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Storage Settings - Movie files automatically

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Hi Jim,

I test on the test site, yes you can turn it off, save, then back to that page, you will see it turn back on again.

Please test on the test site so we know what the problem first, thanks Jim.

I am not testing anything, but just notice this and it better to be turn off since we are not moving any files from other location.


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2 hours ago, abobader said:

Hi Jim,

I test on the test site, yes you can turn it off, save, then back to that page, you will see it turn back on again.

Please test on the test site so we know what the problem first, thanks Jim.

I am not testing anything, but just notice this and it better to be turn off since we are not moving any files from other location.


Believe there is a misunderstanding in what this button does. The default position would always be on when you come back to the page. It only comes into play when you change a storage configuration from one configuration to another and have the system automatically move the files for you instead of manually moving them.

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Many Thanks Jim, well done.

The issue that confuse, the setting option said to switch it off if not need it, as it now, it look off, sure something to be done, otherwise as you explain it, confuse a user, as it do not see it off, I know it do not make any difference, since I know we are not moving anything.

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