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Pages: category page for "Articles" db to show Show categories like articles?

David N.

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So when using the "Articles" database in pages, I have a choice to display the index page so that it looks more like a blog and less like a forum: 

Could contain: Text

That's great. 

However if I go to a category, then all articles are shown as one list, more like a forum, and no longer like a blog. 

Is there an easy way to change the view of a category so that it gives me a more of a blog like view just like for the database index? 


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27 minutes ago, Jamynee said:

Is this something that would be doable by customizing the template file, or is it going to be a complex endeavor? 

Yes, it is doable, but it requires some experience. It’s not like you can just copy some template code over. 

I can send you the template via PM and you can see if it still works. I would expect it too, but it hasn’t been updated in 4 years. So, I am not sure. 

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