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[BUG] Message in commerce product form using the wrong ID

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In the product form, inside the Product Settings TAB, there is a setting named Show purchases in client area and Admin CP? which hides the Association header/message/setting when disabled.


The message

If you have multiple products which are related to each other, you can allow them be associated with one another to form parent/child relationships.

is currently not being hidden properly because the ID for it is wrong in applications/nexus/sources/Package/Package.php on line 1126:



The addMessage() method doesn't use the language key as ID but generates an md5() hash of it which will never match the ID used in the toggle option. To fix it replace the code with:

$form->addMessage( 'package_associations_desc', '', TRUE, "{$formId}_header_package_associations_desc" );


Edited by teraßyte
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