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Migrate IP.Board 2.3.3 to IPS 4.x

Thaer Salameh
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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hallo we have an old forums which based on IP.Board 2.3.3 which is very old and we want to upgrade new version so that we can use latest php version.

is this possible and how?

our forum database is latin1 but all contents are in arabic cp1256 character encoding.


any help will be helpfull.

we already have another forumn which is based on IPS 4.x we can purchase another one for the old one if we can upgrade it.

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Unfortunately this is not something in which we can provide support, as the 2.x series has not been supported in a very long time. You would need to update to 3.4 as an interim step which is also not supported for quite some time.

This is something in which we can quote on if you would like me to create a ticket for you, or I can move your ticket to community support if its something you are looking to perform yourself?

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