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Hello, how do I disable all registered members from receiving that status update by email ?


Hi AnutaTM,
Monica Badea posted a new status update.


Monica Badea said:

Hi Chirila Adriana,

Welcome to LOSE WEIGHT TOGETHER, EATING ORDERLY💗💗.. Thank you for joining our forum and we welcome you on this occasion.

To become a member with full rights and to be able to post on any of the topics, please first of all make a short introduction by clicking on "Member presentation"
The presentation contains a name (whether it is the real one or not), age and place of residence. You can also upload a profile photo, if you find it more interesting.
In the future, we expect you to post questions, answers, or to open new discussion topics, respecting the structure of the forum. Before posting, use the "Search" function to avoid opening topics with the same topic of discussion.

Sincerely the team,


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Another member who was already registered also received that message!

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If the user posted that message on the user who received the email's profile, they would correctly receive a notification. The only other way would be if the user who received the notification followed the user who posted the status update.

This can be managed from the Notification Settings.

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Another member who was already registered also received that message!


here ?

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I cannot read the language there. Individual users would need to change their existing notification settings in Account Settings -> Notification Settings.

You can change the notifications for new users in ACP -> Members -> Notifications.

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here ?

Could contain: File, Webpage, Text

where do I set to stop receiving status updates, only the new member who registers?

  • Author

where do I set to stop receiving status updates, only the new member who registers?

As mentioned, you can change notification settings for new members in ACP -> Members -> Notifications.

Existing members would go to Account Settings -> Notification Settings. Account Settings is on the front-end in the topic right when they click their display name.

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please make me a print screen 🙏


Click on profiles.  There are settings there to disable notifying users in the notification list and via email.  You would want to make sure emails are not enabled by default.  That will change all new members to not receive emails.

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Regarding changing everyone else's settings to not receive emails...  you would have to reset their full notification settings.  

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See that Reset All Members to Default Preferences button?  It will reset ALL members for all notification types to whatever you've got currently set for the various notification types.  There is no way to reset all members preferences ONLY for profile settings.  It's going to reset ALL notification settings for ALL users.  So make sure you understand the implications of that.  If users have selected to not receive certain notifications in say clubs or another area but your default enables it, this will change everyone back to what you have as the default.  

  • Author

Hello, I also made this setting and another member of the forum received an e-mail!

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I don't want an older registered member to receive e-mails with status updates when a new member is registered!

Default settings will not change existing notifications. 


UserA has it set up to automatically follow topics they reply to, with a type of email.

UserA replies to a topic, so a notification is created for that item

userA changes their default notification type


The notification for that topic is still present, but all future ones will be notified in the new manner. To change the existing one, they will need to go to "Manage followed items" and change the existing items

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