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EU VAT validation doesn't work anymore

Go to solution Solved by opentype,

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Hi team,

The Nexus VAT validation for EU business addresses seems to not work any longer.

In \Tax::validateVAT at line 382:

		if ( $xml->read() )
			if ( $xml->name === 'soap:Envelope' and $xml->read() )
				if ( $xml->name === 'soap:Body' and $xml->read() )
					if ( $xml->name === 'checkVatResponse' )
							$responseArray[ $xml->name ] = $xml->readString();
						while ( $xml->next() and $xml->nodeType !== $xml::END_ELEMENT );


The response from the EU service seems to have changed; the XML looks something like that:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <ns2:checkVatResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:ec.europa.eu:taxud:vies:services:checkVat:types">

➡️ The namespace is "env", and a <env:Header> tag seems to have appeared before the Body; so the $xml->read() can't find the Body element any longer.


Thank you!

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