum when I got a lovely little message about my SQL Database taking an unscheduled vacation. But, like any overly caffeinated human, I clicked the magical "Try Again" button, and voilà! Admin CP and Visit Site options appeared as if nothing had happened. Crisis averted.

Of course, as per usual, the upgrade still requires me to manually finish the job. But hey, I’m a sysadmin by trade with over 20 years of NodeJS dev experience, so this is just another Thursday.

The routine? cd ips_* && cp -r /var/www/{wherever you have your forum}/ && rm -rf ips_*

Yep, that’s it. Works like a charm.

Now all jokes aside:

Now, that last part (rm -rf ips_*) is not just a fun little command; it’s a one-way ticket to "why is my forum gone?" land. Make sure your forum doesn't start with ips_

But hey, live and learn, right? 😏

Edited by Code Name Jessica

So I was re-reading my post above, and this command cd ips_* && cp -r /var/www/{wherever you have your forum}/ && rm -rf ips_* is a joke, I was just trying to be funny, but then realized someone might actually do it and it WILL fail. There are things that are left out, if you really want one to work, I have created a script that does it with some checks and safety things first. Still just don't blindly use it, make sure you understand what it does. I added some comments in it to help with that.


set -e  # Exit immediately if a command fails
set -u  # Treat unset variables as errors

# Define variables
ZIP_FILE=$(ls IPS*.zip 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)  # Get the first matching ZIP file
EXTRACT_DIR=$(ls -d ips_* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)  # Extracted folder
DEST_DIR="{YOUR FORUM DIRECTORY}" # Put your forum directroy location here
BACKUP_DIR="~/backup_$(date +%F_%T)" # If you use the backup argument, put a place you want to backup your forum here

# Ensure a ZIP file exists
if [[ -z "$ZIP_FILE" ]]; then
    echo "No IPS*.zip file found. Exiting."
    exit 1

echo "Extracting $ZIP_FILE..."
unzip -q "$ZIP_FILE" || { echo "Extraction failed!"; exit 1; }

# Ensure extraction was successful
if [[ -z "$EXTRACT_DIR" || ! -d "$EXTRACT_DIR" ]]; then
    echo "Extraction directory not found. Exiting."
    exit 1

cd "$EXTRACT_DIR" || { echo "Failed to enter $EXTRACT_DIR. Exiting."; exit 1; }

# Ensure the destination exists before proceeding
if [[ ! -d "$DEST_DIR" ]]; then
    echo "Destination directory $DEST_DIR does not exist. Exiting."
    exit 1

# Optional backup step if the backup argument was used. Highly recommend, change the backup folder at the top of this script.
if [[ "${1:-}" == "backup" ]]; then
    echo "Creating a backup at $BACKUP_DIR..."

    # copy the forum to the backup folder
    sudo cp -r "$DEST_DIR" "$BACKUP_DIR" || { echo "Backup failed!"; exit 1; }

    # Ensure new directory is created for fresh files
    sudo mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR"

# Copy files safely with rsync (better than cp -r)
echo "Copying extracted files to $DEST_DIR..."
sudo rsync -a --info=progress2 ./ "$DEST_DIR/" || { echo "File copy failed!"; exit 1; }

# Cleanup with confirmation
read -p "Are you sure you want to delete the extracted folder ($EXTRACT_DIR) and ZIP file ($ZIP_FILE)? (yes/no): " CONFIRM
if [[ "$CONFIRM" =~ ^[Yy][Ee]?[Ss]?$ ]]; then
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    cd ..
    sudo rm -rf "$EXTRACT_DIR"
    rm -f "$ZIP_FILE"
    echo "Cleanup complete!"
    echo "Cleanup aborted. You can manually remove $EXTRACT_DIR and $ZIP_FILE later."

echo "Upgrade completed successfully!"

Edited by Code Name Jessica

What's wrong with visiting your ACP just clicking on "Upgrade Now" ?

CleanShot 2025-01-30 at 17.45.12.png

1 hour ago, Daniel F said:

What's wrong with visiting your ACP just clicking on "Upgrade Now" ?

CleanShot 2025-01-30 at 17.45.12.png

"Oh, I wish it were that simple! But when I click 'Upgrade Now,' my forum apparently takes one look at me and decides:

Sorry, you are not in the capable mindset to handle such a critical operation. Please consult a responsible adult before proceeding.

Or… something equally condescending.

