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[BUG] Online status icon does not show on PHP 8.1

Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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11 hours ago, nodle said:

Working here fine on 8.1, maybe a .css, theme or caching error?

Thanks for checking. This happens on a clean install and the default template so it must be either the code or the server fault.

6 hours ago, Afrodude said:

Which IPS version you are testing on? 


6 hours ago, teraßyte said:

It's related to a bug in how PHP 8.1 handles timezones.


I see. Thanks for the info.

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1 hour ago, Martin A. said:

4.7.2 did not solve this particular issue btw, this topic shouldn't be marked as solved.

I have topics been marked as solved, yet none of them were really solved. For example, this bug reported it since Feb this year and marked as solved after 2 months in May, yet after 8 months it hasn't been resolved in any feature released. 


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The bug still occurs on 😕 

On 9/13/2022 at 9:56 PM, Martin A. said:

this topic shouldn't be marked as solved.

unmarked 👍

On 9/13/2022 at 12:36 AM, nodle said:

Working here fine on 8.1,

How do you know that IPS is using PHP 8.1? 😛 Can you check on your forum?

Edited by SeNioR-
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