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I just bought the Blog extension but I can't download it and also can't find it in the marketplace or elsewhere in my Admin CP.

My simple question: How can I make the blog run? 🙂 Sorry, also didn't find anything within the FAQs or help guides...

Thanks in advance!

You would upload a fresh set of files from your client area. Once you have done this, you will see blog available to install from System>Site Features>Applications 🙂

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Alright, thanks a lot!

No problem at all. Glad to hear you have that sorted

  • 2 weeks later...

Hope it's okay to re-use this thread, as it's concerning the same instance @Dannyowas writing about.

I had just upgraded the instance to the February release after the blog had been bought, but still couldn't find it listed inside the AdminCP. So I've downloaded the latest files from the client and overwrote the existing folder with those & set permissions. 

I then started to see the Blog in System>Site Features>Applications and run its installer. Curiously enough "Get Support" prompted me to run some SQL queries to modify the blog schema.

I now see no warnings, all updates seem to be applied and the site generally works, but the blog site fails with a template error (i see the stack trace if i put the theme in developer mode):

OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /srv/www/system/Content/Item.php(1461): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load()
#1 /srv/www/system/Theme/Theme.php(4628) : eval()'d code(103): IPS\Content\_Item->container()
#2 /srv/www/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php(171): IPS\Theme\theme_blog_front_browse_indexGridEntry()
#3 /srv/www/system/Theme/Theme.php(4628) : eval()'d code(122): IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template->__call()
#4 /srv/www/system/Theme/Dev/Template.php(171): IPS\Theme\theme_blog_front_browse_indexGrid()
#5 /srv/www/applications/blog/modules/front/blogs/browse.php(108): IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template->__call()
#6 /srv/www/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\blog\modules\front\blogs\_browse->manage()
#7 /srv/www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#8 /srv/www/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#9 {main}

Is this to be expected with a custom theme? it seems to inherit those templates right from the default theme.


Edited by phae

It sounds like you werent on the latest release before you uploaded. If so, you will need to run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade

As written, I had just upgraded to the February release before trying to install the blog.

/admin/upgrade just says "There are no applications available to upgrade"

Sorry, Im a little confused here as to whether you upgraded or didnt upgrade, as your response seems to say both

It does? Sorry for the confusion. I'll try a timeline:

  • Bought the blog but didn't install it immediately
  • Upgraded to the February Release 4.7.7 when that came out
  • Wanted to install the blog, but it wasn't visible in Site Features Applications
  • Downloaded a new set of files from the client area
  • Copied those files in-place over existing community
    • "Get Support" told me to run blog-specific SQL queries
    • /admin/upgrade says There are "no applications available to upgrade"
    • Blog templates are broken

Hope that clears it up?

OK, it's the last part you are doing incorrectly there. Once you have uploaded, you want to go back to Site Features>Applications, where you will then see it available to install

Thanks for the quick reply. I had forgot to mention this, but I did in fact enable the application there, right after copying the files and before "Get Support" prompted me for the SQL queries.

So the app is enabled, there's a link to "blogs" on the staging site, just a template error on those files.

Could you please confirm if you enabled or installed it? If just enabled, it seems you have had it installed before which may be what is causing you problems

I believe i've installed it - at least there was a short installer with progress bar. But thanks to your hint that there might be a relevant difference here, i just:

  • Uninstalled blog, which deleted the files
  • Copied the files from client area again
  • Installed Blog again

Now everything seems to work!

That would have indeed been the next steps 🙂 Glad to see you got there, and things are working

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