In reality, what actually happens is that it just refuses to continue and tells me I have to manually upgrade. So here I am, manually extracting, copying, and praying that rm -rf doesn’t make me regret my choices. 😆

I did the update. All was good, I saw the 2 button to go to the site or admin then :


And ACP Admin return :


Also have an issue installing Beta 14. Upgrade fails with 504 Gateway Time-out. Several previous upgrades passed with no issues.

8 minutes ago, SoloInter said:

I did the update. All was good, I saw the 2 button to go to the site or admin then :

3 minutes ago, Deus_13 said:

Also have an issue installing Beta 14. Upgrade fails with 504 Gateway Time-out.

Did you all get it fixed or are you stuck?

It's all stuck. We are out for a while.

4 minutes ago, Code Name Jessica said:

Did you all get it fixed or are you stuck?

No, I am stuck.

When I reboot my EC2 instance - I can access AdminCP and it works fine, however the user-facing part of the system shows the maintenance message "Update in progress".

When I go to admin/upgrade - it says that I have incomplete upgrade, and I can proceed with it. After that - I get "504 Gateway Time-out" error and nothing works until I reboot the EC2 instance.

Smooth update for me this time.

25 minutes ago, Deus_13 said:

No, I am stuck.

When I reboot my EC2 instance - I can access AdminCP and it works fine, however the user-facing part of the system shows the maintenance message "Update in progress".

When I go to admin/upgrade - it says that I have incomplete upgrade, and I can proceed with it. After that - I get "504 Gateway Time-out" error and nothing works until I reboot the EC2 instance.

Me it say no upgrade available


I will try to download, send new install with ftp and try to re-upgrade/install

I upload a fresh install with ftp and it's back without anything else. No need to re-upgrade it's all good. But tricky.

Currently tried via AdminCP and get

RuntimeException::0: BAD_JSON

Upgrade went through perfectly on my end.

Jim Carrey Dancing GIF

14 worked fine for me guys loving it.

8 hours ago, Deus_13 said:

No, I am stuck.

When I reboot my EC2 instance - I can access AdminCP and it works fine, however the user-facing part of the system shows the maintenance message "Update in progress".

Can you private message me your logs, look I won't pretend to know exactly where they are on an EC2, but if you're running apache, it should be in the /var/log/apache/error.log, if you are running nginx, it could be in the /var/log/nginx/error.log. As for mine, I have custom errors turned on, since I have my own custom built log rotating system, as well as log reporting to another server, I have to go to /var/log/system/reporting/cnj/nginx/error/log. A good way to find out is to look in your apache.conf (sites-available) or nginx.conf (sites-enabled) folders.

To take it out of this topic, send me a private message and I will try to help navigate a report, or possibly help resolve.

All good here!


14 hours ago, Deus_13 said:

No, I am stuck.

When I reboot my EC2 instance - I can access AdminCP and it works fine, however the user-facing part of the system shows the maintenance message "Update in progress".

When I go to admin/upgrade - it says that I have incomplete upgrade, and I can proceed with it. After that - I get "504 Gateway Time-out" error and nothing works until I reboot the EC2 instance.

Please check you server error logs and let us know what is showing up there. Also, when you say you get 504, is that after completing the upgrade, or are you not getting that far?

14 hours ago, SoloInter said:

I upload a fresh install with ftp and it's back without anything else. No need to re-upgrade it's all good. But tricky.

Thankyou for letting us know. Could you please confirm, did you continue from where you left off after uploading, or was it a restore and reupload?

The update went smoothly

Since the update, main index forum doesn't list topics as before.


Topics from 2015 who are archived, pop now on the home page.

Also, this one was updated on saturday at 4h35pm, but the other are 44min ago and 19min ago.


1 hour ago, Marc said:

Please check you server error logs and let us know what is showing up there. Also, when you say you get 504, is that after completing the upgrade, or are you not getting that far?

Thankyou for letting us know. Could you please confirm, did you continue from where you left off after uploading, or was it a restore and reupload?

I did exactly this :

  1. Saw the invite to upgrade to B14.

  2. did it

  3. install was finish and I saw buttons to go to Front or Admin.

  4. After I clicked, I get the error 500 things.

  5. Download BET14 from here

  6. Extract and upload with FTP

  7. After all files was uploaded, I goes to the website

  8. Website is loading well without any issue anymore.

So I just upload a fresh install. Nothing more.

Thank you for that :)


I noticed a small anomaly with images uploaded in the theme editor.

For example: Logo type

For some reason sometimes it simply disappears so it is necessary to upload again, save again the standard process of adding a logo type with the theme editor.

This started to happen after applying for beta 14.

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