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SEO and Forum filter on Google

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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We noticed that when using the "Forums" filter, similar to the News and Images, our site is a total no show, even when using the site name as a search. Ironically, when using the standard web search , we show at #1 for our site name.

On researching further, I found this suggestion:

  • Implement Q&A Schema or Discussion Forum Schema to help Google identify your site as a forum.

Is there a way we can add this type of Schema setting?




We are using Invision Community v4.7.19. What should I look for in the page source to ensure that the tags are there, as I don't see anything that is particular to a "forum" ?

I do see a lot of "og:" tags, but as far as I am aware that is Open Graph for Social Media display.




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