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rebuildSearchIndex - OutOfRangeException (0)

Go to solution Solved by Daniel F,

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I moved to a new server and see this error whenever I rebuild the search index. I've cleared cache of course. The only time this error appears is when I rebuild the elasticsearch index. And, it's like 129 pages of this error.

I'm using Elasticsearch version 7.17.7



#0 /.../system/Content/Comment.php(562): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load()
#1 /.../applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php(580): IPS\Content\_Comment->item()
#2 /.../applications/core/extensions/core/Queue/RebuildSearchIndex.php(167): IPS\forums\Topic\_Post->isFutureDate()
#3 /.../system/Task/Task.php(47): IPS\core\extensions\core\Queue\_RebuildSearchIndex->run()
#4 /.../applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php(87): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
#5 /.../system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(93): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background->IPS\core\modules\admin\system\{closure}()
#6 /.../applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php(138): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct()
#7 /.../system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background->process()
#8 /.../applications/core/modules/admin/system/background.php(42): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#9 /.../system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\system\_background->execute()
#10 /.../admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#11 {main}


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2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Are you pointing to the same elasticsearch server, or is that also new?

Elastic runs on the new server too. Both web and elastic on same server, just like me previous setup. It worked great for me previously. New server is much more powerful and same amount of RAM. 

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I had same errors whenever I updated yesterday, and after the search index was rebuilt, I don't see the error no more. Yet, if I want to rebuild it again, the error will show again.


#0 /forums/system/Content/Comment.php(562): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load(199766)
#1 /forums/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php(580): IPS\Content\_Comment->item()
#2 /forums/applications/core/extensions/core/Queue/RebuildSearchIndex.php(167): IPS\forums\Topic\_Post->isFutureDate()
#3 /forums/system/Task/Task.php(47): IPS\core\extensions\core\Queue\_RebuildSearchIndex->run(Array, 361000)
#4 /forums/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(43): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
#5 /forums/system/Task/Task.php(375): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
#6 /forums/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(55): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure))
#7 /forums/system/Task/Task.php(274): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->execute()
#8 /forums/system/Task/Task.php(237): IPS\_Task->run()
#9 /forums/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(58): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
#10 {main}


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  • 3 weeks later...

Also encountering this issue.

Just upgraded from 4.6.5 to 4.7.5.

Provisioned a new elastic cluster 7.10.2, old one was v6.# so incompatible.

1st rebuilt left no activity search results, second is generating pages of these errors.

Any solutions or things to try that can be shared?


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  • Solution
15 minutes ago, Summit360 said:

Also encountering this issue.

Just upgraded from 4.6.5 to 4.7.5.

Provisioned a new elastic cluster 7.10.2, old one was v6.# so incompatible.

1st rebuilt left no activity search results, second is generating pages of these errors.

Any solutions or things to try that can be shared?


The problem for Chris were many very old orphaned posts which we removed for him via a ticket. 

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