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Fresh Installs or Upgrades Finish but not Finished.


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You've just completed an upgrade or installation and the web-based process says that the upgrade/install is DONE.

So then you attempt to go to the new site and you get a warning that the site is still being upgraded/installing.

But it was done, right?  Right. It was and is.  But the code in the site that is triggering that message is in the Dispatcher.php

It took me a while to finally see what the answer was -- it was too obvious.   What was missing is that I had to adjust the conf_global.php AFTER the upgrade/install was completed by adding this line:

$INFO['installed'] = 1;


The `Dispatcher.php` line in question is this, in version 4.x at least, on or around line 75 there is this test:

 75                     else if ( !isset( $INFO['installed'] ) OR !$INFO['installed'] )
 76                     {


The message you saw that the site was still being updated after the site installation was indicated DONE is due to this test. It's looking for the discrete in `$INFO{'installed'}`.

There's good reason to not patch the Dispatcher.php -- it'll cause the overall system to complain that you have "modified" files in your baseline installation.

But the check of your baseline software configuration does not check `conf_global.php` contents.  That's where the fix is and that's what I missed before.

So, if you run into this problem:

  1. You install/upgrade
  2. It reports being DONE
  3. but the site is still not viewable

then you can find this by looking at the httpd logs (that's how I found out that the Dispatcher.php was tripping over this)

Then check your `conf_global.php` add the discrete that you are installed.  Then reload your public URL to the site.  It should load up fine.



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