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How do i make a Simmiliar News Site like this?


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That is built via our Pages application. The UI is custom built though by our team so would require a customization to get something similar but the nuts and bolts behind it are available in Pages. 

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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

That is built via our Pages application. The UI is custom built though by our team so would require a customization to get something similar but the nuts and bolts behind it are available in Pages. 

It would be very nice of Invision Community to share some of those templates with the community.  Would likely provide a nice bump in adoption and usage of great Pages layouts by other community sites. 🙂

Even if it's not plug and play with any Pages DB, it would give a great templating jumpstart to see how a layout like that is created with native templating syntax (i.e. it's not as simple as looking at the page source and grabbing html/css since there is custom logic/parsing/conditionals within the templates).

Edited by Clover13
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55 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

IPS has said that Pages will be getting some love in the 5.x line. So it will be interesting to see what is cooking!

Yes indeed, I really can't wait. 

I too really like the look of the blog here on this site. I have been trying to do something similar. Using @opentype's SuperGrid template and some light CSS tweaks, here's the result: https://www.logicprohelp.com/articles/

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