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Internal server error when editing HTML/CSS

Go to solution Solved by kstan,

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When I click the "Edit HTML and CSS" button for a theme (any theme) I get an "Internal server error". I have tried to look for information in the error log for the server, but I can't find anything. I also tried to downgrade to PHP 8 from PHP 8.1, but that makes the whole site fail. I also tried to disable plugins to no avail.

I have no idea what to do next.

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9 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

No, that's something what you'll have to ask your web hosting provider.

I see... Well, I am my own hosting provider (although I don't really know what I'm doing), and I did in fact have ModSecurity installed. It seemed like a difficult and risky task to just turn it off altogether, so instead I experimented with turning certain features off, and lo and behold, turning off "Backend Compression" did the trick!

Thank you for saving me!

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