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I just upgraded another one of our boards from 4.1.11 to 4.7, and thing went smoothly.... I am not in the process of upgrading our 3.x install of another forum, and the pre-check gives errors on the following not being available ... I don't see them in the zip, or in my other install..... I need to work past this so I can upgrade to 4.7 , now that PHP 8 is on the system (killing the old board)..

Message at check  - with the exception of below everything else passes.

Board is down -- guidance appreciated.



If you are sure the files have been uploaded correctly, make sure the permissions are set correctly on them.


You need to ensure you are downloading from the correct license. You have one without blog, which I bleieve is what is causing you issues

  • Author

Neither download package has the blog file structure in it - I just redownloaded and confirmed.  There was a separate notation to contact to reactivate that under our account (don't think we actually ever used it). 



Could contain: Text

  • Author

Invision Team,

If you could please log a ticket for us, or go ahead and reactivate the Blog and Gallery forums as indicated in the previous post, we would appreciate it.  We have been using your software for our communities since 2008.  One of our sites with 10,000 members has been down for over 12 hours, and I'm hoping that we can return it to service today.  

We appreciate your support.  Thanks!

David Albert

This has now since been resolved 🙂 . Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

  • Author

Thank you for helping resolve the licensing issue... the upgrade is now underway, however the UTF8 conversion seems to be stuck at 1.3%, and found the following in an error file in the tmp directory. Would this be considered normal, and if not, what is the best way to work around it?





Could contain: Text, Page

% more error_2022-10-19.cgi

Wed, 19 Oct 2022 16:25:32 +0000
   'message' => 'count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given',
   'string' => '',
   'code' => 0,
   'file' => '/usr/www/users/bobsmythe/stapler/forums/admin/convertutf8/system/Convert/Convert.php',
   'line' => 552,
   'trace' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'file' => '/usr/www/users/bobsmythe/stapler/forums/admin/convertutf8/modules/browser/browser.php',
      'line' => 56,
      'function' => 'process',
      'class' => 'IPSUtf8\\Convert',
      'type' => '->',
    1 => 
    array (
      'file' => '/usr/www/users/bobsmythe/stapler/forums/admin/convertutf8/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
      'line' => 34,
      'function' => 'process',
      'class' => 'IPSUtf8\\modules\\browser\\browser',
      'type' => '->',
    2 => 
    array (
      'file' => '/usr/www/users/bobsmythe/stapler/forums/admin/convertutf8/system/Dispatcher/Browser.php',
      'line' => 47,
      'function' => 'execute',
      'class' => 'IPSUtf8\\Dispatcher\\Controller',
      'type' => '->',
    3 => 
    array (
      'file' => '/usr/www/users/bobsmythe/stapler/forums/admin/convertutf8/index.php',
      'line' => 21,
      'function' => 'run',
      'class' => 'IPSUtf8\\Dispatcher\\Browser',
      'type' => '->',
   'previous' => NULL,

If you have the ability to run SSH on your server, you may wish to run the UTF8 conversion via the CLI tool. You can find instructions for this in the web version of the UTF8 Converer before you start the process.

  • Author

Yes, we have SSH access ... I see a cli.php in the UTF8 conversion directory, but a search here hasn't yielded me the proper usage of it... If there is a different utility, I should be using, please let me know, or direct me to the proper structure of using this php script (I really do not want to bugger up the data).


Would just need to run that cli.php file from the CLI with PHP. Example: being in the convertutf8 directory, you can run:

php cli.php

Please note that server support is outside our scope of support and this is just provided as an example.

  • Author

Thank you ... It is throwing errors via the CLI at 1% of the process.. I will open a separate topic.

Are you using PHP8? If so, could you try this on php 7 and let us know if this then works?

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