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'Record Comment Posted' Achievement Rule Not Unlocking For Records Associated With Forum Topics


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I'm not sure if this has been resolved with the 4.7.0 Beta, but wanted to raise this in case it's flown under the radar - I'm currently testing the Achievements Rules and it seems there is a little bug related to the 'Record Comment Posted' Rule set under certain conditions.

I have a 'News' database on my test install (records are called 'stories') and it is set to post associated topics into a particular forum (let's call it the 'News' forum). I then set an Achievement Rule for:

  • When [Comment/Reply is posted]
  • And [it is a Story Comment] THEN:
  • To the User Making the Post (in this case, the comment user) [Award Badge] AND:
  • To the User Who Posted The Item Being Replied To (in this case, the user who wrote the news story) [Award Badge]

The idea is that, a news writer will post a news story into the CMS, that creates both a Story record and an associated Topic in the forum (both of which comments exist as they are integrated). Then, another user will comment using the CMS (not posting a reply in the topic).

In this setup, no reward is given to either user.

However, I had a little think and changed the Rule so that instead it reads:

  • When [Comment/Reply is posted]
  • And [it is a Post]
  • And [the topic is in the forum News] THEN:
  • To the User Making the Post (in this case, the comment user) [Award Badge] AND:
  • To the User Who Posted The Item Being Replied To (in this case, the user who wrote the news story) [Award Badge]

This works, when the focus of the Rule is changed to the Forum Topic and not posting a Comment on the CMS. While that is a valid workaround, it's not the experience I want to offer or incentivise (I want to reward people for going to the actual CMS Page record and post a comment there, and reward that behaviour - even if the comments are merged with the Topic [so technically it doesn't matter where a user posts the comment], I want to reward users for exploring all areas of the site).

I also wanted to test the Rule for when a topic is Copied to (News) Database and THEN commented on via the Pages CMS, but I didn't get round to that. I figure that might not work either, if the basic "post a comment in the CMS side of a linked record/topic" fails to reward users.

Again, not sure if it's something already seen and flagged for fix, but thought it was worth mentioning. Thanks!

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We have taken a look at this, and while we can understand the confusion its actually working as intended at present. It would not be something that would be a straightforward change to make to account for the fact they are being posted in topics unfortunately. 

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Hi Marc - a bit surprised how it can be seen as working as intended? As I mentioned in the OP, the specific Rule not being triggered is when a user makes a Comment in the Pages/CMS version of the article, not the Topic that is created from that article.

Just to clarify the actual issue:

  • An article is created in Pages/CMS
  • This automatically creates an associated Topic in Forum - this is expected behaviour
  • A user that posts a REPLY in the TOPIC is not rewarded the Achievement - expected
  • A user that posts a COMMENT in the PAGES ARTICLE is also not rewarded - not expected

It is this last bullet point that I am flagging as a bug. Hopefully this clears up any confusion, but if the argument is that somehow IPB considers a Pages Article a Topic, then I'd have to disagree with that.

I appreciate that it likely isn't a simple fix to sort this out, but I would say that it is definitely worth fixing as it seems to be an unexpected broken element in your otherwise great Achievements system.

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