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Uninstall issue

David Bryce

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Hi - 

On the advice of your staff, I’ve tried installing Forum Adverts.  Unfortunately, there’s a problem.

After I followed the install procedure, I can see it in the ACP under System -> Site Features -> Applications.

Problem though: it shows up under Applications Not Currently Installed….but I’m pretty sure I did install it; and, when I click the + button, I get this:

2C133/4 The application you are attempting to install appears to be installed already. To reinstall the application you must first uninstall it.


I get a similar prompt when I hit the INSTALL button on your page.

I want to uninstall and try again.  The developer (Michale J.) is making the same recommendation…but there doesn’t appear to be a way to uninstall this.

The developer asked me to see if you guys can help me remove it from my Applications directory.

Any help would be appreciated.  I’ve been trying to figure this out for a few days at this point.



Edited by David Bryce
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6 hours ago, David Bryce said:

On the advice of your staff, I’ve tried installing Forum Adverts.  Unfortunately, there’s a problem.

This was actually advised to you by another customer, looking at the topic you asked about this on. We may point out 3rd party items, but their use is always something that is at your own risk. Just thought I would let you know so that you are aware for anything else you install.

In the case of this one however, it does sound a little odd. What would generally happen is there is an actual app already installed, rather than there being files present. Are you seeing it both in uninstalled applications and in installed applications above it?

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Weird!  For three days, it’s been sitting in the Apps Currently Not Installed section along with your IPS Theme app.  That was what was confusing me - the only option I seemed to have was the + button….and every time I tried top install it, I got the flag I pasted into my original post.

Oh well - seems to be working now. 

Thanks, Mark!


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Are you having any issues with this application? I am seeing that there is a missing language string at least as it is appearing as:  __app_forumadverts

I would suggest reaching out to the author for assistance here.

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It does not appear to be working correctly.  I am not sure why.  

The author (Michael J) is not being very helpful at all - he only checks in every day or so, then answers cryptically...and if there is documentation of how to work this app properly, I can't seem to find it.   I want to give him back his $10, and find another solution.  Does IPS offer any other way to allow me to place banners in specific fora?

Thanks, Jim!



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5 minutes ago, David Bryce said:

Does IPS offer any other way to allow me to place banners in specific fora?

We do not have a way to specify which forums advertisements appear on. However, you can use the custom location tag to setup your own custom locations in your theme. I'm afraid though, this is outside our scope of support. Here is more information on that: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/monetization/internal-advertising-r57/#manualplace


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As I've mentioned to brother Jordan several times, I wish you guys had a way for us to purchase support without having to sign up for the ENTERPRISE Program.  I need qualified help with the forum and am happy to pay for it.....but I don;t need almost any of the other things Enterprise offers.


You guys say you offer custom programs - why can't you offer advanced help on a part-time basis as one of the options?  You don't want my $? 



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10 hours ago, David Bryce said:

You guys say you offer custom programs - why can't you offer advanced help on a part-time basis as one of the options?  You don't want my $? 

We offer the enterprise packages, which, in part, contain a level of custom development requirements. There is not actually a 'part-time' thing that can be done for development really. There are costs to keep it up to date with the software, support costs for ongoing issues etc. This is not to mention the removal of key developers from other tasks which need to be performed on the core product.  

10 hours ago, David Bryce said:

As I've mentioned to brother Jordan several times, I wish you guys had a way for us to purchase support without having to sign up for the ENTERPRISE Program.  I need qualified help with the forum and am happy to pay for it.....but I don;t need almost any of the other things Enterprise offers.

We certainly provide support. We simply do not provide development. 


With the issue in question here. Do you want it removing entirely so that you can re-add it, as we discussed yesterday?

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It's not development I'm after - sorry for being unclear.  I'm just after someone who knows the system to spend a bit of time helping me work out a few of the bugs.

This situation is a pretty good example.  I've ben trying to install this app and get it working since Sunday.  Not only is it not working, it seems to be screwing something else up in my community.  I'm guessing there are folks there who could fix this pretty quickly....and I wsh there were a way I could pay one of them to take a look at it.

In the meantime, the link brother Jim provided above for an alternate solution (which I had already found earlier)  is unfortunately over my head.  I'm basically a musician who ended up owning a cool little forum community, not a computer guy. 😬





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Unfortunately, that's not something we are able to provide. We can only tell you what the issues are with our core product. You are looking to work out a few bugs, and if you post those here we can certainly advise. However if those bugs are with a 3rd party product, we will let you know this, and let you know to contact the author. After all, those are items we have not actually developed. 

With regards other items such as running the site itself. I can only really suggest getting an administrator to work with you who is a little more technically minded, if its something that you are struggling with. While we can advise on what to do, and provide instructions on how to do things within the core product, we are unable to do those things on your behalf.

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Again, not looking for someone to do things on my behalf, nor asking for any freebies....just looking to see if I can hire someone who really knows your system to help.  It seemed like that might be the best way to go if it was available.

If the developer decides to help, hopefully I'll be able to get this working.  

Maybe I should have paid more attention to the fact that the only comment on this app's page is another user saying it doesn't work. 🤔

Thanks, Marc!



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Its really not clear here what you are actually looking for there. If you are not looking for someone to do things on your behalf, nor looking for someone to develop, and just looking for someone to 'help'. What help is it you are asking for? If its with an the application in question, its another users application. They can advise what is incorrect.

They asked that the files were removed. I've offered on 2 occasions above to do this. The first time I found it to be installed, so needed clarification. I then asked again 2 posts up if you would like for me to remove it entirely, then you can continue with the author, and you haven't yet responded to that. So at present you are offering to pay for a service of which even if we charged for, we are unsure what it is you are asking for above what we have already offered



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It sounds like some of the things you're asking for is outside of IPS' normal realm of support...  if that's the case, this might be a great opportunity to look at some of the various 3rd party service providers who might be able to step in and fill the gap for you.  


You can hire them to help with whatever projects you need assistance with.  Just realize they're not agents of IPS and that you're hiring them on your own without IPS getting involved with it.  

There are several great resources there.  I've personally used a couple for complex projects for my own sites.  

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