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Google Adsense for Advertisements

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I've created a Google Adsense account, had it approved and all ready to go. Created my HTML ad code and copied it into a created section in advertisements in ACP.

On my site, the space for the ad is appearing but it's blank. And no ad is showing up. But in ACP, it is giving impessions.

Any idea how to get the ads to appear?

See it here: https://www.ccfcforum.com/



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I can see ads on some of your pages

Could contain: File, Webpage, Text

AdSense needs some time to index your pages for the ads. It needs to inspect the content to know what ad would suit best your audience inside your content. That's why you would see a lot of blanks at the very beginning.

Page impressions by IPS are just page views. This number does not tell IF the ad has been shown, it only shows how often the ad code has been called (loaded) by IPS. Even if the ad is outside of the viewport and could not be even seen, IPS will count a page impression for the ad. So, it is merely a page view rather than an ad impression.

The real number of ad impressions is in your AdSense stats.

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Is there a recommended ad size in pixels for the options given in Advertisements:

Just below the page header
Just above the page footer
In the site sidebar
Fluid view topic listing, between topic rows
After the first post in each topic
After the first topic in each forum

Or is it best to ignore the ACP option, and just use Adsense to Turn on all Ads on the website?

Edited by Trevor Carey
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1 minute ago, Trevor Carey said:

Is there a recommended ad size in pixels for the options given in Advertisements:

Some common suggestions can be found here https://invisionify.com/blog/banner-advertising/

1 minute ago, Trevor Carey said:

Or is it best to ignore the ACP option, and just use Adsense to Turn on all Ads on the website?

If you mean, you let AdSense add ads dynamically, then no. I would not do it, as this way you fully lose control. You also would not be able to reproduce what happens on the user's side. Or what your guests see. It can break your layout without you knowing about it, causing high bounce rates and a bad user experience.

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