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We can no longer be communities with members alone and left to their own devices.

When a member registers in a community, he is behind his screen, alone and isolated, left to himself.

Today Internet users have become more demanding, we can no longer afford many things like 20 years ago.

For example, we will use zendesk to respond quickly to a guest because he wants an answer right away and does not want to wait.

Can you add the possibility of using a system like calendly so that each member can choose a day and a time to be reminded in order to have live audio or video support.

It could be a right for each new subscriber of 15 minutes for example, or a support time to buy.

It could be the sale of coaching hours etc.

That the support team can fill its hours available for support and that each member can choose with whom he wants, the day, the schedule...

 a choice free, or paying, or offered at registration (in number of minutes)...

After 20 years of post and message, it is time to deepen and review the relationship of the community.

Weird that sales sites have already implemented this, and that IPS is supposed to be a system to help members continue to be satisfied with just a written forum.

  • Management

What sort of integration with Calendy would you like? From your description, simply posting the link would make it visible but it's probable that I'm missing what your intentions are.

I do agree that it's definitely time to deepen relationships with the community, but that really comes from the people managing the platform, not the platform itself.

  • Author

in fact, I'm trying to go with the suggestions that any product that already exists and at a reasonable price can be integrated by API, so it's better to integrate it rather than ask you to develop it.

This is to better focus on the real needs such as the core of the site, management of members, groups, exchanges between members and in groups etc.

I gave as an example, calendly but it could have been one of their competitors, or why not see to improve the calendar of IPS so that it can contain similar options.

Because it is not too obvious when using external applications if it asks members to register but which should not be the case here.

and if that was the case maybe zapier could help, I don't know.

You know, before I was for a super design site, etc... but I understood that simplicity is more than enough today

I also understood that it is above all the quality of the content that takes precedence even if it is delivered by email, not necessarily in a great site...

for example there I will not ask you for an LMS to classify content because there is a need for more important things before.


42 minutes ago, Matt said:

What sort of integration with Calendy would you like? From your description, simply posting the link would make it visible but it's probable that I'm missing what your intentions are.

I do agree that it's definitely time to deepen relationships with the community, but that really comes from the people managing the platform, not the platform itself.


Providing even quality content isn't enough if it isn't read, but it stays on top of that.

Today we also arrived especially at having to provide micro information, easy to read and to consume

What do you propose then for the content to be read?

What I propose to you is that each member can be properly followed by a staff member with different objectives according to each community and with group workshops on different themes to keep interactivity and a social spirit.

Put yourself in my place as a non-developer, you tell me, here is a quality forum for becoming developers, full of quality articles and mutual aid.

I register but I will quickly desert.

Why not offer to be directed to registration by a member of staff.

He will be more confident knowing that he is followed by a person with certain knowledge and who directs him in the path to take, weekly objectives?

the calendar for example to choose a time or you choose a schedule for personalized help on zoom or by telephone.

the first meeting at registration could be used to know the new member his objectives, what are his needs in resources...

to be able to fill in his profile so that each member of the staff can know more about him and his needs.

which group would be the most suitable for him to integrate. Groups with sharing workshops on a theme live on zoom...

I think it's become more and more difficult to absorb content. in e-learning, we are now talking about micro-learning, social learning, group, gamification, integration of live private lesson hours (greatly reducing the dropout rate)

I would say that the dropout rate in e learning without live lessons is surely over 90%.

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