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MySQL Processes Pinning CPU Usage over 100%

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Starting about 5 days ago, something has started pinning CPU usage over 100% when it is typically averages under 50%.   It is making the site very slow and unresponsive. I've turned off every other website running to narrow it down to IP Board.   I'm using Cloudron to manage the sites.  If I restart the container running the board, it will get responsive for a short term before it starts to bog down again.  

Have done no changes recently to the website or configuration.   If I run htop, I can see a mysqld process running at high cpu usage, and it will keep running for days if I don't restart the server.  When I log into mysql, I can't see any queries running that match that.  

Have had the Cloudron folks take a look at this, and they think it is something with the board software.  Can't see anything wrong on their end.

Any thoughts on next steps on this?

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16 minutes ago, MorningBigBlue said:

Starting about 5 days ago, something has started pinning CPU usage over 100% when it is typically averages under 50%.

Something has caused the sike, as it doesn't happen out of nowhere. High CPU is caused by inefficient queries. (poorly indexed or poorly designed) queries,

I would start as adviced by Adriano, to disable all third party plugins/apps and see if it will help. If it does, enable them one at a time until you find the culprit.

What is the value set to for join_buffer_size?



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Turned them all off,  wasn't until I turned off the Forums app that it had any effect.   Turned it back on and CPU usage spiked again.  Was up and down for a bit, but seems to be stuck at > 100% again.   Similar behaviour to a restart.

join_buffer_size is 262144



Edited by MorningBigBlue
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