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Why can't we set usergroup discount in percent and not custom USD amount?


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So I want individual groups to have a certain percent off on all products but I see the usergroup discounts forces you to enter a USD amount to which the price will be towards that group and not % discount which would be much easier.

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How can we make it so groups have a percent off on the product?

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16 minutes ago, LYM3R said:

But that is such a simple and common way of anybody doing discounts. I have never heard of custom prices for certain groups. It has always been discounts based off percent. 

It's a valid suggestion, however, bear in mind thats generally when there is a group discount across the board for something. This is individual product based, and has simply never been that way unfortunately. 

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I don't mean just having one group have a discount for everything which also would be a nice add. I mostly mean that you can do the same discount for every different product with the usergroup discount I sent but instead of just USD price for that group add a percent off for that group.

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