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How to Make Topic Reactions Visible in Sync'd Pages Record

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Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is a bug or just something that I've setup incorrectly, but in my Pages database I am noticing that the record's Reactions do not sync up with the associated topic that it is linked to.

To give you an example, I took an existing topic on my forum, in which the original post already received around 20 reactions from other users, and Copied to Database so that an identical Pages record was created from it. However, on viewing the Pages record version, the 20 or so accumulated reactions from the topic are not carried over.


Image 1 above: Original topic, please note the 20 reactions set against the original post plus the one reaction set against the first reply there.


Image 2 above: Pages version of the same record. Please note the lack of any reactions underneath the post (should be on the same line as 'Article actions' and 'Revisions'), and yet the reaction set against the first comment ('You', with the thumbs up reaction) is sync'd.

I played around with some of the settings, and toggled on the option for post authors to be able to react to their own posts. When that setting is enabled, I can see the reactions dialog appear in the correct place on the Pages record, but it seems to be tracking its own number of reactions and not sync'ing with the topic's number of existing reactions.


Image 3 above: Pages record again, this time with the Members > Member Settings > Reputation & Reactions > "Members can react to their own content?" setting in ACP toggled on. Note how the reactions dialog does appear as expected, but instead of displaying the 20 reactions that have already been accumulated through its sync'd forum topic, it is logging its own individual number of reactions.

How can I set this so that any Page record that is sync'd with a topic can share the same number and type of Reactions? It seems very strange that the Database sync feature would sync almost every single other element of a Page and Topic (even Reactions on comments!) but not reactions on the original content itself. Appreciate any help on this, or nudge in the right direction in case I've missed something! 🙂 

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Thanks for the explanation - bit disappointing. Is there a way this can be fixed in an upcoming update when there is time? It seems quite inconsistent with the supposed goal of sync'ing topics and Pages records, and very confusing for the end user (especially when comments' reactions are synced just fine).

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