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I just deleted a spammer's comment in a topic, now the entire topic is gone!

David N.
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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This is normally routine procedure: I get an email of a new post requiring approval: 

Reese7713 has posted a post in a topic requiring approval, Midi Chase

I click the link and see the post. I realize it's a spam comment so I click the red "Delete" button which normally deletes only the post. I then go to my acp, search for the user and delete the user. Now the entire topic is gone!

I went to my moderator log to check and sure enough all I did was delete the post, not the entire topic: 

This literally just happened (10:22am). Here's the moderator log (the top line is the spammer, the two following lines are me). 

Could contain: Text, Page, Word

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6 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

When you deleted the user, if you have left the default option for what to do with that users content, it would delete it

I understand now: that entire topic had been started by that same poster I deleted, only it looked legit so I had approved it a couple of months ago, and today he replied with a spammy comment. 

All is well. I got scared for a second. 😰

Thank you Marc!

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