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Upgrade Errors

Alex Scott1

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so i was using the upgrader and im getting these errors during the upgrade process and im kind of stumped. i checked the permissions for those files and they are set to 664



If you are sure the files have been uploaded correctly, make sure the permissions are set correctly on them.

  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/api/topics.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/extensions/core/EditorLocations/Forums.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/modules/admin/forums/settings.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/sources/Topic/ArchivedPost.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php
  • /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php


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This being the case, you need to revert to the backup taken before you upgrade, and uninstall forums from your admin CP at System->Site Features->Applications first of all. This is happening because you have an application installed that you are not licensed for.

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